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  1. Acaciadrian

    Electric Brew Kettle

    I am open for diy or prebuilt but I don’t want a full single vessel system like the grainfather or brewers edge just a nice efficient electric kettle. I would like to keep it as affordable as possible but am willing to pay for quality.
  2. Acaciadrian

    Electric Brew Kettle

    Hey everyone, seeing that it’s the middle of winter here in MN I’m getting a little tired of having my burner out on the deck. I am thinking of investing in an electric kettle and need some suggestions. What would you suggest or not suggest?
  3. Acaciadrian

    No yeast activity after 36 hours

    It’s rolling boys and girls! Thanks all for the reassurance! Little adjustment to the temp and it took right off!
  4. Acaciadrian

    No yeast activity after 36 hours

    I bumped the temp up by a few degrees and it took right off! I am sure I jumped the gun with the post but had never had an English strain kick of so slow!!
  5. Acaciadrian

    No yeast activity after 36 hours

    I aerated as I normally do by using the immersion chiller to stir it up and make sure I see lots of bubble in the wort. I know this isn’t perfect but I have had no issues like this in the past. I will go ahead and wait it out a little longer. Thanks!
  6. Acaciadrian

    No yeast activity after 36 hours

    So here is the run down, I brewed a rye ESB this Saturday and the brew day went without a hitch. I mashed at 151, hit my OG of 1.054 and was able to cool my worth down to 60(F) within about 15 min. I pitched a single pack of WLP 007 Dry English with no starter due to time constraints 37 hours...
  7. Acaciadrian

    Specific gravity help...

    The reading is more than likely correct due to the addition of additional sucrose but you need to remember that that is going to be eaten off once bottled. Did you use a calculator to determine your addition amount and carbonation level?
  8. Acaciadrian

    Bottle Dregs from NB Le Terroir

    I have a bottle of 2015 Le Terroir from New Belgium, anyone have success pulling dregs from these?
  9. Acaciadrian


    Yea it’s a simple set up and virtually hands off but yes you will have to have a second fridge in your apartment unfortunately. However as @Konadog mentioned there are other options to keeping it cool that don’t require a fern chamber. I lived in Phoenix AZ here in the states for a couple years...
  10. Acaciadrian

    How much is 'dregs'b

    Just a personal suggestion but with that time frame I would go ahead and just pitch the vile that you have and let it roll. Brew on!
  11. Acaciadrian


    I have been In the same situation in the past and I can speak from experience that too warm of fermentation will have a dramatic effect on the beer. In your words the “taste of poopy” is a potential off flavor. If you are able to get a fridge that would be best and I use an InkBird ITC-308 and...
  12. Acaciadrian

    How much is 'dregs'b

    I think you will get to the same end point regardless of the pitch amount. Once the culture has built up and is getting to work the race has begun :) the more you pitch the faster that Brett will get to work and the less stress/shock the yeast will go through. In the past I have made starters...
  13. Acaciadrian

    Talk to me about Campden tablets in regards to Fruit additions

    As far as satiation of the vessel, in this case it s Big Mouth Bubbler that the fruit purée will sit in. I have heard that the gas release of the potassium metabisulfite tablets will actually sanitize the vessel. Is that something you have ever done or do you just sanitize the vessel prior to...
  14. Acaciadrian

    Talk to me about Campden tablets in regards to Fruit additions

    Hey all! Here is the meat and potatoes. I have two different beers in the fermenters right now and both are going to be racked onto fruit now that fermentation is complete. One will be kegged the other bottles. I have read that you can use Campden Tablets to make a fruit purée to sanitize the...
  15. Acaciadrian

    Consistently low OG/SG

    I never even thought of the fact that all of these recipes (except one)have had a large percent of the grist made up of Wheat Malt! That could definitely be playing a huge part in it! Water has been the same and I do use Bru’n and BeerSmith but I’ll make sure that everything is calibrated...
  16. Acaciadrian

    Consistently low OG/SG

    Hey all the last 5 brews or so I am consistently coming In a good .009 to .012 below my target (about 62% efficiency). My equipment and methods have stayed the same and I have even played with the grain mill settings at my LHBS. Mash temps are holding consistent in the tun and I have done both a...
  17. Acaciadrian

    Stickers for Keezer

    I definitely will but I’m in a pretty remote area of MN so I don’t get to breweries super often unfortunately
  18. Acaciadrian

    Looking for Beer Stickers!

    Definitely will but I live in a pretty remote area in MN and there is only one brewery located within 90 miles so it doesn’t happen to often
  19. Acaciadrian

    Stickers for Keezer

    Anyone know wear I can get some beer stickers? Just finished a second keezer and need some flare for it!