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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. S

    First time recipe help

    Thanks a lot for the reply. This thread got buried and I had actually forgotten about it until I tried the "My Topics" Link. I will absolutely try steeping at a little lower temp next time out. I think my OG was off from adding to much top off water as my reading on the boil was actually...
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    Hydrometer question

    Thanks for the feedback and info. I think the top off water is where I went wrong. I took a gravity reading of the boil, and it was actually higher than projected. I expected 1.108 and got 1.137 then after I filled to the 5 gallon mark on my carboy I was below my expected OG. I used white...
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    Hydrometer question

    I am trying to move to hydrometer readings to verify that my brew is done instead the "it's been more than three weeks so it's time to bottle" method. I have seen posts that say wait until you get the same reading three days in a row, or until you are with in a few points of your expected...
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    First time recipe help

    This is my first attempt at formulating my own recipe. I ran it through a free program I found on the internet and used those numbers as a guide. When I brewed today the numbers didn't quite gel. Anybody got some fancy software that can quickly run the numbers or tell me were I went went...
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    Sanitizing spigot

    Anybody got any good tips for sanitizing the spigot on the bottom of my full primary so I can just use it to transfer to a secondary?
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    Can some one please explain racking?

    On a simalar subject, is a racking cane a better way to move from primary to secondary than the spigot at the bottom of my plastic bottling bucket that is doing double duty as a primary? If so, why? Seems like opening the spigot and letting it flow is easier than siphoning it.
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    Yeast Nutrients?

    Thaks for the quick replies. I don't have the exact recipe with me right now, but it is a Irish Red ale, using white labs Irish ale yeast. It's got 8 lbs of LME, and specialty grains which I don't know of the top of my head. I think the O.G was going to be 1.060, or 1.065just a guess...
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    Yeast Nutrients?

    Can somebody help me out with the proper technique for using yeast nutrients. I picked some up at the LHBS when I bought my ingredients for my next batch as it will have a higher O.G. that what I have brewed in the past. A few posts I have read suggested that adding it in to a high gravity...
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    Iodophor in a spray bottle?

    Thanks for all the feed back guys. Other than the half life issue it sounds like a pretty good idea. As long as I mix a new solution on each day that it is need, there is realy no problem with it right? Sounds like I just cut my water usage dramaticaly. A gallon for the bottling bucket...
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    Iodophor in a spray bottle?

    Hello, I've read few posts about people using spray bottles to sanitize various peices of equipment and was wondering if this would work with a properly mixed solution of Iodophor. It was my understanding, from the information on the bottle that I need either 3 or 5 minutes of contact time...
  12. S

    Sanitation and cider

    Thanks for the help. My cider will not get heated, everything else will still get sanitized. Now all I need is the patience to wait for it to be delicious. Thanks again.
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    Sanitation and cider

    I am going to be attempting my first cider tomorrow, a was wondering a few things about sanitizing equipment for the process. I was planing on heating my cider in my brew pot to get the brown sugar to disolve a little quicker and easier. Since the cider will not reach a full boil does that...
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    Sanitizing bottles

    That's kind of what I've done in the past. Just let the bottle drain, turn em over and fill. Give the cap a good shake and clamp it on. My question is more of if I wanted to let things sit overnight, or even just for a few hours would my bottles still be sanitized if they where stored upside...
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    Sanitizing bottles

    Not sure wether this question belongs here or in sanitizing, but as it pertains to my bottling procedure I thought I would try here first. How long can I wait after sanitizing my bottles before I actually bottle my beer? I use an iodine sanitizer, can't think of the name of the top of my...
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    First try at cider Questions

    Hello- I am getting ready to try my first batch of Cider and have a few questions I was hoping someone might be able to answer. 1. If I do a batch smaller than five gallons do I need to use less yeast than what a five gallon recipe calls for? 2. After primary fermantation stops, is the...
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    Is 5 weeks in a fermentor to long?

    Hello, I brewed a batch of nutty brown ale about 10 days ago, hoping to get it into bottles before the holidays. I am going to have to leave town before that happens now, and was wondering if my beer will be worth bottling when I get back. I am hesitant to bottle it now as the air lock is...