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  1. I

    Simple setup?

    But assuming you don't want to go that route...seems to me from what you describe that a false bottom for your cooler mash tun would make things significantly easier and would be a very minimal change/cost. That would work nicely as well as adding stainless steel braided hose to the cooler...
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    Brewjacket feedback

    I have the Brew Jacket Pro which I purchased after my keezer which was made from a freezer purchased new with an Auber Instrument Temp Control. My keezer performed flawless but I bought the Brew Jacket as an experiment and well, the fact I love brew gadgets. I haven't lagered with it but for...
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    Bench Capper vs Hand Capper

    I had two red "wing hand cappers" that I used forever but using the newer Agata bench capper that self adjusts like the one you linked and a Blichmann bottling gun i actually had a fun and speedy bottling session. It greatly improved my bottling sessions.
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    Fav fermentation vessel?

    I think you're looking for alternatives but personally I'm still good with my carboys. I use alternatives to glass at times (Betterbottle), but the tight seal and easy cleaning are good with me. I'll live with the more difficult transfers compared to other fermentation vessels. cheers
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    2017 Galaxy in stock! Farmhouse.

    My buddy and I split a pound. Great price.
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    Temp Controller Overview

    Nice write up. One question I have though. Is the fuzzy logic feature a good thing from the perspective of the compressor in the refrigerator or freezer? I thought the reducing the power to the compressor was a no go. in your example given of heating I can see it but I'm curious from a...
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    High FG Question

    I think you adding a temperature controller will take care of the issue for your next batch. I cellar my big beers (e.g. RIS) in a second refrigerator and at the hottest setting (lowest number) I see 51-53F average temp (monitored w/ a thermocouple). Was 58F your average temp?
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    CO2 tank: inside or outside

    Mine is inside because my freezer is in the garage and during a heatwave in the summer I'm not sure how hot the tank would get midday. Probably extreme but I can deal with replacing gauges better than a tank going boom.
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    How long to store milled grain

    If the "L" in LHBS really means local to your location and you can get there within a reasonable amount of time I would definitely make separate trips allowing you to brew storing the grains for a minimal amount of time. FWIW the longest I stored milled grains before brewing was two weeks and...
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    Does anyone here cold brew? What's your process?

    Home roasted beans 35g/475ml coffee bean to water ratio in a French press for 16 to 48 hours at 39F. Water is filtered and beans are coarse ground just prior to immersion. With a good Sumatran or Ethiopian dry process bean that's freshly roasted I don't even consider buying commercial cold...
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    Breweries in Los Angeles area

    If you can swing it Beachwood BBQ in Long Beach might be worth your while to visit. Good variety of beers that are tasty. Cheers
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    How accurate is Beersmith?

    The "diastolic" enzymes did it for me:D
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    Too many homebrewers going 'pro'?

    Exposure to numerous examples of quality beer, slowly but surely improving home-brewing skills have resulted in me being very stingy and selective regarding the beers I spend my money on. I feel, as others have already stated, that too many people have rushed into brewing professionally because...
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    Wort Chiller Review and Comparison

    Good article. I settled on using a big immersion cooler with a submersible fountain pump in an ice bath when the initial boil temp drops to 130F after using straight tap water. I see the benefit of a plate chiller or a CFC but long term cleaning ability does not set well with me. I'm scared...
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    Bru'n Water RA question (version 3.1)

    RA is independent of the grist. RA and the grist (along with any salts added) determine the mash pH.
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    High Gravity Stout w/ Champagne Yeast no change in SG

    I have used WLP 099 to fix a stuck fermentation as several others have suggested and it did work. In my case the beer was 1.146 OG plus had 2 lbs of Belgian candi added during fermentation so it was on the large size. It stuck at 1.072. A 2L starter, with 2 vials of WLP 099 was put on my stir...
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    Iodophor vs Star Sans

    True, based on the recommendation for use, but due to the fact that if used in excess it will impact flavor my personal preference is to use Star San. I have used Iodophor exclusively and have no problem with it. Edit: This is reference to no-rinse usage.
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    Iodophor vs Star Sans

    Since I don't have to choose just one I still use both. I prefer Star San for the no rinse convenience, and use it for bottling and fermenter sanitizing, but always keep iodophor for sanitizing sampling thiefs and other brewing equipment due to the lower price.
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    Distilled Water for Porter - do I HAVE to add carbonates?

    My mistake. I rattled off what version I thought it was but missed a number:confused: It's definitely Version 1.16 and I'm happy with it.
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    Distilled Water for Porter - do I HAVE to add carbonates?

    The version of Bru'n Water I use (1.6, I think) definitely has pickling lime included in the program. Just an FYI.