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  1. G

    YABC-Yet a Brew Controller: BrewManiacEx

    Awesome. I'll try it. The embedded calculators were awesome.
  2. G

    YABC-Yet a Brew Controller: BrewManiacEx

    Vito, how are you? it's been a long time.. Many brews have passed. I'm testing the ESP32-dev, and wanted to know if the older web interface can be used instead of the newer one. I'm having some issues with the network scanning and also the new web interface does not have the calculators. They...
  3. G

    Direct bottle carbing

    Hello, I´m presenting an idea, I´d like to carbonate the bottles directly. Just as it sounds.. Right now I´m carbonating bottles naturally, I usually carbonate with 8g of corn sugar per liter. Carbonation is great and never had any issues with bottles exploding. What I´m trying to achieve...
  4. G

    Batch size/Mashing times/Tº ramps length

    Well, my equipment is automated so temperatures are controlled via sensors, heating is provided through a gas burner, and heat transmission is enhanced by constant wort pumping. There are no issues there. My thoughts come from varying the working volumes inside a "fixed" hardware. When I brew a...
  5. G

    Batch size/Mashing times/Tº ramps length

    Hi people. So, I´ve been brewing beer for some months now, and my batches have come around from 5 to 10-12 gallons. So this is my doubt. How badly does batch size the process (by lengthening Tº ramps)? Also, what should i do about recirculation? I mean. First time I ever brew I did something...
  6. G

    YABC-Yet a Brew Controller: BrewManiacEx

    Is´nt it better to use modules instead of making a fully integrated pcb? ALso you´d have less soldering. At least that's how I made my newest brewmaniac. Pcb only holds sockets and a darlington array. Then everything goes out to different modules.. Also avoided using relays. I think it gave me...
  7. G

    CraftBeerPi - Raspberry Pi Software

    Brewmaniacex has something like that too. While connected to my WiFi networks i can access the controller and watch the process. Turn on or off the pump, etc. After each successful brew has finished you can retrieve the logged data and graphics. I ussually do that and paste it into an excel so...
  8. G

    CraftBeerPi - Raspberry Pi Software

    Ok thanks! That´s what I wanted to know, about the ongoing simultaneous processes. It would be nice that it could control multiple processes simultaneously. I´ll also get a bundle that doesn't contain a LCD screen.
  9. G

    CraftBeerPi - Raspberry Pi Software

    Hi guys. So I´m new to the raspberry but I was in the mood for building a craftbeerpi system. I just have a couple questions before beginning. Can it handle multiple systems at once? For example 2 different mashing tuns? I was going to buy a bundle from aliexpress, should i get one with a LCD...
  10. G

    Show us your sculpture or brew rig

    present mine here. Two 72l kettles; its a krims gas fired brewmaniacEx controlled. Has an immersion chiller, 24kcal burner and washing machine pump for recirculation.
  11. G

    YABC-Yet a Brew Controller: BrewManiacEx

    Do they come with everything soldered on? Or is it just the PCB?
  12. G

    YABC-Yet a Brew Controller: BrewManiacEx

    Is there any advantage on making a fully functional PCB with transistors driving the outputs vs connecting multiple modules and stuff to MCU outputs? I find doing it the sound way much compact and simpler, than otherwise welding many different components..
  13. G

    BrewPi@ESP8266, no need of RPI and Arduino.

    Is this a bug? I cannot change the LCD off timer... Gets me this error. Error at saving information. LCD is always on..
  14. G

    BrewPi@ESP8266, no need of RPI and Arduino.

    Why the hell cannot I upgrade through visual studio code? I compile and "upload" but then it never really upgrades, even though it say the process finished succesfully. I have a nodemcu board..
  15. G

    BrewPi@ESP8266, no need of RPI and Arduino.

    Awesome vito! All clear. I'm fermenting my first batch ever. Will be at 20C° for 7 days, and then to bottles. Small batch though. 12 liters or so..
  16. G

    BrewPi@ESP8266, no need of RPI and Arduino.

    Hello. I'm testing my newly built brewpiless and I'm trying to understand how the different temperature modes work. Is anyone kind enough to explain? Also how do I extract the logged data, or does that have to be done through internet only?
  17. G

    YABC-Yet a Brew Controller: BrewManiacEx

    Alright. The thing is I have to wait 40 seconds for the duty cycle to refresh. No problem with that since brewing 50l will have plenty of thermal Inertia to absorb more heat. Is there a way to avoid the relay reset/update everytime the window set cycles? I hasn't happened again but once it made...
  18. G

    YABC-Yet a Brew Controller: BrewManiacEx

    Yes I did. What does that do? The window set function? Should it be even longer?
  19. G

    YABC-Yet a Brew Controller: BrewManiacEx

    Edited.. Hope you can do it. As you can see mine works flawlessly..