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  1. F

    Cherry Concentrate Quantity

    Going to experiment with cherry concentrate in an english ale. Plan is to bottle 1/2 of the ale after fermentation is complete and the other 1/2 add to a secondary fermenter with the cherry concentrate. It's a sour cherry concentrate made from Michigan cherries. How do I calculate the extent...
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    Craft The Perfect Draft - Grow Your Own

    Sounds like a lot of work for a $4 yeast package
  3. F

    What craft beer do you secretly despise?

    Vanilla Porters with heavy vanilla extract flavors.
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    Thoughts on this IPA

    Hey brewers, Let me know your thoughts on this IPA and also any suggestions on the extra hop material going into the primary. Boiled 2 oz Centennial for 60 mins then took kettle off heat and added 2oz Cascade and 2oz Citra for 30 mins. The 4oz bag must have ripped and the hops ended up in...
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    Did I ruin this beer?

    Although looks like a lot of hops the overall hops effect is very subtle. I find it very similar in style to Founders Dirty Bastard, which is labeled a Scottish Ale.
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    Did I ruin this beer?

    The toasted malt (1 lb caramel 45 baked @350/10min) was in the background as the beer has a big malt flavor. The hops compliment it well also. Not what I was going for but definitely not ruined. It's good! Hops used were: -60 min 1oz Centennial -30 min 1oz UK Kent Goldings -15 min 1oz US...
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    Does my beer have alcohol?

    If you have a reading with your hydrometer before fermentation starts and after fermentation ends you can use the abv calculator. If you don't have those readings then try the extract-ogfg calculator to get an estimate.
  8. F

    Did I ruin this beer?

    After downloading beersmith2 and putting in the boil volume and late addition the malt extract I am within the parameters for an IPA in all areas. Not what I intended but I am not disappointed now.
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    Did I ruin this beer?

    Beer is doing well. I moved it to secondary fermentor a week ago and dry hopped with 2 oz Liberty hops. The beer looks and smells excellent. I'm going to leave the beer as it is and not mess with it anymore. Will update to close the thread once I have the finish product.
  10. F

    "Craft" beer sales top Budweiser

    Yes, but iPad was not only a new product, it was a different paradigm in computing. With AB the only thing changing is the marketing approach. The product is unchanged so that's not a valid analogy.
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    "Craft" beer sales top Budweiser

    You have to market to your segment. Craft beer is a different segment. Just like you wouldn't market an economy car to someone in the luxury car market. Not going to convince them no matter how much money you throw at it. That's referred to as strategic marketing.
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    "Craft" beer sales top Budweiser

    AB should be focused on putting out a product that the consumer wants. Not trying to convince the consumer to drink a beer that's totally different than what they typically choose to drink. I don't buy the fact people wouldn't drink it because it's put out by AB. If it's a quality product it...
  13. F

    Dry Hopping Technique

    I am doing a dry hop for the first time so I racked the beer from my pail to the carboy then placed 2 oz hops (Liberty) in a hop bag. The hops are floating. I kind of expected them to sink. Is that OK?
  14. F

    what constitutes a high gravity or big beer?

    Is there a particular abv that makes a beer considered big? At what gravity do you need to consider using additional techniques for fermentation like additional packets of yeast, etc.
  15. F

    Diluting Homebrew

    Thanks everyone! I've decided to keep the beer as is at the est ebv 7%. If I understand correctly, more hops are needed with higher content beers so I will try dry hopping.
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    Diluting Homebrew

    Yeah, I will do that for sure good advice. Is there any reason to wait 2 - 3 weeks if fermentation is completed? I took a reading today and it read 1.018. I took it from the spigot on my bucket. Is there any advantage to waiting after fermentation is completed?
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    Diluting Homebrew

    To summarize that with the help of some members we were able to determine the beer should be around 7% abv. The details of what I did are in the "did I ruin my beer topic"( After playing around with the calculators I determined the...
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    Diluting Homebrew

    If I made a beer too strong and it's already been fermenting would there be any problem with boiling my priming sugar in say a gallon of water then adding that to my batch before bottling to get the abv more to what I am looking for?
  19. F

    Did I ruin this beer?

    Yes I let it cool and after adding to the existing beer the fermentation picked up substantially.
  20. F

    Did I ruin this beer?

    I'm pretty sure I took the initial reading after topping off with water so it was probably diluted to begin with as many guessed. It does appear the brew will have an ABV of 7% or slightly higher. Using the link to calculate ABV I see if I increased my batch size to 6 gallons then my ABV would...