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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. L

    Tasting My First Batch

    Hey All, I brewed NB's Irish Red extract kit as my first batch. (2 weeks primary, 2 weeks secondary, 3 weeks in the bottle). I threw a bottle in this morning and finally tasted it (9 hours in the fridge). I'm happy to report my first batch was a success except for maybe the color being a bit...
  2. L

    Interested in getting this keg setup whats it worth??

    I bought something like this on craigslist and let me suggest... Making your own kegerator route if at all possible. Why? Bc the brewer in you will soon want not one but two taps for your homebrew and will find yourself paying upwards of hundreds of dollars replacing the tower anyway... Sent...
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    Any other lovely lady home brewers out there?

    I suppose I could change it to beer... it would still work... but... NEHH. :fro:
  4. L

    Any other lovely lady home brewers out there?

    Awesome, nice to meet all of you. Thanks for the warm welcome! :)
  5. L

    Any other lovely lady home brewers out there?

    Thanks for responding! Nice to meet you too! :ban:
  6. L

    Any other lovely lady home brewers out there?

    Fear not, my male reproductive organ carrying fellow home brewers. I was just curious to see if any mammary gland carrying home brew peeps existed. I kinda wanted to start the "Not-just-the-nagging-girlfriend home brewing association of amerrrcuh". I might have problems with recruitment :/
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    Bavarian Hefeweizen fermentation help

    Report back when you have taken readings over at least 3 days... I think anyone here will probably tell you to see if there are changes... If so, it needs more time.. Also what is your fermentation temperature?
  8. L

    Any other lovely lady home brewers out there?

    Andddd crickets... ha!
  9. L

    Beer Geeks vs. Beer Snobs?

    Yes! I have converted many friends... the difficult part is giving them a craft beer they will like... I have had friends who drink the macros and helped them realized they're in love with Imperial Stouts and the like.. Inside my head I'm always like... "Welcome to the dark side" -insert...
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    Reasons for starting home brewing?

    That's interesting, you must have been pretty curious to brew something you weren't a fan of... haha... :rockin:
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    Beer Geeks vs. Beer Snobs?

    I like this, I think it is a pretty short, succinct definition. Interesting what different people think of the two...
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    Beer Geeks vs. Beer Snobs?

    What would you say, if anything separates a beer geek from a beer snob? I think beer geek has a more positive connotation... Some of my bud light drinking friends get a little intimidated when I start talking about craft beer... I am very conscious of trying to not sound pretentious... but...
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    Reasons for starting home brewing?

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums and thought it would be interesting to see how people got into the hobby. I brewed my first batch about a month ago and will bottle this weekend and brew the next batch. I already have my next 4 batches lined up and planned. Its proving to be quite the...
  14. L

    Any other lovely lady home brewers out there?

    Hello all, I'm new to the forum from sunny San Diego. I realize home brewing tends to be male-dominated. Just wondering if there are any other lady home brewers out there! :ban:
  15. L

    Hello from the MS coast.

    Grew up in Biloxi but I'm in San Diego now. The brew scene is much different to say the least...