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  1. martyr

    Extract vs all grain

    It makes sense with the crazy bubbles for one day then nothing
  2. martyr

    Extract vs all grain

    Yea, I'm gunna add some sugar to it and see where it goes. I feel like it couldn't hurt to mess around with it and see happens.
  3. martyr

    Extract vs all grain

    The og was 1.69 and I pulled some out to get the current gravity and it was 1.27
  4. martyr

    Extract vs all grain

    Yea I got the og. So basically it's no good?
  5. martyr

    Extract vs all grain

    Looks super heavy
  6. martyr

    Extract vs all grain

    My thought was that it will probably taste like crap but maybe it will have a bit more of a % since it was 3 gallons short. And my friend said it might have a poor after taste since the grains were too hot. Idk hopefully it will turn out alright live and learn I definitely learned a few things.
  7. martyr

    Extract vs all grain

    Well... I'll start off by saying it was too much grain for the pot I have. So I started with the grain( all 37 lbs of it) I wasn't sure of how I should do it. my first thought was to do it out of the bags, but I tried using them anyways. A crapy attempt at a biab I suppose. But after I added...
  8. martyr

    Extract vs all grain

    Ok so I made my first batch with all grain... I was a bit ambitious and doubled it for a 10 gallon batch witch meant 37 pounds of grain. And well let's just say everything that could go wrong went wrong oh well we'll see how it turns out I guess. I wont let it scare me away from all grain tho...
  9. martyr

    Rehydrating yeast

    That's funny that you mentioned to use two packs of yeast I thought the same but that's what it called for so I stuck with it. I'm not to sure on wether not that would make for a yeasty taste in the final product. I'll read up on it, and agin thanks for the input the more I know the better...
  10. martyr

    Extract vs all grain

    For sure. I made my first batch in my buddy's 10 gallon kettle and then for Xmas I got a 30 gallon kettle, kind of a jump but I'll get the hang of it. I need to get more brews under my belt anyway. Just means more beer🍻. Trial and error right? Well thanks for the advice.
  11. martyr

    Extract vs all grain

    Awesome guys thanks for the feed back. I have all the stuff to do it and I think next week I'll give it a try.
  12. martyr

    Extract vs all grain

    So I've had a chance to make two batches of a RIP using an extract, but now I think I want to try my hand at the all grain recipe. Just wanted to see if anyone has any helpful advice on the matter.
  13. martyr

    Rehydrating yeast

    Hmm I never thought of the wort calling for a dry pitch. I'm making a rip, here's the recipe Maybe it should be a dry pitch
  14. martyr

    Looking for extract recipes

    Hope you try it.
  15. martyr

    Looking for extract recipes

    Also if you check out my recipe on stouts you see the pics of fermentation and finished product
  16. martyr

    Looking for extract recipes

    This is he first beer I made also a Extract version but if you like rip's this is one of my favorite not just because I made it but because it's bomb as hell.
  17. martyr

    Rehydrating yeast

    Awesome thanks guys for all the info. I'm gunna brew another batch on Tuesday and I am gunna try the rehydrated yeast and see if it helps. I appreciate all your input.
  18. martyr

    Rehydrating yeast

    Cool thanks for the help
  19. martyr

    Rehydrating yeast

    I've read a few posts about rehydrating the yeast before you add it. I've only made one batch, it was a Russian imperial stout and I just spread it over the top. Is it better to rehydrate it first?