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  1. S

    New England IPA Blasphemy - No Boil NEIPA

    Had to say thank you to the OP for this recipe. I used it and stayed pretty close (although, I got stingy and only used 4 ozs of hops, not all 6), and I have to say, it was quite good. This was my second time trying a no boil recipe (after years of all grain) and I have to say, it's nice to save...
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    Pilsner Appley Taste

    So, I've had something similar once, it tasted distinctly like apple or cider, but not really in a good way. I'm pretty sure there's a bacteria that produces that, common with fruit flies... I think on mine, I had open fermented, and definitely had some fruit flies fall in or get into the...
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    Belgian Dubbel Vespers Abbey Dubbel

    Thanks, Ron, I really have no idea on the foam issue as I only bottle. I made the candy syrup and had a bit of trouble as well... It turned out deep red like wine, but I didn't raise the temp back up to 240 or stir in the water so well, so I ended up with 1/2 a mason jar of sweet red water, and...
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    Belgian Dubbel Vespers Abbey Dubbel

    Brewing this in a few days, adding a pound of pilsner to make sure I hit my OG, and subbing Mount Hood for the Tett cause I have it on hand. Can't wait! Making the candy sugar tomorrow!
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    Weissbier Bee Cave Brewery Bavarian Hefeweizen

    Hey TX - thought I'd take a shot at your questions, not sure how much help I'll be as I've only been brewing for 2 years... Q1 - Wheat to Pilsner ratio? -- This one I have no idea about. I'm fairly sure that a 5% difference in both as base grains won't make too perceptible of an impact. As long...
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    Belgian Tripel Belgian Trippel (2006 World Beer Cup Gold Medal: Dragonmead Final Absolution clone)

    So, I made this about a year ago, and while my recollection is hazy, I think I used a yeast calculator and went with about 2 quart starter made with one vial, which undershot the amount needed for 'probrewer' setting, as I figured two smack packs undershot as well. For temp with wlp 500, I...
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    American Wheat Beer Rye Pale Ale

    Sorry for the late reply... I'm pretty fed up with my own mistakes here in brewing... I used to brew in a bag, with solid results consistently. Then, made the leap to a large mashtun, and didn't reread any information about mashing. It might have been the crush of the grain, but I think I've...
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    American Wheat Beer Rye Pale Ale

    Ack... Amazing how googling the problem can take you to the solution. It looks like I've been overcrushing my grain. I read somewhere that since rye was smaller grain, it helped to run it through the mill twice, so I just threw my grain bill through the mill twice, figuring I'd get better...
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    American Wheat Beer Rye Pale Ale

    Eh, I wouldn't put too much stock in me getting a bit of off flavors... It seems to be an off and on issue for me, and I can't quite trouble shoot it correctly. In any case, I made this with: 6.5 # marris otter 1.5 # rye malt 1.5 # Munich 1# honey malt .5 # catapults .5# rice hulls .4 ounce...
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    American Wheat Beer Rye Pale Ale

    I'm not sure which Munich malt I used in the recipe, but I do think I'd cut down on the Munich and honey malt if I brewed this again. My bottles are young at about three weeks from brewing, and it tasted like the flavor just hasn't melded yet. I might have some astringent flavors due to too high...
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    American Wheat Beer Rye Pale Ale

    Sweet! We'll have to compare notes in a few weeks! The krausen is just now settling down on mine... had some sweet smells coming out of the fermenter... I think I pitched yeast a week ago, so I'll probably bottle in another week. I think I ended up with about .3 ounces left of centennial from my...
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    American Wheat Beer Rye Pale Ale

    Brewed this up yesterday with the substitutions I mentioned previously. Also, enjoyed my first hassle free brew day... everything went totally smoothly from beginning to end, and I ended up with an 80% efficiency for an OG of 1.060. Woot woot! Can't wait for this one to finish, I think it's...
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    American Wheat Beer Rye Pale Ale

    Yes, I usually do, but I'm no-chill brewing, which isn't always well accounted for on the calculators I've used. Also, I just haven't dialed in how long to boil, how much I lose due to boil off, and consequently, how much bitterness I'll end up getting from FWH. But thanks, I just checked out...
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    American Wheat Beer Rye Pale Ale

    Thanks! Left all 1.5 in there, I'll post with how it turns out. The grains smell amazing... can't wait to taste the wort. I'm still playing with the hop schedule to keep my IBUs under 42 or so. I've made the bee cave rye ipa twice - once was perfect but I messed up carbonation, once I played...
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    American Wheat Beer Rye Pale Ale

    I'm making this recipe this weekend. It sounds great in everyone's comments. Two slight changes I'm making: 1) substituting summit to make this a 1-hop beer with all centennial. One ounce at 60, .5 as FWH, and .5 at 5min. 2) I'm planning on upping the base malt to 6.5 lbs. to slightly boost...
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    Belgian Tripel Belgian Trippel (2006 World Beer Cup Gold Medal: Dragonmead Final Absolution clone)

    Bottled this last night, and man, my hydro sample tasted great. Nice and spicy, with a tiny bit of clove flavor, this is going to be a great beer. For the record, I fermented at 66, and slowly raised to 70 over a week based on the comments in Brewing classic styles. With the all-grain recipe, I...
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    Specialty IPA: Rye IPA Bee Cave Brewery Rye IPA

    Bottled this one two weeks ago, after three days dry hopping with Chinook. The aroma is phenomenal, and the flavor is great, waiting abit longer for my bottles to fully carbonate. (And, trying not to drink it all before that happens.)
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    Belgian Tripel Belgian Trippel (2006 World Beer Cup Gold Medal: Dragonmead Final Absolution clone)

    Brewed this up and pitched the yeast yesterday... solid krausen and bubbling in the blow off jug already. I used a 2 liter starter, which should be enough yeast. 66 degrees and the yeast seems awfully happy! I did have a little bit of a low gravity, still dialing in my all-grain process. Ended...