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    What are you drinking now?

    Just had the New Belgium Hemperor. It was about as Dank as a beer can get. It smelled illegal and my burps tasted like magic brownies. Glorious.
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    Kombucha Beer

    I was also going to suggest blending, if it doesn't work using one fermentor.
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    Newbie from New Zealand

    For equipment, it really all depends on what your end goal is and you don't have to go crazy/broke with buying equipment. You can upgrade with increments and every piece/system has its own learning curve, and most are not essential and only create more hasselhoff in the long run. The equipment...
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    Newbie from New Zealand

    +1 to Maris Otter being a great malt to work with. Munich is another good one to use. Also, even people who know what they're doing will goof up a batch (although much less often than a beginner, and we have the "option" to blame it on the equipment ;) But there isn't much to worry about when...
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    Japanese/asian hops (Humulus japonicus)

    n3lson1: Any chance of getting a shipment of Japanese hops to Florida? I would guinea pig the hell out of myself to find out and since there's been no updates, I suppose the only way to find out is to brew with them. Ideas on how to approach it: 1. Using only Japanese Hops 2. Using Japanese...
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    New Hops Grower, ID Japanese Hops ? Drop down to Cultivation, reference point 9: "The bruised leaves are refreshingly aromatic whilst the flowers cast a pleasing scent" My line of thought is: Unless it will get you sick or has proven to be a poor...
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    New Hops Grower, ID Japanese Hops ?

    Has anyone tried brewing with them? If they turned out to be tasty that would solve the "invasiveness" problem.
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    Japanese/asian hops (Humulus japonicus)

    It's an ingredient that was historically used in brewing (gruit), also a damn good tea and finding out it was related to hops was a bonus. I haven't brewed using only nettles, but based on the gruit cocktail I'll make and the tea, I could see nettles being used as a dual purpose. The...
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    hop spider affect extraction?

    The only way to tell is to split a batch, A/B it and see for yourself. Everyone will have different answers regarding using a piece of equipment or method... Especially those who have yet to try it :cross: I for one, am a fan of Hop Spiders.
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    Molasses one of those "a little goes a long way" ingredients, but if you can get the ratio down your taste buds will thank you. But it's absurdly potent and if you add too much of it, the only way to save it is to mix it with fresh wort about to be fermented. I've had good luck with the latter...
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    Japanese/asian hops (Humulus japonicus)

    It's about time someone got started on this family reunion. :mug: Also, it should be noted that nettles are also a close relative and I've had good results brewing with them.
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    Hop Seeds?

    Thank you all for the knowledge. Nagmay: Hell yeah! Although, I'm sure most brewers don't even consider it, being that most commercial whole hops have the seeds removed and rhizomes are readily available if you can jump on them in time. And from what I'm reading, it appears to be a task...
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    Hop Seeds?

    I bought wet Centennial hops from the local homebrew store, and found a boatload of seeds while going through them. :ban: I understand that I may get a male plant and that if anything grows it will be of Centennial heritage rather than what would be considered a true Centennial and that I...