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  1. J

    Oak chips

    Greetings; I misread the instructions on my wine expert kit, and didn't add the oak chips (two small packs) until after I racked into the 6 gal glass carboy. They were supposed to spend their time in primary. What effect do we think this will have ? Did I ruin the batch ?
  2. J

    Propane burner

    Any thoughts on the Anvil ?
  3. J

    Propane burner

    Greetings; My propane burner is incapable of producing a nice clean, blue flame and leaves horrible soot residue on the kettle. The air intake adjustment does nothing, it was cheap and I don't expect much from it at this point. Question is, from experience what would be a good burner...
  4. J

    Renewed activity

    I have a 5gal batch finish active fermentation, evidenced by cessation of bubbling in a three piece airlock, at it was destined to sit another week or more before bottling. Days after the airlock stopped showing signs of escaping co2, it's alive again. . Bubbling like it just went into the...
  5. J


    I've also noticed something odd. Placed fermenter in the freezer with wort at 71°, and the unit called for the freezer to kick on. After getting a bit of vodka from my neighbor, I returned and was unable to open the lid to the freezer. Had to pry it open with something... The three piece...
  6. J


    I have set up a 7 cu ft chest freezer as my temperature controlled space for fermentation, cold crashing, etc. I ran the Inkbird temperature probe and an electrical cord through the side to plug in the heating wrap. I've noticed when using a thermo-well, the air lock freezes if it has Starsan...
  7. J

    Pump issue

    Thanks, yeah so restricting the output slightly....? I will try that next brewday..... Would a stronger pump, or maybe a metal head help at all you think ?
  8. J

    Pump issue

    Greetings; I have this pump, mp-15rm-110, no brand info on the label. Worked great first few times I used it. Today had an issue where it stopped pumping when I was trying to pump boiling wort around in a loop to re-circulate.... I've used this pump to do this in the past, but today, NG. I...
  9. J

    Diacetyl rest

    That's what I'm hoping, thanks...
  10. J

    Diacetyl rest

    Made a starter with Wyeast 2278 and pitched onto the batch made with pilsner malt. Primary at 52 degrees for 8 days. Went from 1.050 to 1.015 and tasted off flavors at this point... It was intended to be a classic pilsner lager all along...
  11. J

    Diacetyl rest

    Ooops. Racked to secondary prior to raising the temperature to diacetyl rest range.. Silly beginner mistake, but now after doing the reading I should have done before hand, it makes sense that the batch would need to be on the Lees during this diacetyl rest period. Question is what to do at...
  12. J


    Greetings; Wondering if the 'fuzzy' refractometer line when trying to get a gravity reading is a function of the quality of the refractometer itself or the clarity of the liquid being measured ?
  13. J

    BrewJacket immersion pro ?

    Greetings; Anyone with experience using this poduct, I'd love your input before I take the plunge. . Seems reviews are scarce and it's a substantial investment...
  14. J


    Pre-boil gravity came up short so I added DME to hit the mark. Everything fine but going into fermenter I'm higher than expected.. Expecting 1.075 OG but I'm at 1.085.. All my volumes were fine, I'm guessing just should have waited to read the refractometer for that pre-boil reading as the...
  15. J

    Adding a pump

    I figured as much with regard to the buyers remorse, will just be an adjustment.. I had it down to such a science before whereas I never spilled so much as a drop. It's just my OCD kicking in. The end result will be worth it in the end I'm sure.
  16. J

    Adding a pump

    Have valves on all vessels, and on the output of the pump to control flow. I'm probably going to add ball valves to the two ends of silicone tubing opposite the pump where connections are being switched out. The pump ends I'll leave just cam-locked, one to the ball valve on the output and one...
  17. J

    Adding a pump

    Have valves on all vessels, and on the output of the pump to control flow. I'm probably going to add ball valves to the two ends of silicone tubing opposite the pump where connections are being switched out. The pump ends I'll leave just cam-locked, one to the ball valve on the output and one...
  18. J

    Adding a pump

    Have valves on all vessels, and on the output of the pump to control flow. I'm probably going to add ball valves to the two ends of silicone tubing opposite the pump where connections are being switched out. The pump ends I'll leave just cam-locked, one to the ball valve on the output and one...
  19. J

    Adding a pump

    Just did a test run with a pump and it seems like I just complicated my life unnecessarily. Breaking connections leads to water (soon to be sticky wort) all over the floor.. Using camlocks, should I be thinking of adding ball valves to the ends of the silicone tubing where connections are...
  20. J

    Grain mill

    Has anyone successfully used the kitchen aid all metal grain mill attachment, or is it impractical due to the quantity of grains we typically grind ?