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  1. I

    How Many Gallons of Mead 2016!

    10 gallons this year, total -5 gal is a classic Mead with 2013 honey from a local apiary. -5 gal is another classic Mead from a 2015 honey, same apiary. I've read that the fresher the honey the better. So I can't wait to get some fresh 2016 honey and see
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    Stainless vs. Copper Counterflow (w/ results)

    Sorry didn't mean to post this here, but I can't seem to find the delete post button.
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    How long would a yeast cake remain viable?

    I cannot apologize enough for taking this long to get back to you fine folks. Had to take a bit of a hiatus, but I'm now a licensed electrician! So that's good. Back to the experiment. The beer made with the fresh wyeast 3068 was amazing as ever. With regards to the older yeast cake: all the...
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    How long would a yeast cake remain viable?

    I wish I had more info for you Ed, it will be a few more days before i grab a f.g. and have a chance to taste it. But I will keep you posted. There is a lot of info on here for sure.
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    How long would a yeast cake remain viable?

    Fermentation is still going strong in all three vnessels, both the new and the old yeast cake both of which are (wyeast 3068.) Are smelling of delicious banana. Which is the way i like em!
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    How long would a yeast cake remain viable?

    Well that took longer that i could have guessed. Took about 30 hours and she is off to the races. It will be neat to see if it attenuates as much, and then of course it will be interesting to taste.
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    How long would a yeast cake remain viable?

    It's funny you mention that. I watched an hour pod cast by Jamil saying that exact same thing. I find it counter intuitive that he mentions lager yeast lasts longer than hefes.
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    How long would a yeast cake remain viable?

    So I did make the trip for the fresh yeast. I put 5-6 gal with that, 3 gallons got fermentise dry wheat beer yeast. And about another 3 gallons I threw onto the old yeast cake. After 12 hours, the old yeast cake is the only one that hasn't started. The other two are going strong. I do hope it...
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    How long would a yeast cake remain viable?

    Thanks everyone for the input, its nice to have some different perspectives. Easiest would be to throw it out, and this is what i have done in the past. I will keep you posted as to what i decide to do. Perhaps picking up the new yeast and brewing ten gallons and split it up half on the old...
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    How long would a yeast cake remain viable?

    I'm sure it does not, that is also an awful lot of slurry to pitch. Do you have any acutal advise? Rinse it, don't rinse it? Make a starter, perhaps step it up? I'm sure ideally all of the above. What if it comes out delicious, it could be a fun experiment. In any case I will keep eveyone posted.
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    How long would a yeast cake remain viable?

    Just a fun update. I checked the mr. Malty site. And with the info i plugged in, it says 900ml. Im guessing that is just straight slurry, not making a starter.
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    How long would a yeast cake remain viable?

    Ya mine smells good aswell. I'll have to make a starter a day early to make sure. An I'd like to avoid the long drive just for a yeast. I will update, but we will see what happense. Ive had beer on yeast for a while with no ill effect.
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    How long would a yeast cake remain viable?

    Thanks everyone for the advise. Im transfering a lager tonight. Ill give it closer look tonight. Thanks again
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    How long would a yeast cake remain viable?

    My main concern is with autolysis ( i think that's the word I'm looking for) basically im worried perhaps some yeast have died and I would hate to ruin a fresh batch of beer. Or wort. But it sounds to me like I am good to go. Finally got a mini fridge, so i can start storing and building up my...
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    How long would a yeast cake remain viable?

    I brewed a hefe about 3 months ago. On bottling day i left a few inches of beer on the yeast cake. It was in the fridge for about a month, and now it's been out for about 2 months, the ambient temp is around 16 celcius or 61 Fahrenheit. Can i use this yeast for a beer this weekend?
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    How to rotate pics when posting on this site from cell phone.

    It worked, thank you!! I had to crop it for it to save a new copy it seems, but worked fine thanks again!!
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    Can I add lactose on bottling day?

    Finally, sorry for the delay. Had some picture flipping issues.
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    How to rotate pics when posting on this site from cell phone.

    It seems when i take a pic and try to put it on this site, it is always on its side. Even if i go into my phone and rotate it, it's either 90 degrees out to the left or right. Using a galaxy s3. Maybe I just habe to take it in landscape mode to begin with?
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    Can I add lactose on bottling day?

    Picture coming asap. I cant help myself. I pour the beer, telling "myself I need to take a picture and post it" And Bam the beer is gone.