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  1. R

    Brown Porter Recipe Critique...

    Just brewed a very similar beer and tapped the keg this weekend after four weeks in the primary and another in the corni. I agree that subing some brown malt for the honey would make a better balanced beer. Here's my recipe: 8 lbs. 2 Row 1 lb. Crystal 60 .5 lb. Chocolate (350) .25 lb...
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    Outdoor Brewing - Windscreen for Propane Burner

    A pair of tin snips and some sheet metal or hvac adapters/collars could do the job. I need to get on this project myself. My brew last week was horrible with the wind. I think I restarted my burner about a dozen times. I had every scrap piece of wood in my backyard balanced around my burner...
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    Why doesn't everyone BIAB?

    71 posts in 24 hours!!! That speaks volumes, LOL. There's no shortage of passion or opinions with our hobby and that's what makes it great. I started doing BIAB's over 6 months ago as a transition from extract and it has helped me tremendously. I've got two other brew friends that also...
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    Alaskan Amber clone?

    This was listed under the recommended recipe list. Haven't tried this one yet but I'm a big fan of Alaskan Amber. I believe the book Clone Brews has a recipe for an Alaskan Amber clone also. Let us know how your creation tastes.
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    BIAB.....Best place to measure mash temp?

    +1 on stirring really well during mashout. It will help more sugar to get into the liquid and will even out the temps in your kettle.
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    Brew in a bag for big beers

    I think Wyzazz hit the big ticket items for achieving a decent extraction number. I would add that you may want to do a slightly finer grind on the grain to help out a bit more on the extraction and to double bag your grain so there's less of a chance for a torn bag. Let us know how the brew...
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    Sparge question BIAB

    Easy does it Triainsafe, this all ties together quite nicely with full volume and BIAB mashing. I'm new to all grain and BIAB but have learned very quickly that there's a lot more to brewing than I realized and it's not rocket science. Understanding some basics on enzymes, L:G ratios, and...
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    Sparge question BIAB

    Solbes, On my second full volume mash/BIAB my brew buddy didn't have the LHBS double grind the grain and we saw a huge drop in efficiencies. He also did a short mashout which didn't help either. A finer crush will make a big difference but I also noticed that your last mash only had 2 quarts...
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    Sparge question BIAB

    TripHop, I haven't experienced any harshness from tannins in my BIAB beers and many others have said that it's a myth. If your sparge water is too hot say 185+ that could leech some tannins. There's no doubt that sparging by pouring or dunking with 170 degree water will pull more sugars out of...
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    Sparge question BIAB

    Bmud, can you explain in more detail your dunk sparge method? How much water are you using, what's the temp, etc. Losing 8 points is a big drop considering you're only dunking the grain bag once in I'm assuming a gallon of 170 degree water. I could be wrong though. Bradinator, sounds like...
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    Sparge question BIAB

    I've got three BIAB's under my belt now and I can say that sparging with a gallon or two of water doesn't make any noticeable differences. This may be due to the large ball of grain that the water is pouring on. As Wolfman said most of the water probably just goes around the outside of the...
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    What's your fastest conversion time?

    i know it's been done before but it'd be cool to compare the extraction times and efficiencies with different base malts with some of the brewers on this forum. If going an extra 30 min. past the 60 mark increased the efficiency by 10 percent that would be worth doing if the time was available...
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    What's your fastest conversion time?

    Cat, I'm with you on waiting the full 60 to ensure all of the starches have converted to sugar before mashout. There may still be some starches inside some of the grain husks that haven't been exposed yet to the liquid so it couldn't hurt going to 45 or 60. Just to let you know I actually went...
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    Poor BIAB Extraction Efficiency

    Wolfman, I had the same thoughts on the malt just being really well modified. But conversion at 30 min. is just crazy! I think having a finer crush on the grain could also speed this up. I wonder if mashing times with BIAB could be cut down from 60+ to 30-45 to save a little time on the brew...
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    What's your fastest conversion time?

    Did my second all grain brew a couple days ago and had conversion at the 30 min. mark. I was really suprised by this and wanted to know if anyone else has had conversion at or around 30 min? I was actually going to show my buddy how the iodine would change the cooled wort a blue or purple...
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    Poor BIAB Extraction Efficiency

    Thanks for all the good feedback. Wolfman, you brought up a good point about the grain crush, my friend didn't ask the brew shop to do a double crush so that could of also been an issue. On my first and only BIAB session two weeks ago I got an extraction efficiency of 75% so there's no issue...
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    Poor BIAB Extraction Efficiency

    I did a BIAB brew yesterday with a friend who's getting back into brewing and we got an extraction efficiency of around 55%. I was hoping we were going to be in the mid 70's. There were a few things my friend (I blame him) did that may have hurt the efficiency like: he didn't want to do a 10...
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    BIAB questions

    Bmock, I'm pretty impressed with your extraction efficiency considering you had dry pockets, didn't stir, and did a short strain of the bag. You'll knock it out of the park next go round with all of the suggestions made here. My problem on my first BIAB session was that I overshot my...
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    how to tell your efficiency?

    There are two common ways to check your extraction efficiancy from your mash. Beer guy linked you to a calculator that takes your pre-boil gravity and compares it with the grains and other fermentables to give you a percentage. Another way is to take your observed gravity (O.G.), post-boil...
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    First all-grain success with BIAB

    Much appreciated guys. Thanks again for all the brewers and BIAB'ers on this forum, I've learned quite a bit over the years. If I can hit 75% extraction rates consistently with BIAB I'll be a happy man. I'm waiting for someone or something to rain on my parade but so far so good. Serioulsy...