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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. CharlesKelley

    So who's brewing this weekend?

    I'm not brewing this weekend, but I did decide to finally splurge and get a keg set up. The decision was probably influenced by having 10 gallons in fermenters that needed to come out and a party in 2 weeks. There was no way I could have it ready in bottles for the party. 5 gallons of a...
  2. CharlesKelley

    Largest extract boil volume in a 7.5 gal pot?

    Here is a question I have been pondering: Other than the mess that I make, why do I care about boil over? I am brewing outside to begin with, so if I boil over all I end up with is a little mess on the floor of my carport and the outside of my brew kettle. Is a boil over going to change the...
  3. CharlesKelley

    Trappist Ale fermented out dry

    I forgot that I did add Candi Sugar. So that can explain the low FG. OG was spot on at 1.068. The FG was predicted to be 1.012 to 1.018 IIRC.
  4. CharlesKelley

    Trappist Ale fermented out dry

    Thanks everyone. It has only been in the bottle 3 weeks. So I will give it another 2 or 3 and then see.
  5. CharlesKelley

    Trappist Ale fermented out dry

    6.6 lbs of Briess LME, some flavoring grains, and a little (2 lbs?) of DME. I'd have to go back home and look at the recipe to be sure. I guess my question really boils down to "how do you predict the FG?" It seems to me that the yeast is going to generally keep eating and producing alcohol...
  6. CharlesKelley

    Trappist Ale fermented out dry

    I brewed a Trappist/Abbey Ale using a kit and some White Labs yeast. OG was right at 1.068, FG at 1.006 or so. It tastes pretty dry--much dryer than I anticipated for this recipe. Does anyone have any advice for ending up with a higher FG? I think it would help the flavor.
  7. CharlesKelley


    If you look in the Beginner's Forum you will see a sticky that answers this question. It is post no. two in the thread.
  8. CharlesKelley

    over fermentaion

    I think you are going to be okay. How long has the beer been in the fermenter? You've got to go a really long time before you've got a problem. Most people here will tell you three weeks is pretty close to a minimum and you can go a lot longer than that until autolysis is a problem.
  9. CharlesKelley

    Beer frozen in fermenter

    Thanks so much for the help.
  10. CharlesKelley

    Beer frozen in fermenter

    So I am trying to brew my first lager. Everything went pretty smoothly and I put it in my partially completed keezer. What I didn't do was get the temperature probe all the way into the keezer. I happened to peek in today, and I've got a wort slushie. I've read the threads that say thaw it...
  11. CharlesKelley

    So who's brewing this weekend?

    I cranked up the starter for a Bohemian Pilsner this week. It is going to be my first attempt at lagering. Brewing Sunday afternoon. Tuesday night I'm bottling my Abbey Ale.
  12. CharlesKelley

    Legal Limits

    I just checked the statute, and that is still the law in Georgia. Subsection (b) does say that you get your own limit if you are not a dependent on another persons Georgia tax return. So a husband and wife would be allowed to brew 100 gallons of beer. I also did a brief check of the statute...
  13. CharlesKelley

    Why or how did you get into homebrewing?

    Thanks, everyone. The last couple of months have been hard. HBT and brewing have provided a distraction that has helped keep me going.
  14. CharlesKelley

    Why or how did you get into homebrewing?

    I brewed a fair amount 10 years ago. Also did some wine. I got back into it because I was looking for something to distract myself after my 18 year old son died in a car wreck December 20. I figured it is hard to crawl into a bottle if it takes you six weeks to fill it in the first place.
  15. CharlesKelley

    Star San in airlock?

    I know I am bumping an old thread, but at least it proves that I searched some before asking a question. 10 years ago when I was brewing and making wine I only used tap water (from a well no less). I never had a problem. Now I hear all this talk about using vodka or star san in the air lock...
  16. CharlesKelley

    Best games to play while drunk

    The only time I've played "where are my car keys" was when I was in high school, was way too drunk to drive, and my friends hid the car keys so I wouldn't get my butt killed or arrested. Good friends, now that I think about it.
  17. CharlesKelley

    Show us your other obsession(s)...

    Rock climbing, trout fishing, and hiking. Also road biking and backpacking, but I don't have pictures of that at hand.
  18. CharlesKelley

    Cold Crashing Advice

    Yeah, I was going to go 3 weeks in the fermenter for both of them. I'm just trying to get my ducks in a row for next weekend. Thanks for the advice.
  19. CharlesKelley

    Cold Crashing Advice

    I've got two beers fermenting, an Abbey Ale that has been in primary for about 2 weeks and a lightly hopped pale ale that has been in primary for one week. I am in the middle of a keezer build, putting it together as I have the money. Right now I've repurposed a compact chest freezer by...