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  1. ChasinABuzz

    Naming a beer, does it matter?

    I'm lucky in the fact that one of my best friends not only shares my same twisted sense of humor, but is basically a giant version of me in every other way as well. He helps me name all my beers and he doesn't eve drink lol. Being a photographer/photojournalist by trade, the graphic design part...
  2. ChasinABuzz

    Fermentation chamber

    That is gorgeous man!
  3. ChasinABuzz

    Fermentation chamber

    I'm more interested in that Chevy! 56 Bel Air?
  4. ChasinABuzz

    Swamp Cooler concerns CONDENSATION?

    Good to know on the 72 hour thing, I didn't know that. I'll keep it in mind for sure thanks! I ended up builded a swamp cooler I'm calling "Optimus" because I got way too into it hahaha. I'll post the results later.
  5. ChasinABuzz

    Whirlfloc for 1 gallon brew?

    I've seen/heard conflicting reports on this and being that this is my first brew with tablets coming up on Saturday, 3 quick questions. 1) If I'm using tap water (we have a brita clip-on for the faucet too as an option?) do I need to pre-boil my water tomorrow to brew with Saturday morning...
  6. ChasinABuzz

    Swamp Cooler concerns CONDENSATION?

    I never thought about using another lid as a catch basin good call. I was also thinking about maybe taking a 20 and 18gal container, putting the smaller one inside the larger one and filling the void with foam insulation almost like a makeshift cooler has anybody tried something like that...
  7. ChasinABuzz

    Swamp Cooler concerns CONDENSATION?

    My concern with the condensation is having a puddle in my closet because A- we rent a small apartment, and B- I have to answer to the woman who is going to lose her mind if she sees a puddle. The chest freezer/fridge idea isn't going to happen. I just don't have the room unfortunately. As far as...
  8. ChasinABuzz

    Swamp Cooler concerns CONDENSATION?

    Hey y'all, So I've come to the conclusion over your help and my own research that I need to build some sort of swamp cooler. Being the purebred redneck engineer that I am, I've got a cool idea for how I can make a swamp cooler out of tupperware that's going to fit all my 1gal carboys...
  9. ChasinABuzz

    Small scale way to lower fermentation temperature?

    Good call I've been using Nottingham. I think I might just start doing double batches of 1gal to get more use out of the yeast
  10. ChasinABuzz

    Small scale way to lower fermentation temperature?

    So it's come to my attention that the main issue I am having is that my fermentation area is too hot. I picked an interior wall closet that gets no sunlight but when you live on the top floor of a tar roofed apartment in Hawaii, it still only gets down to about 77-78 apparently.... Are there...
  11. ChasinABuzz

    Copyright Infringement?

    I think I misunderstood the reach you were describing is all.
  12. ChasinABuzz

    Copyright Infringement?

    Right for non-profit purposes. You still can't run your business with press pool imagery as your marketing. In this instance he could use them yea but I thought you were implying that there's no copyright on any press pool imagery whatsoever.
  13. ChasinABuzz

    Copyright Infringement?

    White House press pool imagery is heavily copyrighted brother lol
  14. ChasinABuzz

    Copyright Infringement?

    That was in my first post.
  15. ChasinABuzz

    Copyright Infringement?

    That's exactly what I said earlier, the chances of anything happening in the beer case we're talking about are 0 - none. And yes you can use someone's work for a basis to expand on in your own, if it's legitimately altered to garçon he original but not show it directly. It's all gray. I...
  16. ChasinABuzz

    Copyright Infringement?

    Oh yea they'll try anything. They picketed us at Bass Pro in Hampton VA because we shot a bird that had gotten inside and couldn't get out and was starving to death. Because apparently we should've just let it suffer because that's ethical...
  17. ChasinABuzz

    Copyright Infringement?

    I think that's their thought process, but where they are going to fall apart is the fact that their main witness has no consciousness to what's happening. So that opens the door to representative groups and when they claim to be that, we're going to see all their trash tossed into the street...
  18. ChasinABuzz

    Copyright Infringement?

    Hahaha I know right?! I think it's hilarious that an image has gone from the usual "who owns it" to now people in the photography world are having heated discussions about the definition of a "sentient being" hahaha
  19. ChasinABuzz

    Copyright Infringement?

    If they are going to take the time to ask, they will make you prove your name matches the copyright in the metadata. If the metadata is gone they won't print. It really just depends on how diligent of an employee you get but if they're diligent enough to question it in the first place they're...