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    Was actually thinking about that, glad you posted that
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    Does this color look right?

    Yeah that's the only thing I can think of, that it may have stalled and then cleared and started again. It was active like crazy the first two days then nothing. Looks like from searching it may be the yeast acting back up causing that cloudy look. Air lock doesn't show any bubbles or anything...
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    Does this color look right?

    Yeah thats what I figured, was just worried about some infection or something as its hard to see or tell b/c of some of the left over krausen, not the actual krausen ring, but the bits and pieces above that make it kinda fogged up looking. Going to leave it another week, and its cool this week...
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    Does this color look right?

    Read about Moss but totally forgot when I started this kit lol, kit didn't mention anything about it. Being in South FL I have it in a swamp bucket in the other bathroom with a towel (now a shirt) wrapped around it. Fermometer got wet and peeled off, so I've been checking the water with my...
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    Does this color look right?

    Been two weeks, could swear when I switched the blow off tube to the air lock the beer starting getting clearer like after that first week. We'll I went to change the water in the cooler (swamp bucket) just now and the beer is totally opaque and a different color then before, almost murky...
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    Central Florida brews

    Cigar City is good, actually don't like Cracker. Maduro Brown Ale is good too. Usually always have Jai Alai around in cans. If you look more South though, much as I love Funkys HopGun, Due South Category 5 is one of my favorite IPA, so damn good. Same for Saltwaters Stinger, always grab that in...
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    1-Gallon Brewers UNITE!

    With the BBS 1g kit I have, I want to do BIAB instead. Basically do you just ignore the kit and instructions and just go BIAB route as if you had bought all the grains etc separate at a LHBS or online?
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    Wife got me 1G Brooklyn Brew Shop kit

    Better late then never, just haven't had the time and honestly forgot about this for awhile lol. So finally getting around to it, think I'm going to go BIAB route though to make it easier vs multi step and multiple pots etc for the kit, and read the efficiency etc is far better BIAB route. Going...
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    Going to Colorado. What are some hidden gems?

    Oskar Blues has a good restaurant, separate from the brewery. Hit it up last year but that was Sept when they had the floods so couldn't go to a lot of breweries.
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    What was your Gatewaybeer to craft beer?

    The thought of that makes me gag lol. Even before I got into craft beer I always though Bud was nasty haha. That and Bud Ice, I remember buying a case of that for my sister and her friends when I turned 21 and thought hey this will be awesome b/c the bottles look cool. Nope, was pry the worst...
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    Any home brew clubs in the Ft. Lauderdale/Pompano Area?

    opps missed it, is that the page to follow about meet ups?
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    How to store coffee beans

    Some miss information here, first fridge is about the worst place for coffee b/c of moisture and light. Freezer is fine long as you do it correctly. I freeze my beans when they arrive, broken down into batches in zip bags placed inside ball caning in jars. Ball Caning Jars are freezer safe, a...
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    How to store coffee beans

    Double post
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    Going to Colorado. What are some hidden gems?

    Upslope Brewery is great and pry not known unless your from Colorado. Tommyknocker is great in Breckinridge, Imperial Maple Nut is ridiculous on draft. Oskar Blues is awesome, when we were there a bunch places were flooded out last Sept (lefthand was under a few feet of water) so we went to the...
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    Any home brew clubs in the Ft. Lauderdale/Pompano Area?

    Great meeting you guys, good beer and chats. I didn't leave the couch when I got home, was exhausted lol. Bring wifey next time, our schedules are hectic and always running around, so hopefully we can make more of the meet ups.
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    Any home brew clubs in the Ft. Lauderdale/Pompano Area?

    So is it 11:30? Is that the normal time other meets were at? Just want to be sure
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    Favorite Brand of Coffee?

    Starbucks is about the weakest, they burn their bbeans beyond charred leaving little caffeine, the darker the roast the less caffeine. Try some fresh roasted medium or light, not bought in a grocery store, you'll get a caffeine wallop lol. Plus Charbucks taste like liquid cigarettes.
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    Peanut butter porter

    Funky Buddah by me does one called No Crust that's ridiculous, smells and taste like a PB&J sandwich. Would think it'd be something just good to taste but not really drink, but Ikept ttaking my wifes glass lol. They told me how they get the peanut butter taste but the jelly part is secret lol.
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    What was your Gatewaybeer to craft beer?

    Fat Tire about 10 years ago. Drank Miller, Mich, Corona etc, never cared for them but still drank. Then Fat Tire opened my eyes, then too Sierra Nevada, Avery, Tommyknocker etc and dozens of others created the monster I am today lol :D
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    Any home brew clubs in the Ft. Lauderdale/Pompano Area?

    If I can make this Sat meeting at Funky, what do I bring? I haven't brewed yet, and what time?