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  1. ctalbot

    My first mead is in the carboy

    Upon further tasting, I'd say the cinnamon isn't subtle. It's definitely evident. I think it actually needs to mellow a bit. A few of the bottles will get opened and consumed over the summer, but I plan to put a few of them away for longer-term aging. Chris
  2. ctalbot

    My first mead is in the carboy

    I'm not sure, but I'm hoping with some aging, everything about the mead will improve. Chris
  3. ctalbot

    My first mead is in the carboy

    I finally bottled the mead last night, and I was disappointed with the results. It's not terrible, but it ended up very dry instead of slightly sweet (I'd hoped for some sweetness). It ended up at ~12.5% ABV with a FG of 0.994 (which may have been slightly off because the mead was probably...
  4. ctalbot

    Increasing ABV by using more sugar?

    Ah. Sorry. I need to be more specific about that here; it would create less confusion when I ask questions. Sorry about that. I've been using those so far, but I think I've done my last one. Next up is switching to non-hopped malt extract syrup and steeped grains/hops. If I'm understanding...
  5. ctalbot

    Increasing ABV by using more sugar?

    Thanks. And apologies if my last post seemed a bit defensive. I'm mostly asking right now so I understand better how the dextrose the kits suggest adding really affect the beer and how to guess at ABV when I start experimenting with steeped grains in the future. Thanks again. Chris
  6. ctalbot

    Increasing ABV by using more sugar?

    I did read it, and if I'd been able to find my answer there, I wouldn't have needed to come here. Palmer's book covers only the basic "how to" questions, and none of the questions of "why am I doing it this way?" Granted, I may have missed something and am simply not capable of finding what...
  7. ctalbot

    Increasing ABV by using more sugar?

    This is probably just a dumb newbie question, but here goes: If I wanted to increase the ABV of a beer, is it really as simple as just increasing the amount of sugar I mix into the wort? For example, if 1kg of dextrose is needed for about 4.5%, would increasing it to 1.5kg give the beer a...
  8. ctalbot

    Top Off Water Poll - Revisited?

    I use bottled water, so I don't worry about boiling it first. Chris
  9. ctalbot

    From kits to recipes...

    I live in Canada. Does anyone know if Austin ships outside the U.S.? Chris
  10. ctalbot

    From kits to recipes...

    I'm still confused on a lot of things, but all of your answers have actually helped me understand better how to read the recipes I see here and elsewhere. :) Chris
  11. ctalbot

    From kits to recipes...

    No argument there. ;) Alright, so this sounds like it should be fairly easy and should improve my extract-based homebrews tenfold over the kits I have been using. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any grain/extract kits around, so I guess I'll be choosing ingredients on my own and going from...
  12. ctalbot

    From kits to recipes...

    I've read through much of it, but I'm a bit concerned about steeping grains at this point. Many of the recipes call for certain malts, and I'm somewhat confused as to what I'll need to do to prepare them -- or whether I'll need extra equipment like a grain mill. If it's something simple, then...
  13. ctalbot

    From kits to recipes...

    I apologize if this belongs in the beginner's forum, but since it's directly related to extract brewing (even if it's beginner questions :o), I thought I should post it in here. I started brewing this summer with basic extract kits -- the 1.9kg liquid extracts from Coopers and the like that...
  14. ctalbot

    My first mead is in the carboy

    ...and a long wait, no doubt. ;) Thanks again for all your comments. I've made a list of things to do differently/better next time. Chris
  15. ctalbot

    My first mead is in the carboy

    All that worry about lack of fermentation was apparently for no good reason. I just poked my head into the storage room, and it's begun. The airlock doesn't have a lot of activity, but it's definitely got some going on now. :) Chris
  16. ctalbot

    My first mead is in the carboy

    A bit of reading suggests that the Campden tablets can slow up the start of yeast fermentation, and since I apparently didn't use them entirely properly (it looks like they're supposed to be crushed before added :o), that could very well be the reason it's so slow to start. I'm going to give it...
  17. ctalbot

    My first mead is in the carboy

    Okay. I'll get another packet or two of the 71B-1122 yeast and prepare it. Would it also make sense to use more nutrient than the 3 tsp. that I put in with the yeast? Chris
  18. ctalbot

    VIDEO: Mead Fermenting

    Nice. How much time has elapsed since you put it in the fermenter? Chris
  19. ctalbot

    My first mead is in the carboy

    Thanks again for the helpful tips, malklore and Moonpile. I'm starting to get a little worried I screwed up the batch, as it doesn't appear to be doing anything. By this point, shouldn't it be bubbling a bit due to fermentation -- or something? (With beer, I use pails, so I'm not really sure...
  20. ctalbot

    My first mead is in the carboy

    Too much boiling? Oops. Oh well. I'll know better for next time, at which point I'll try what you suggested. If I want to add cinnamon again in secondary, what would be the best way to do it? By "spice tea," do you mean to boil cinnamon in water and then add the water to the secondary? Thanks...