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  1. gatomalo

    How much DME addition for a partial boil?

    Well more water will dilute the concentration of the sugar solution. So there has to be a balance. FWIW I would have simply done a full boil simply to avoid this situation of not knowing how to control the outcome. I was helping a friend so it wasn't my call. I'm still left scratching my...
  2. gatomalo

    How much DME addition for a partial boil?

    I was using your SG number but my volumes to get the 23.8#. Checking my notes, heres what we had: Preboil SG was 1.051 and V was 3.5 gallons Enter 5# DME Postboil SG was 1.093 and V was 5 gallons
  3. gatomalo

    How much DME addition for a partial boil?

    So going with a 3.5gal pre-boil volume (which we would top off to get to 5gal... this comes out to 23.8 lbs of DME... which is not correct. Would I have to account for boil-off and make an assumption of how much water I'd have to add in order to hit 5gal? Part of me is embarrassed that...
  4. gatomalo

    How much DME addition for a partial boil?

    Over the weekend I was helping a buddy with a Tank 7 clone and his first partial mash. I made the switch from extract brewing straight into full boil, all grain so I'm not really familiar with DME additions - his recipe called for 5lbs of Pilsen DME. The question I have is how do you calculate...
  5. gatomalo

    Help Oktoberfest won't carbonate!!

    did you ever get your beer to carbonate? i definitely didn't taste anything sour the first several times i tried it... but last night i cracked open a couple of mine, and unfortunately it appears my batch was infected. very sour and no carbonation. i believe my issue came during the process of...
  6. gatomalo

    Primary Fermentation

    racking cane goes into the beer. simply avoid letting the siphon/racking cane form picking up the trub at the bottom, or the krausen at the top. i generally try to rest the racking cane on the sidewall of the bucket.
  7. gatomalo

    Primary Fermentation

    you get your ABV when you reach your final gravity, not at an intermediate reading. an intermediate reading might help you later do decide when to move to the secondary. some people choose to move the beer at 80% for example (if your OG started at 1.080 and FG is 1.015, 80% would be 1.052)...
  8. gatomalo

    Help Oktoberfest won't carbonate!!

    what likely happened is that your yeast dropped out of suspension during lagering. they make yeast (i believe its actually a champagne strain) that is used specifically for bottling in these scenarios. i used it on my dortmunder earlier this summer, and probably should have used it on a scotch...
  9. gatomalo

    7.2 CF Chest Freezer - $160 @ BestBuy

    Ha that's too bad. Looks like it went up to $190. Weird. One thing I noticed yesterday was that the 5cf model was more than this 7cf. Maybe they realized and changed the price.
  10. gatomalo

    7.2 CF Chest Freezer - $160 @ BestBuy

    Part of my morning routine (errr distraction) involves checking out deals. I think it has something to do with daydreaming about an unlimited budget to support my hobbies... Here's a good one on new chest freezer...
  11. gatomalo

    Staples selling stock pots and more - good deals

    saw this today and thought i'd share -
  12. gatomalo

    Efficiency 96% too good to be true... first AG batch

    So how do you get to 74%? I'm assuming PBG is correct. Volumes were measure/calculated using volume of cylinder (dimensions of my pot and height of wort on my mash paddle). I think those are safe assumptions.
  13. gatomalo

    Efficiency 96% too good to be true... first AG batch

    by the way, i don't assume i did everything correctly here on brew day. in fact, i had the wort chiller hose pop off as i inadvertently plugged the outlet switching between buckets. small splash of hose water went into the wort. a whole heck of a lot ended up on the patio floor as i scrambled...
  14. gatomalo

    Efficiency 96% too good to be true... first AG batch

    Well that might make sense pre-boil but my post-boil OG was higher than predicted. Is this a calculation error or a matter of process?
  15. gatomalo

    Efficiency 96% too good to be true... first AG batch

    BrewToad has my calculated/predicted OG at 1.055... in my brews, I'm usually 1pt or two below. I bought the grains for this recipe from the LHBS - they mill and bundled it all up for me. I didn't think to weigh it out, but I wonder if they goofed and I ended up with more grain. Assuming I...
  16. gatomalo

    Efficiency 96% too good to be true... first AG batch

    Avangard Pilsnen 4.25 lb Avangard Vienna 2.5 lb Munich 20L 2.0 lb Caramel/Crystal 20L 1.0 lb Aromatic Malt 1.0 lb Carapils 0.5 lb 6.7 Gallons (not 6.6 as stated earlier) 5.5 gallons
  17. gatomalo

    Efficiency 96% too good to be true... first AG batch

    I'm under the presumption that my pre-boil gravity is off. After a brief lesson on the various efficiency, I further don't think it's possible to have the same gravity pre- and post-boil. Boiling off water should result in a higher density volume.
  18. gatomalo

    Efficiency 96% too good to be true... first AG batch

    I'm not sure I understand the difference? My sample was taken from my kettle once I reached pre-boil volume... about 6.6 gallons.
  19. gatomalo

    Efficiency 96% too good to be true... first AG batch

    No temp correction. Reading was done once it cooled to 60deg (it was a cold day in TX last Friday...)
  20. gatomalo

    Efficiency 96% too good to be true... first AG batch

    I didn't understand it at the time, and was more worried about getting my boil started. But I didn't put much faith into the reading. I figure my post poil OG reading was more worthwhile. I probably should have dumped and taken a new reading. How much of a difference should I have seen...