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  1. T

    Bottled beer is low on carbonation after secondary fermenter

    Thanks for the post. If I added the same amount of priming sugar as I always do wouldn't it produce the same amount of carbonation as my other beers? I have only had commercial examples of bitter before which were plenty carbonated. I agitated all the remaining bottles last night and I will...
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    Bottled beer is low on carbonation after secondary fermenter

    The temp is right for carbonation, so I will try to agitate them tonight.
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    first homebrew, possible problem or just paranoia

    Your beer sounds fine. 3 1/2 weeks might be an awful long time to leave a beer in the primary fermenter depending on what kind of primary you are using. I know my 5 gallon plastic buckets warn that anything over 3 weeks can lead to your beer oxidizing.
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    Bottled beer is low on carbonation after secondary fermenter

    I recently made some English Bitter that came out very tasty. I had racked it to a secondary fermenter before bottling to help reduce the amount of sediment in the final bottled beer. Weather, temperature and priming sugar were all essentially the same as the other batches I have made, but they...
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    Man, I love Apfelwein

    As commanded by the great EdWort I started batch number 2, 2 weeks after 1.
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    Question about William's Brewing Triple Hopped Ale

    Oh it is already at the great status. In fact I would say this is one of the tastiest beers I have ever had.
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    Question about William's Brewing Triple Hopped Ale

    Thanks for the advice everyone. The beer turned out much better after letting it sit a few more weeks.
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    How hearty is the yeast in the slap pack?

    So I just took a gravity reading. 1.020 when the final gravity should be around 1.042 according to the paperwork. I tasted the beer after measuring its gravity and wow it tastes bad. It is not very bitter or hoppy like it should be but sort of sulfurish and wine-like. I don't know what to...
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    What are you reading, or, alternatively, any good books?

    I'm reading Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer. It is pretty good.
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    worst thread starter

    I also don't garner much attention with my many questions.
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    airlock worries

    No there is enough C02 blanketing your beer to protect it from oxidizing. I frankly wouldn't remove the airlock to clean it mid-fermentation, but that is your call. You could just put a clean piece of tape over the hole and I am sure you would be fine.
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    airlock worries

    You can easily add more water and it won't cause a problem, but I recommend using cheap vodka in the future as bacteria won't grow in it and water will grow bacteria.
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    How hearty is the yeast in the slap pack?

    I'm not sure. American Ale yeast I believe.
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    How hearty is the yeast in the slap pack?

    I haven't found any stories of others trying Montrachet wine yeast in beer. I hoped that someone experienced could give me a few predictions. Thanks for your post. I was guessing that it might make my beer a little drier than usual, or it could just totally skunk it. The wart I had problems with...
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    How hearty is the yeast in the slap pack?

    So my yeast never got around to starting. My only viable choice to try to salvage the beer was to pitch the dry wine yeast, Montrachet, that I had on hand. Fermentation started and went as expected. What kinds of tastes is this going to give the beer? Any idea if it will even be drinkable?
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    First Time Brewer in Japan

    I thought it was possible to get hops in a seed form. I will keep that in mind, but I have a trick up my sleeve. Do you have a recommended pace to buy rhizomes? I just bottled my second brew, and American IPA. Tasted pretty good in the priming tank. I'll give it a week to carbonate and if I...
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    First Time Brewer in Japan

    Just to let everyone know after an additional few weeks of aging my tripple hopped ale is the ****! It tastes great!
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    Man, I love Apfelwein

    No I followed it to a T other than using a 6 gallon better bottle instead of a 5 gallon.
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    Man, I love Apfelwein

    Man so where is my pat on the back for busting this guy? Also EdWort what do you think of the picture. Any idea why I have all the foam on my Apfelwein?
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    Birra Peroni

    I also would be interested. While Peroni isn't exactly a beer aficianado beer I really do like it.