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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. BeehiveBrewer

    Hi all! Utah guy new to group.

    Welcome Traveler! There is a Utah group on here. HomeBrewTalk Groups - Utah Brewers Feel free to join and celebrate the fact that brewing is almost legal in Utah.
  2. BeehiveBrewer

    What's your most expensive brew?

    1.85 / 12 oz bottle of Brewpastor's Water into Barleywine. It had 2 $7 bottles of grade A maple syrup.
  3. BeehiveBrewer

    Recipe Help

    I think I underestimated the potency of the molasses. My beer didn't attenuate very well and I was left with a really sweet, kind of weird tasting stout. I would recommend getting advice from someone who has successfully used it as far as quantity and the effects it will impart. I used a...
  4. BeehiveBrewer

    Recipe Help

    Hi Notnice. I would only consider myself an intermediate brewer, so take this advice for what it is worth. The White Labs web site lists 5 yeasts as being good for American Browns. I think the one you chose should be determined by whether you want a dry or sweet finish and your...
  5. BeehiveBrewer

    Favorite overall Craft/Micro?

    In no particular order: Midnight Sun Brewing - Alaska Deschutes Rogue
  6. BeehiveBrewer

    Multiple mashes for a single batch - has this been done?

    I was reading the 5 gal v. 10 gal mash tun threads and got to wondering. Could there be any benefit to mashing different grains in separate mash tuns? For example, the bulk of your base malt in one tun, at one temperature, and the rest of your grain in another tun at a different temperature...
  7. BeehiveBrewer

    How to get ABV?

    You get ABV by adding more extract! ; )
  8. BeehiveBrewer

    Tasted my first brew

    I put a recipe into promash and your beer came out to about 4-4.6% alcohol by volume. 4% is 3.2% by weight like they sell in Utah grocery stores. This might be why your beer 'didn't taste that strong', but your OG was within guidelines for a Northern English Brown which, if I remember...
  9. BeehiveBrewer

    Hops... Throw em in or bag em' in...

    I like that set up. What's a 'Worm Clamp'? Is that like a hose clamp where the circular metal band gets its circumference reduced and tightened by the screw?
  10. BeehiveBrewer

    Hops... Throw em in or bag em' in...

    I've done both. I don't know if it makes a difference. I like tossing the whole leaf hops and plugs because you can strain them out easily and it is cool to watch them float. I've used bags with pellets as well as just tossed them in. I don't know that I can detect a difference in...
  11. BeehiveBrewer

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2009?

    5 gallons Mann's American Amber Ale 1729
  12. BeehiveBrewer

    Hey you! You're using too much StarSan...

    or Jeeps! Pot calling the kettle black! ; )
  13. BeehiveBrewer

    Explain your handle / De construct your avatar

    I chose BeehiveBrewer because I'm in Utah and Utah is the Beehive State. The Beehive became the state's emblem in 1959 and symbolizes industry, thrift, and perseverance. My avatar changes constantly. Currently it is a ski photo on one of the back country tours I took.
  14. BeehiveBrewer

    SWMBO just gave my Amber Ale a 10!

    so do we get pictures of your SWMBO and your beer?
  15. BeehiveBrewer

    Something Impossible Happened:

    Yeah, it has something to do with the alignment of the moon and stars today. I too got way over gravity. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to deal with more beer ; )
  16. BeehiveBrewer

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2009?

    6 Gallons Bee Cave Brewery Robust Porter 1691
  17. BeehiveBrewer

    Ed Wort, what would you recommend I do to your Robust Porter recipe with WL 002?

    bump....and here is your ten character minimum to post mr. computerized forum
  18. BeehiveBrewer

    Ever use Coopers DME?

    no one? it must suck....
  19. BeehiveBrewer

    Yeast / Style dilemma

    I want to brew Ed Worts robust porter and an American Amber Ale. I have Nottingham and WL002 English Ale yeast left over from old batches. Ed's recipe calls for Notty. White Labs site says 002 is good for robust porter. I'm guessing American Amber is good with Notty, but not true to...
  20. BeehiveBrewer

    Ed Wort, what would you recommend I do to your Robust Porter recipe with WL 002?

    Hi guys, I figured I'd address this to Ed since it was his recipe, but feel free to chime in. I want to brew his Robust Porter recipe, but I want to use some WhiteLabs 002 English Ale yeast from another different batch. White Labs recommends this yeast for a robust porter. How would you...