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  1. X

    Botched Recipe (added too much Caramunich) Confused by Gravity Readings

    Thanks for the encouragement, I let them carb for 2 weeks and plan on trying one tonight. I plugged the modified recipe (instead of the original i designed before mishap) it into brewersfriend and see that it estimates 1.006 for final gravity. That seemed a bit low IMO, but I'm not complaining...
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    Worst. IPA. Ever.

    Coopers Cave Ale Company-almost all their beers are awful (I would like to see how they brew to figure out how they make it so consistently bad) but the IPA tastes like bitter sweat-socks.
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    Botched Recipe (added too much Caramunich) Confused by Gravity Readings

    Also used Clarity Ferm during fermentation. Not sure that would change anything, but forgot to put in the recipe.
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    Botched Recipe (added too much Caramunich) Confused by Gravity Readings

    I brewed a Belgian amber session ale recently. My first brew in the last 8 months so I was a bit rusty to say the least... This is the basic recipe (5 gallons packaged): 13lbs pils .75 Special b 1.75lbs Caramunich II 16oz Maple syrup WLP 550 yeast (its a beast) 1oz styrian goldings @60min, 1oz...
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    New York Reverse osmosis system.

    Maybe post here if no interest on HBT
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    New KickStarter for an interesting airlock

    Looks like a simple design overall and a bit cheaper than the Beer Bug. Their FAQ does not answer a whole lot of questions I have. How would this work with a blow off tube? When you drain trub from a conical would that mess up the calculations? How about when krausen gets in the device? If...
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    Hangovers and fermentation temperature

    Hefes are my favorite style, but my stomach and head feel like hell when I have them so I avoid now (probably the wheat as I have problems with bread, etc. also). If you have issues with yeast unfiltered styles like a Hefe may affect you more despite the relatively low ABV. Hopefully that is not...
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    Alternative bittering to hops?

    Maybe try bittering the beer with tea leaves. I have had beers with tea "infused" or included in the recipe, but they all had hops also to my knowledge. I have left green tea steeping too long (more than a minute or so) and it creates a lot of bitterness. There are many different types, some...
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    DSM - Company that makes Brewer's Clarex also makes enzyme pill

    Thanks for the input, I agree that the cost of G testing at this point seems to make it less likely on a commercial scale. I do not have Celiac (so I'm intolerant, sensitive, whatever you want to call it) and am trying to limit my exposure as much as possible. Personally I would try your beer...
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    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    I started a thread on a slightly different topic (adding an enzyme like CF to a "normal" beer rather than treating the entire batch during fermentation) and wanted to post some related info here: I contacted White Labs. They responded said the main reason that Clarity Ferm is added during...
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    DSM - Company that makes Brewer's Clarex also makes enzyme pill

    I guess I am really good at hijacking my own thread... I contacted White Labs as I had no response from DSM. They responded said the main reason that Clarity Ferm is added during active fermentation is that the turbulence helps keep the enzyme in suspension better. In a fermented beer it would...
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    DSM - Company that makes Brewer's Clarex also makes enzyme pill

    Ordered some called GlutnGo which is made with Tolerase-G. Going to give it a try with a regular beer and see how I feel after. Drank 2 New Belgium Glutiny and felt pretty normal, so I am hoping my next batch brewed with Clarity Ferm will work out for me. Otherwise the neighbors will benefit...
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    DSM - Company that makes Brewer's Clarex also makes enzyme pill

    I have been reading up on here about Clarity Ferm, and Brewer's Clarex. I am brewing a Belgian Dubbel currently and added Clarity Ferm for the first time. Hopefully it will produce beer that is more tolerable to my cranky gut :tank: I came across a product by DSM (the manufacturer of Brewer's...
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    Mashing with a Sous Vide Cooker

    I have done several batches with an Anova One Sous-Vide. Probably my best All-Grain brews to date. I heat the strike water with a propane burner, then use the Anova to maintain mash temp. Haven't done multi-step mashes but seems like it would be very easy. As noted above I also learned that it...
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    Are long-aged sour beers GF? anyone here tried one?

    I do not have an answer for this but some information on Sourdough bread that may relate to this in certain ways. There has been some research done about Sourdough breads being tolerable for those who are diagnosed with Celiac. Many of the same "bugs" in a sourdough starter which break down...
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    Catalyst Fermentor Kickstarter

    I guess I am just impatient, bored and like looking at beer :) When fermenting/cold crashing I like being able to see what is going on. It is not really that big of a deal but it gives me a little reassurance on what is going on. Pledged my $$ to the Kickstarter. I never go by the "expected"...
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    Catalyst Fermentor Kickstarter

    Things I like about this design: Having a "generic" container for the valve is a plus. Don't mind paying a little extra for a more durable and temperature resistant plastic. I like my better bottle, but have never felt good about the flimsiness of it and is not rated for higher liquid temps...
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    "Mojito" beer?

    Just made an unfiltered wheat beer with fresh peppermint (5 gallons: ~.5oz added at flameout, ~.5oz added after fermentation calmed down), coriander and honey. Also dry hopped with Perle (2oz for 2 weeks) which complimented the mint nicely. I would say it's sort of Mojito-like. I did not...
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    Mint Beer?

    Just to follow up on this, the bitterness from adding the mint at flameout has pretty much dissipated. I added some mint leaves during fermentation and it actually added a nice "cool" characteristic to the beer (german style wheat). I used peppermint which tastes a little more "harsh" than some...