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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. B


    So how would you suggest I adjust my alkalinity? Sorry if this is obvious.
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    I've read my water report and I get it.... except for alkalinity. It says the alkalinity is 210 mg/L. I keep trying to read about alkalinity but I just get confused. What does this mean?
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    Another fermentation question

    I moved it into a room that was slightly warmer before going to bed last night. And wouldn't you know, bubbling quite nicely this morning. Bucket thermo strip says 66. Thanks for the advice!
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    Another fermentation question

    Hi all. Yesterday I brewed an AHS Coffee Sout and pitched white labs London ale yeast at 75°. I put it in a cooler room in my basement, hoping to ferment at the lower temp range for the yeast, which said 66-71. I checked today and the thermostrip says it's 61°. There is no activity from the...
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    Beer to go

    My concern is the beer being kept cold and then allowed to warm up for an extended period of time
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    Beer to go

    I use a kegging system and just did a summer blonde. It turned out awesome and I was thinking of taking it on vacation. We are traveling from Illinois to Outer Banks North Carolina. The beer would go from cold to warm for probably 30-36 hours and travel in a car. I currently use 2 liter...
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    What's your favorite online store for beer kits?

    I love Austin Homebrew Supply
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    Kegerator/keezer advice

    I would say build the keezer for two reasons. 1. You can build it to your specifications and create a setup that works best for you. 2. Just like with brewing your own beer, there's a great sense of satisfaction of being able to say "I made this." I looked on these forums for a few months and...
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    What was I thinking? !?!

    I just recently started kegging. I found I had a keg in my keezer with a leaky post. While putting on a different post tonight, which fixed it, I made an embarrassing mistake. I released the pressure and changed the lid seal and left the out post loose. Well, of course I turned the gas on to...
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    Liquid Ball Lock Leak

    No leak when the disconnect is off. I will go buy new seals tomorrow and try that. Hopefully thats all it is.
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    Liquid Ball Lock Leak

    Tried again, like you said. This time, tried a new line with a different disconnect. Didn't come from the collar, but came from the base of the post. Does this mean I need new seals?
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    Liquid Ball Lock Leak

    I looked at the forums, but never found one that applied to my situation. I hooked up my keg tonight and immediately had a leak from the "collar" for lack of a better term on my liquid out disconnect. I tried tightening the top, like some posts suggested, but no luck. What should I do?
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    Things were going so well....

    I guess I should have included more info. I was just ranting I guess. The pumpkin ale has a buttery flavor to it and seems very thin. I used my new aluminum fryer for it. Did boil water before to oxidize. I hit the OG and FG like the instructions said. 2 weeks in bucket. Fermentation temps...
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    Things were going so well....

    I have been extract brewing for two years now. My last 3 or 4 brews have turned out really good. So I wanted to step it up. Built a keezer. Works awesome. Then I wanted to do full volume boils. And here my troubles began. My first full volume was a pumpkin ale. It turned out thin with a...
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    My Keezer Build

    I added a bottle opener to the collar and painted the top with chalkboard paint. Here's the finished product. Here's the internal lines all hooked up. You can also see where I mounted the temp controller to the collar on the right hand side. I know it's not very flashy. It...
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    My Keezer Build

    I normally just hang out in the forums and read as much as I can. And it was from this forum that I learned how to build my own keezer. So I figured I would show my keezer build and hopefully it helps someone else out, much like all of you guys have helped me. I started with a 7.2 cu. ft...