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    20 lb of sugar and a jar of yeast nutrient

    Haven't read through the entire thread however I thought I should tell people about my experience in case it can help anyone :) I used crosby and bakers yeast energizer since my LHBS didn't have pure DAP. I talked to one of the guys and he said that it was about 90% DAP when he looked it up so...

    German Alt Beer yeast question

    Basement is finished and heated so that wouldn't help anything, and garage is too cold/temperature varies too much :( The yeast that they recommend is an ale yeast: and it looks like it goes up to 68 which I could keep it around. As...

    German Alt Beer yeast question

    I don't have a lagering setup, but the kit doesn't call for one. I am thinking I will set this up against a cold window out to the porch to try to keep it as cool as possible while fermenting though. Im not a stickler for style however I would like it to be representative since it is the first...

    German Alt Beer yeast question

    I got a northern brewer German Alt Beer kit for x-mas. Should be fun, not something I would have thought of trying on my own :mug: Question is, it came with dry S-05 ale yeast. The instructions say that they also recommend WY 1007 German ale for this kit. My intuition says that I should pair it...

    Graff (Malty, slightly hopped cider)

    I have used concentrate, most of the cheap apple juice you use is actually from concentrate anyway.

    Should i use Cane sugar at all?

    So can you guys elaborate more what flavors candi syrup, medium and dark candi sugar will impart? Also, if you take a recipe with (pulling numbers out of the air) 6 lbs of amber malt extract and brew it along side a recipe with 6lbs of amber malt extract and 1 lb of white sugar, the second...

    Graff only has a VERY light carbonation at 2 weeks

    I tried to prime my gallon batch of half Heffeweizen/half graff with about 1/3 cup of apple juice concentrate. It didn't seem to carb much at all and they are at the 2-3 week mark in the bottle. I left it in the fermenter for about 3 weeks before bottling. I was wondering if I could pour it into...

    What are the essential grains? I need 4-1 gallon SMASH recipies

    Thanks for the suggestions! I suppose I would want to use just a basic clean fermenting yeast for these so I am not comparing yeast flavors. Any suggestions on that? Nottingham, so4/s05? While I could probably compare just the grains with the same hops and just the hops with the same grain and...

    What are the essential grains? I need 4-1 gallon SMASH recipies

    I am a beginning brewer with a few ciders , graffs, and beers under my belt. I have done a few of them partial mash and I am ready for some all grain. I just bottled 4-1 gal carboys (and 2-5 gal carboys) and I was thinking I would like try out 4-1 gallon all grain SMaSh (single malt and single...
  10. TAPPAR

    How to fix too tart cider?

    I haven't ever left it in the carboy for an extended amount of time, I usually let it age in the bottles as I hate tying the carboy up as well. Is the rotten part a taste or a mild smell? If its a sulphery/rotten smell that is normal, and it should dissipate. I am not sure if I would...
  11. TAPPAR

    Graff (Malty, slightly hopped cider)

    The huge Krausen is pretty normal on mine, I leaned this time and held 2 gallons of the apple juice back until it died down, then added it when I knew it wouldn't blow the airlock off (3-4 days into ferment) That Cherry cider sounds like it could be pretty good, could also be super tart. Keep...
  12. TAPPAR

    How to fix too tart cider?

    If I want it drinkable quickly I will add some unfermented cider or concentrate, however its my experience that the tartness will naturally subside with age. My first few ciders I was really disheartened until I let them age out a bit because of the tartness. They were completely different...
  13. TAPPAR

    Wilkos kit cider, 4-6 days later, no where near finished fermenting?

    It doesn't seem that unusual for it to be fermenting that many days out. There are so many variables in the yeast colony I wouldn't worry if the gravity is still dropping. If it needs helped along or you want to to go faster you could try raising the temp a bit, I usually ferment in a room set...
  14. TAPPAR

    Thermometer quandry

    I have two thermometers that are off by about 5 degrees as well. Did we ever figure out how to figure out which one is reading correctly? I suppose high school science class was a while ago but it would seem to me that ice water might be a bit off of 32 degrees...
  15. TAPPAR

    Advice on Those Pesky Molasses

    I had a friend who had a few batches of beer that tasted like pennies, he never figured out what it was but neither had molasses in them. I have had molasses in a few ciders and while I didn't love the taste it got better with time and had no metallic taste that went along with it.
  16. TAPPAR

    Panty Dropper

    Guava sounds good, I have had great results mixing apricot and peach as well
  17. TAPPAR

    Graff (Malty, slightly hopped cider)

    When I put bottles in the fridge as opposed to pasteurizing them I have never had any issues with them fermenting more. I have only tried this method with ale yeasts which cold crash pretty easily, I'm not sure about champagne, and I would definitely be a bit worried with this method if you used...
  18. TAPPAR

    Graff (Malty, slightly hopped cider)

    In the 2 months it has taken me to get through this thread I have tried a bunch of variations on this recipe in little 1 gal batches to see what I liked the best, all of which have come out pretty good. My favorite so far is a batch where I doubled up the c120 and used a dark DME with about...
  19. TAPPAR

    Spent Grains

    Our chickens love them!
  20. TAPPAR

    Munich Graff/ EisGraff

    Any updates here? The original idea sounds delectable, how did it turn out?