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  1. Z

    Leaky tri-clamp ball valves

    There are two of these, one on either side of the actual ball. When I got the valves apart, I didn't keep track of the location of either one, and may well have switched them from their original place. Could this have been avoided by leaving them assembled and boiling them instead?
  2. Z

    Leaky tri-clamp ball valves

    I attached a pic of the exact model I am using. The body disassembles with a pair of crescent wrenches. You can see the seem here where the face of the flange meets the valve body.
  3. Z

    Leaky tri-clamp ball valves

    Hello, brewers- I have two new to me tri-clamp ball valves that started leaking after I cleaned and reassembled them. After fermenting a few batches in my new (to me) Stout conical fermenter, I decided that I should disassemble the ball valves to clean and sanitize, on the advice gathered...
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    Danstar belle saison yeast

    It's a beast. Fast starter, early finisher. Low FG at sub-1.008 for me using it a few times.
  5. Z

    Wine grape hybrid beers - how???

    Saison du Vin kit from NB. It was and extract kit with a quart of white grape juice concentrate dumped in the late primary. Same stuff they use at LHBS for wine making. Super tasty.
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    Yeast allergies?

    I am allergic to peanuts. I also have a sensitivity to some beer varieties and I think it is due to the yeast types. Some esthery hefes and super funky Belgians get my mucus membranes activated and my stomach hurts.
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    Various questions regarding Rogue ceramic bottles

    I used CLR to remove graphics from Stone Brewing bottles. CLR did not work on other brands, like Coronado Brewing Co.
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    What's in your fermenter(s)?

    4 gallons on NB black IPA.
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    Super Brew Sunday

    With all the other food prep going in, no time here for brewing on Super Bowl Sunday. We will, however, be drinking my first-ever kegged brew: Rye of the Tiger IPA from my LHBS. The 50-yard line at Levi's Stadium is 4.9 miles from my living room but with the redonk ticket prices, it might as...
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    Pulley Question

    Cinch the bag using the included drawstring. Then using your pulley line, tie a miller's knot around the top of the bag under the lump created by the cinched drawstring. Lift away!
  11. Z

    For those that bottle:

    Someone on this forum suggested filling a couple PET bottles along with your glass ones. Give the plastic ones a squeeze to better tell when the batch is carbing up. I got some Mr. Beer ones a while back and they work well for this purpose.
  12. Z

    For those that bottle:

    Heh. That's the idea. Especially with bigger beers. A bomber of RIS is too much, for me, alone anyway. A twelver of that is more suitable. Plus my wife likes my brew but doesn't always want what I want or a bomber's worth ever. So, I mix up my bottle sizes.
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    For those that bottle:

    I like half bombers and half twelvers.
  14. Z

    Filling a keg with bottled homebrew?

    Well alright then. Thanks for the advice. In the bottles it stays.
  15. Z

    Filling a keg with bottled homebrew?

    Hey there beer people- I have most of an extract batch in bombers that has serious chill haze for about 2-3 weeks before clarifying due to lack of hot break on brew day. I'm happy with the taste and eventual appearance, but takes up shelf space while this happens. Could I keg the already bottle...
  16. Z

    Submerging bottles in warm water for conditioning...

    I bottle condition in bomber cases. If cooler than desired, I slip a heating pad under the beer and turn the pad on low.
  17. Z

    Re-using commercial bottles

    All of my 100+ bottles are reclaimed- mostly from parties or from a beer market that serves bombers nearby. I've gotten to appreciate plastic labels that peel off without having to soak off. In a pinch, Stone labels can be stripped using a soak in diluted CLR.
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    Wort Chiller Woes

    I go with the pond pump through ice water to get down to pitching temps and save water. Pump was $8 on Amazon.
  19. Z

    Northern Brewer Plinian legacy - your experiences ?

    In addition to what's already been posted above, you should plan on some kind of scheme to filter dry hop sludge during transfer for bottling. That caused some excitement for me but did not affect taste as far as I can tell. Also, my wife conducted a blind taste-off with the real PTE and my...