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  1. P

    Wanting to switch to electric

    I finally switched to all electric myself earlier this year after getting tired of brewing outside in the cold weather. I ended up incorporating a lot of equipment I already have such that I'm still doing a 3 vessel brew with re-circulation but I could easily use it for eBIAB if I wanted to...
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    Keg Priming

    I believe it has to do with headspace. The combined headspace of all your bottles is significantly greater than the headspace in a single keg assuming the keg is nearly full. As a result less of the CO2 produced goes into the headspace and more goes into the beer thus requiring less overall be...
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    Residual Sweetness Using Table Sugar to Boost OG

    It's probably not the table sugar specifically but if you're boosting your OG high enough you could be going beyond the limits of whatever yeast you're using resulting in a higher than expected FG.
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    New Hydrometer

    If you've brewed before without using a hydrometer then you probably already have a good sense of when fermentation is done so there's really no need to take more than one FG reading. Just wait until you would normally assume fermentation is done and ready to bottle and take a sample then to get...
  5. P

    Who makes good kits?

    I like MoreBeer in large part because their all grain kits come with the grain individually packaged in 1,5, or 10lb increments. It makes modifying a recipe or completely repurposing a kit practical. They are also decently priced and offer fast and cheap shipping.
  6. P

    two keg kit from Northern Brewer?

    I bought that kit from NB 5 or 6 years ago when I first wanted to start kegging. You could possibly hunt around and save a few bucks buying everything separate but not much and you'd still have to consider shipping costs. So I'd say it's a pretty good deal especially if you are getting a kit...
  7. P

    10 cu chest freezer or 7 cu?

    Personally I have three 7cu freezers from three different manufactures (2 keezers, 1 fermentation chamber) and none would hold 4 corny kegs on the floor. A 2.5 or 3 gallon keg will fit on the compressor hump to give me four total but if you want four full sized corny kegs you'll most likely...
  8. P

    Don't Do That.

    When turning on the hose for your wort chiller don't have the output hose pointed at your bare foot.
  9. P

    New KickStarter for an interesting airlock

    Wouldn't this require a perfectly airtight fermentor (aside from the airlock of course)? There is a FAQ which addresses several points of contention as to how this actually works (or doesn't) and they make no mention of CO2 escaping elsewhere besides through the airlock.
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    Goin yo make my 1st fruit beer, raspberry chocolate stout, technique opinions??

    I typically keep a raspberry wheat on tap and my preferred method is to add raspberry extract into the keg when I transfer. Seems to work pretty well for me. I did use canned puree for my first couple of batches but switched for two reasons. 1. the sugar in the puree ferments and I prefer...
  11. P

    Homebrewing on on the cheap?

    There was no daily maintenance. I water them occasionally, maybe weekly depending on rainfall. Last year I felt there was too much rain so I barely watered them at all. I put a simple pole for each to climb up and pruned them a few times. All in all not a whole lot of effort. Certainly if I...
  12. P

    Homebrewing on on the cheap?

    Maybe I just got lucky, but it wasn't all that much effort for me. I suspect growing hops is much like everything else in brewing where it can be - relatively speaking - as easy or as complex as one wants it to be. The only part that was really time-consuming was harvesting them, but I'm not...
  13. P

    Homebrewing on on the cheap?

    One suggestion I've yet to see is to grow your own hops. It takes a little bit of extra effort, some patience, and space depending on how much you want to grow but it's worth it if you're trying to save money. I've planted a few rhizomes over the last couple of years and had mixed success...
  14. P

    Don't Do That.

    When you first get into kegging and accidently put the liquid disconnect/line on the gas post causing it to get stuck don't remove the line from the disconnect in order to "get a better grip". Especially if the keg is already pressurized.
  15. P

    Circular braid vs. false bottom

    It's the easiest initial setup but having gone from the bag to a braid recently myself I found the latter far easier each brew. The hour or so I spent building my braid and setting up the cooler was easily made up for after 2-3 batches of not having to clean a mesh bag afterwards. Hosing out a...
  16. P

    How old is too old for crushed grains?

    I had looked up information on this very same question for myself several months because I had purchased quite a bit of crushed grain which I've yet to use. From what I gathered as long as it's stored properly - sealed, cool and dry - it can last quite a while. Possibly 6 months to a year...
  17. P

    Things about your co-workers that annoy you

    My wife often says "fustrating", usually in reference to something I'm doing. I refuse to acknowledge her frustration until she says the word correctly. She doesn't find it as funny as I do.
  18. P

    One bucket only

    I've never had any problems doing so. The buckets I have and most the ones I've seen have the spigot well above where the trub and yeast will settle once fermentation is done. It can make getting the last couple of bottles out a pain without getting too much trub in the bottle but otherwise it...