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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. N

    The Homebrew Review: Barley Crusher Grain Mill

    We have used this barly crusher for 3 1/2 years. Lately, we have been having trouble with crushing our barley. The rollers lose their bite and do not crush the barley We have adjusted the gap multiple times, narrower and wider. Eventually we had to set the gap wide to get it to work, then...
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    Frigidaire Model FRC445GB Mini-Fridge Kegerator Conversion

    I built this Frigidaire Keggerator and it lasted about a year and a half. I unplugged it for three weeks and it failed to cool when I plugged it back in. The compressor is running and I can hear freon moving through the coils. However, the output from the compressor is not cold. Has anyone...
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    Frigidaire Model FRC445GB Keg Conversion

    I built this Frigidaire Keggerator and it lasted about a year and a half. I unplugged it for three weeks and it failed to cool when I plugged it back in. The compressor is running and I can hear freon moving through the coils. However, the output from the compressor is not cold. Has...
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    Saison Citra Saison

    I am glad it worked out for you. Thank you for sharing your results. You should post your modified recipe. Let me know when you do.
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    Saison Citra Saison

    Ian, Looking forward to hearing the results of the modified recipe.
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    Saison Citra Saison

    ride in circles, Glad you enjoyed the recipe with your modifications. Sorry to hear you lost half of your keg. Thank you for sharing your changes.
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    What's your profession?

    Naval Officer about to retire next year after 28 years.
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    Saison Citra Saison

    Sounds interesting. Would like to hear how it turns out. Let us know.
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    Saison Citra Saison

    We've simplified the hop schedule. As originally posted, the recipe called for a small amount of Saaz as a first wort hop (we had homegrown hops at the time) and a small amount of Columbus for bittering (we were a little short on IBUs). The main post has been updated to show the new hop...
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    Saison Citra Saison

    Scurvymeat - let us know how it turns out.
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    Saison Citra Saison

    The recipe is for 5 gallons. We double it for a 10 gallon batch. Not a dumb question - always good to clarify.
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    Saison Citra Saison

    We used a Wyeast smack pack. It worked well.
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    American Sour Beer – Book!

    Great! Looking forward to reading it. We have begun brewing our own sours and will use it as a reference. We enjoyed brewing the dark sour with you last November (Modern Times Kick Starter reward). We learned a lot and enjoyed the tastings. I am sure the book will be a big success...
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    Saison Recipe Recommendations

    We have had good results with our Citra Saison recipe. This is our third iteration of this recipe and we are pleased: Happy brewing!
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    Hello from Virginia...

    Sheldon, Thank you. Sounds great!
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    Hello from Virginia...

    Doctor, Thank you. Glad to see another NOVA brewer here. Are you a member of BURP? Brewers United for Real Potables: I have been meaning to attend one of their gatherings.
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    Hello from Virginia...

    …Alexandria Virginia. I have been brewing with a friend, a fellow expat from Michigan, for three years. Our first two batches were extract kits, but since then we have been brewing all grain. We started with 5 gallon batches and bottled, but now split 10 gallon batches and keg. We have...
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    Saison Citra Saison

    Citra Saison Ingredients: Grain 8.00 lb Pilsner (2 Row) Belgian (2.0 SRM) 72.70 % 2.00 lb Munich Malt - 20L (20.0 SRM) 18.20 % 0.75 lb Wheat Malt, German (2.0 SRM) 6.80 % 0.25 lb Acid Malt, German (3.0 SRM) 2.30 % --- 11.00 lb Total Grain Weight Hops: 3.00 oz Saaz [3.00 %]...