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  1. D

    IPA Recipe Needed!

    Hey All, Looking for a good and simple IPA recipe.. I'll be brewing by myself sometime this week so I'd like something that won't take too much manpower and yields great results.. I've been looking online and there are literally a bazillion IPA recipes out there so I figured i'd ask here...
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    Re-using infected bottles?

    Great stuff, thanks guys
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    Re-using infected bottles?

    Ever lose a batch to infection after bottling and then wash/sanitize the same bottles for a new brew? Am I playing with fire if I try to reuse previously tainted bottles?
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    Honey Apricot Ale - Help!

    Thanks for the link but I didn't have time to order anything online due to me having to brew today... I ended up using about a pound of fresh apricots (pureed myself) and added at flame-out ... Before transferring to the secondary I'm going to give it a taste test and decide how many fresh...
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    Honey Apricot Ale - Help!

    Ok, I've realized its going to be impossible to find Apricot Puree so I need to substitute with either fresh apricots or dried apricots (that haven't been dried with sulfur dioxide)... How many pounds of this stuff do you think I'll need to replace the puree?
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    Honey Apricot Ale - Help!

    How long would it take to pasteurize at flame out?
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    Irish Red Ale

    I'm not expert (yet) but I brewed up the Irish Red Ale recipe in Papazian's book which turned out pretty good: No Sham Shamrock Irish Red Ale (5 gal) 1 lb Crystal 1/2 lb toasted malted barley 5 lbs Briess amber LME 1 oz Northern Brewer - 8HBU (60 min) 1 oz Santiam or Tettnanger (1 min)...
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    Honey Apricot Ale - Help!

    And just to confirm - you ARE using Liquid Honey, right?
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    Honey Apricot Ale - Help!

    You'd recommend adding ALL the honey at flame out? Or some before and some later?
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    Honey Apricot Ale - Help!

    Hey everyone, I was wondering about a certain recipe a cousin of mine wants to brew up this weekend... I'm having trouble finding a store that sells puree'd apricots aside from the baby food kind (which Ive read is NOT a good idea to use) so I was wondering if I could simply buy my own...
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    Pitching High - should I be ok?

    I was always under the impression you should pitch right away or ASAP... Knowing this is gonna save me a few headaches in the future for sure! As well, I forgot to mention this earlier but the recipe called for OG: 1.042 - 1.046 and my initial reading was 1.032... What can I expect from this...
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    Pitching High - should I be ok?

    Thanks, guys... I was actually using Safale US-05... I can sleep easy!
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    Pitching High - should I be ok?

    Morning everyone, Made a nice batch of some Irish Red Ale yesterday evening and due to circumstances beyond my control I didn't have the time to properly cold crash or allow the batch to drop too far in temperature before I had to pitch the yeast. I think I must've pitched at about 26...
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    Extract Calculation...

    This may come off as a little amateur but the recipe I'm about to make calls for 2.3 kg of extract but my HBSS provided me with 3 tubs of 1 kg each... After dropping in the first two tubs, what would be the best/accurate way to calculate the remaining 0.3 kg from my last 1 kg tub? I don't have...
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    What I did for beer today

    Bought ingredients for my Red Irish Ale brew session tomorrow... Also enjoyed a buddy of mine's schneider weisse clone and a fantastic English style bitter he made recently
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    Your Brew Tunes?

    So it seems like a fair number of us are cranking some tunes while gettin our brew on, so the debate begins: what's the best music to brew to? Personally I go from anything rock to metal to the occasional dubstep/electronic stuff...I think the Foo Fighters were the soundtrack to my last brew...
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    Keeping Hops/Syrup Extract Cold before use...

    It's actually dry powdered yeast not liquid but thanks for the tip
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    Keeping Hops/Syrup Extract Cold before use...

    And this goes for the hops and yeast as well? Also, I'm going to have leftover store it for a future batch should I refrigerate or freeze?
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    Bottling for first time

    Get someone to help and be prepared for a sticky mess to clean up afterwards!
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    Keeping Hops/Syrup Extract Cold before use...

    I just got back from the homebrew supplies store and picked up some syrup extract, some hops and yeast for my upcoming Irish Red Ale brew... I was advised that if I wanted to brew tomorrow I should refrigerate the extract, hope and yeast before use so I stuck them in the fridge when I got...