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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. V

    Cut a hole in top of keg, or cut top off?

    I cut a hole in the keg, and I'm very happy with the results. The nice thing about going the hole route is that it's easy to find pot lids to cover it once it's done. And I'll give a big +1 to having the handles... Since I'm still working on my brewstand I have to put my keggle w/wort onto the...
  2. V

    Do you use your Homebrew in cooking?

    I just put some of my mandarin hefe into a beer bread this morning! Yum!
  3. V

    any free mac programs like

    GIMP is always a good program. I'm not a huge fan of the layout, but it's powerful and it works.
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    Can this make my hubby happy?

    I believe it's the butcher's twine that really sets off her ensemble.... :ban:
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    Top improvements you have made

    Letting my beer age. It sounds obvious but I needed the patience to wait to try my beers. Except for the hefes, they all get so much better if you wait.
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    HBT Peace Sign?

    Isn't that the address bar symbol for Craigslist?
  7. V

    15 Gallon Fermenter Table Build

    No, thankfully my parents gave us dissimilar names. It looks like he might be buying my old all grain setup once I've made my new one, so he may sign up here sooner or later. Your conical is damn sweet, I've found a distributor here in Canada for the same brand.
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    RIMS system woes

    By using an ice bath you'll be calibrating it at 32F/0C. Here's a good link: /
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    RIMS system woes

    Most analog can be calibrated using a salt water ice bath, I'd give that a try and see if that helps.
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    Shared Homebrew Space Concept

    All grain u-brews would seem like a better option in my opinion. They do the mash, you steep the other grains, add your hops during the boil and.... you're done until bottling (which is done on their premises). My local all grain u-brew does 10gal batches for around $150CDN, which is a lot more...
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    People that won't drink your beer...

    My wife wasn't a beer drinker until I got into brewing. I would shove a glass of whatever I was drinking in front of her and ask her what she thought. Her honestly allowed me to design some great recipes for those who don't like Gonzo brews. Try getting those who have misconceptions about...
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    15 Gallon Fermenter Table Build

    Wow I missed this thread until now... nice setup! Weird thing is that I'm also a twin, with Dalmatians and I brew beer. The brewing world is a strange one... ;)
  13. V

    What kind of handgun to get?

    There's just something really cool about a 1911. All the the newer versions have some really good mods right out of the gate. My buddy just picked up a Taurus all stainless that we'll be taking to the range soon. That being said, a Glock 17 or a nice Sig is always a good choice.
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    Official Broken Hydrometer Count

    Broke my very first hydrometer after brewing for 3 years. I looked at this thread literally about 1/2hr before the "event" happened... My cocky thoughts were "Jeez... how can these people break them? I'm soooo careful with mine". Then after that I promptly cracked my hydrometer with hot wort...
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    The Mash Tun - 5 gal. Electric Brewery

    Cool, just wondering how the process was. I'm still in the process of designing it right now, but it's going to be electric with an external HERMS. Some of the bits I'll be sourcing through work, but the fittings are an unknown right now. We have a US drop point in Blaine WA that I will probably...
  16. V

    The Mash Tun - 5 gal. Electric Brewery

    Out curiosity, where did you get your fittings and boil screen from? I'm getting my tiered setup planned out right now. Nice setup by the way, it's good to see some more island representation here ;)
  17. V

    First all-grain brewing report

    Sweet, it looks like you're setup for many successful brews to come!
  18. V

    When can I expect my facial hair to fill in

    I've rocked a goatee for around 20 years now off and on... mostly on. I found I needed something to save cotton candy, curry and milk in for later.
  19. V

    So,,,,,how much will I save

    Man, you need to move one province over... In BC we're chockabloc full of awesome craft breweries. On Vancouver Island there's at least 10 or 12 craft breweries and brew pubs that bottle. Craft beers start around $11 for a 6pack. As for saving money on beer by brewing yourself, it is...
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    I had to, it's for the homebrew!

    ...pillow... To keep my head comfortable while I drink from under the kegerator tap.