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  1. theoriginalryan

    DIY Thermoelectric Temperature Control

    Once it starts actively fermenting the TEC can not keep up with that amount of mass. (5 gallon of fluid is a lot of mass to keep cool) The best bet is just to go to a pawn shop and buy a small fridge some college kid pawned off and start from there, you will get much better results, with less...
  2. theoriginalryan

    DIY Thermoelectric Temperature Control

    what you are saying makes sense, but trying to use a TEC to do this just doesn't. you would just be better off hacking up a micro fridge and going from there. TECs just cant put out the watts of cooling that is needed easily.
  3. theoriginalryan

    DIY Thermoelectric Temperature Control

    or just skip it and throw it all in a fridge and save the headache. As some projects go, i think this one might be more of a pain then it worth. Want something cool to do, ive seen a pulse jet engine camp stove(has it own name, just cant remember what it is) that could boil a gallon of water...
  4. theoriginalryan

    DIY Thermoelectric Temperature Control

    I did some test before i got in to it good, what i found is that a peltier system is just not really going to have enough watts of cooling power to cool a actively fermenting brew. I cant remember the exact statistic, but it was something like every .004 of gravity dropped, temp rises 2 F...
  5. theoriginalryan

    Austin Homebrews belgian trappist ale kit

    Hey, brewing up a belgian trappist ale kit from AHS and it seems to have been going for a while now, Started it on 6/9 and still bubbling today. When should i start to worry? og 1.082 have not checked the SG, trying to leave it sealed. Ryan
  6. theoriginalryan

    Brewing in Tallahassee,FL

    isn't there a geo that works at the local radio? wouldnt be you would it?
  7. theoriginalryan

    Prune Beer

    Interesting info. I think i have all this stuff in the form of drinking related products. Vanilla Vodka, Grand Marnier, Amareto, and probably 3 different rums. Wish me luck, i might need it tommorw. Ill tell ya how it taste
  8. theoriginalryan

    Finishing Off a Saison

    mine went good for 8 days, vigorous fermentation. Blew off the airlock on the FIRST day, so i had it on a blowoff tube the whole time. went from 1.063 to 1.011
  9. theoriginalryan

    Finishing Off a Saison

    why i didnt say this earlier i do not know, but a week ago i bottled a sasion. after about 4 days fermenting i cover it in a sleeping bag, with just the blowoff sticking out. It climbed up to 79 from 70 on it own, just from the ferment. i Tasted it at bottle, was good, but seems quite dry...
  10. theoriginalryan

    Finishing Off a Saison

    the heat wrap idea is a interesting one, but i dont think it would work. They dont seem to make that much heat, it would probably get disapated pretty quick. They only last a couple hours also, and they are not cheap. Best bet would probably be to just go get a heating pad for walmart. They...
  11. theoriginalryan

    Prune Beer

    Yes, because if he makes a jig for it he can kick out 300 an hour, polished.
  12. theoriginalryan

    Prune Beer

    interesting idea. I Think i have a hefeweizen on hand, and i know i have amaretto(swmbo). Maybe ill give is a shot(pun intended)tommorw and ill tell you how it turns out. Thanks for the then info. Edit: you said light lager, i read light ale. Guess ill have to wait....makes more sense...
  13. theoriginalryan

    Prune Beer

    My sister love Dr pepper. I want to try to make a prune beer for her. I was thinking a Belgain Trippel, with some extra Special B, Partial mash. Anybody have any input. Im not sure what amounts i need to use, i guess that is something beersmith would help me with?
  14. theoriginalryan

    Collecting bottles for bottling / priming

    I just keep a 1 gallon glass cookie jar in the corner of my sink with water and some bleach in it (maybe a tablespoon). I poor into a glass, wash out the bottle and stick it in the jar. Holds about 3, and the next day the label is floating in the jar, usually. Then the go upside down in a 6...
  15. theoriginalryan

    Murphy's Law? Murphy must have been a homebrewer!

    Well, it could have been worse...somehow. Atleast you got to finish it, and that i would call a success.
  16. theoriginalryan

    Collecting bottles for bottling / priming

    mine used to jump from the top of the wardrobe on to my head or shoulders, on the middle or thie night bathroom trip. Glad he grew out of it, is 15lbs now(big tomcat). Im glad i could help with the redirection of this thred.
  17. theoriginalryan

    48 Quart Coleman Folks, what are you Getting for Efficiency Numbers?

    what about water? what type of water are you using and what type is he? I think ph can mess with you eff right
  18. theoriginalryan

    DIY Thermoelectric Temperature Control

    im guessing you gave up on this project. Break my heart to, because i have about 20 TEC's that i need a use for, and i wanted to try something like this with it. I think the biggest problem with the system is the hot side of the element. If you are sticking a heatsink with a fan on the hot...
  19. theoriginalryan

    How much have you spent?

    Well, i could put my homebrew cost to date up here, but they would be small since i have only started. What i can do, for a comparison, is put my cost of personal computer equipment for the last 3 years, which is as far back as a i have logged. With the cost on monitors, big video cards, and...
  20. theoriginalryan

    Calling and Central FL Brewers

    you might want to try and get in touch with a local bew club. here is a link with a bunch in Florida on that note, im on board for a noob brew if one gets going. Ryan