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  1. J

    Kefir cheese - please tell me all about it.

    OP here, let's be nice.
  2. J

    Kefir cheese - please tell me all about it.

    Will try! Thanks!
  3. J

    Kefir cheese - please tell me all about it.

    My shirt cheese turned out wonderful. A brilliant first attempt. Can anyone tell me about using baking soda to calm the acidity? I mean perhaps after draining the curds. If I understand correctly, this would affect what microbiota can grow in there. I'd like less acid but don't want to eat...
  4. J

    Can I "clone" bleu cheese?

    Kefir contains pen., but it isn't pen.Roqueforti, which is the right one for a bleu. How do I know? Already researched. Left disappointed. :(
  5. J

    Kefir cheese - please tell me all about it.

    OK, I've got some fresh Kefir-Laban chilling in the fridge. Strained it through an old T-shirt. It's a really shirty cheese! < rimshot! > Seriously, I seasoned it with S+P, and a touch of garlic, dill, and oregano. It already tastes amazing. Can't wait till tomorrow!
  6. J

    Kefir cheese - please tell me all about it. Here's something from his site. He heats plain milk and then adds kefir. I suppose this both pasteurizes the kefir and helps get a clean break. Do you have any thoughts on this process?
  7. J

    Kefir cheese - please tell me all about it.

    Ah, yes! Dom's site is da' bomb! Been reading that since the early 00's. I like his cheese. At least the pix looks great. Thanks for the braindrops! I'll put them to good use. -John
  8. J

    Kefir cheese - please tell me all about it.

    @bernardsmith I've seen nice looking cheese wheels and stuff on the net made with Kefir. So I'm wanting to try it. I'm also a very experienced cook, vintner, brewer, and beer drinker. ;) Please tell me some more about your kefir-based cheeses. What kinds do you make? What do you think are...
  9. J

    Kefir cheese - please tell me all about it.

    I'm an experienced Kefir maker, but took a long hiatus from it. So, I've got my new grains and am waking them up. When they are ready to rock some cheese (after a few weeks multiplication), I'll be ready to start. I'd really love to make a Kefir Bleu. And a Kefir Camembert. And Kefir...
  10. J

    Brew-Boss Giveaway! 20 Gallon Kettle

    Count me in! Thanks!
  11. J

    Can I "clone" bleu cheese?

    Awesome, thanks! Can I "blue up" a Queso Fresco?
  12. J

    Can I "clone" bleu cheese?

    Wow! I didn't realize you guys were so into this. Please tell us an easy BC recipe using grown-out crumble cultures.
  13. J

    Can I "clone" bleu cheese?

    Think I will. I've saved yeast from wine and beer, I've grown EM for my bokashi, I've done excellent kefir, kombucha, and water kefir, made kimchi. I make excellent garden soil, too! One could say I am a micro-organism man. One better not, but it could still be said. ;) Thanks! -Johntodd
  14. J

    Can I "clone" bleu cheese?

    Can I take store-bought BC crumbles and use them to inoculate a regular plain cheese I make here at home? Thanks! -Johntodd
  15. J

    Games you like to play when drinking (not drinking games!)

    While drinking? I applaud or condemn you. Right now I can't decide which b'cause it's new years eve.
  16. J

    I've got a boatload of cherries...

    That sounds good, I'll do that.
  17. J

    I've got a boatload of cherries...

    Unfortunately I know nothing about them. They are the cherries planted here years ago by the birds. They are moderately sweet, slightly tart. A boatload is about 10 gallons in ziploc bags. So where are you going with this? Should I brew up a 'wort' or 'must' and aim for a certain SG? I...
  18. J

    I've got a boatload of cherries...

    ...and nothing else but Danstar Nottingham. Can I ferment the cherries into wine with the Notty?
  19. J

    2016 Hop Growing Thread

    I just harvested a small quantity of Cascade and a second flushing of Brewer's Gold. I'm excited! Both are first year plants.