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  1. K

    Different Sugar Names

    Here's a rather random question related to this thread. I'm getting ready for a trip to Mongolia and was reading about the local cuisine. A very common alcoholic beverage there is Airag which is fermented mare's milk. Apparently, it has a rather low alcohol content due to the inefficient means...
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    Mayhaws in Mead

    Redhawke- Sounds like you had a great trip. I'm planning on some time in the north Georgia mountains this fall. I ended up going with a pretty straight forward mead with a little ginger and orange peel and another pyment. They both smell great so far. It was quite a brew day with those and a...
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    Belgian Wit questions

    Anyone have handy what their O.G. was? I'm making a wit this weekend but I'm trying lemongrass instead of orange peel(I might put in a little coriander still- any advice?)
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    honeymoon mead

    well, I have so many ideas about what to try. I have just over a gallon of honey so I'll just plan on trying a few 1 gallon batches. Thanks for the input. This is gonna be fun.
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    honeymoon mead

    congratulations, M. Thanks for the reply. If I'm shooting for lower ABV, I guess I should stick with an ale yeast, right? I might split a batch and try ale in one and champagne in the other. Any other thoughts?
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    honeymoon mead

    Well, as I understand it, the term honeymoon comes from the traditional use of mead as a gift/social lubricant for honeymooners. And, I just got engaged. So, I want to make a mead for my honeymoon. It will be next fall or winter so I don't have that long to age it. What recipes would you all...
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    Mayhaws in Mead

    Redhawke- That would be great. You're one of the first to know what fruit I'm talking about. It sounds good in a wheat; but, I won't get to that right away. I'd still love to try a mead(or is that a metheglin?) I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip.
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    Mayhaws in Mead

    I'm gonna mark that down as an upcoming brew. What do you think of Tettnanger hops for a wheat beer? I was going to do a 75 min boil for my lemongrass wheat with tett at the beginning and cascade somewhere near the middle. I'm looking for some of that citrus flavor.
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    Mayhaws in Mead

    yeah, I don't know why I hadn't thought of that. I'm all set to brew a lemongrass wheat next week. What proportion would you recommend?
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    Mayhaws in Mead

    wow, I was just thinking about a mead with local fruit. There are tons of loquat trees in Savannah. (Sometimes pronounced lumquat) No, they're not kumquats. They're more like slightly tart apricots. I might have to try them in a gallon. They also make excellent jam.
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    3 gal. cornies

    oh man, that's so nice. I would love to build one of those. I heard somewhere that they don't make 3 gallon cornies anymore or if they do, they're rare ad expensive. I really really want some.
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    3 gal. cornies

    well, I don't have a set-up yet so I guess I'll just go for savings. I got a tall mini-fridge from a friend but I'm not sure it's quite big enough for a 5 gallon. Do you have any recommendations as far as suppliers for keg systems? Thanks for the help.
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    3 gal. cornies

    Has anyone used one of these 3 gallon cornie kegs? The ones I found are pin-lock not ball-lock and I don't know what that means. Any info is helpful.
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    georgia cider

    Well, I went to the apple festival in Ellijay, GA and was disappointed to find that nobody could sell unpasteurized cider. So, I went ahead and bought 5 gallons from various orchards. I planned on doing different recipes of spices in each. I got to two gallons the night I got home and left the...
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    Beginner's mead

    Thanks, that was a lot of good information in that link as well. I'm about decided.
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    Beginner's mead

    Well, I found an apiary near me with good priced gallons. So, I'm planning on starting a mead. I've read all sorts of recipes and I just don't know where a good place to start is. What would you guys say is a great recipe to begin with. I'm thinking something more basic to educate me on the...
  17. K

    ale; then champagne yeast?

    Yeah, I've stopped priming hard ciders. Because I now age them all for at least 3 months, they end up with some sparkle anyhow. There's just enough sugar left to carbonate well. Not as precise but I've had good results.
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    Noob with a problem...

    yeah, still kicking at an old thread. How is kegged mead? That sounds really good. I want to know more.
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    Fresh Cider

    I feel the excitement. I live about an hour away from a whole bunch of orchards in Elijay, GA(The "apple capitol of GA"). I'm planning a weekend trip of camping and picking up a bunch of cider on my way home. I can't wait!
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    I've had similar experiences when fermenting in glass from the start. I guess there's no harm in switching into a glass carboy. Even the ciders that I didn't like at first(too sharp, off-taste, etc.) got so good with aging. All little off-flavors and such just fall away.