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  1. fatal_degree

    If you could choose ONLY 3 hop varieties EVER, what would they be?

    Citra is the Trademark name for the variety. It is patented under Humulus lupulus 'HBC 394'. It was developed by the Hop Breeding Company They are a commercial hybridizer who specializes in the creation of new varieties. Though the plant is Trademarked it is available...
  2. fatal_degree

    If you could choose ONLY 3 hop varieties EVER, what would they be?

    I know and understand that.....hence the reason I said "wouldn't it be nice to be able to get ahold of citra...". I only lacked scecificity. I should've indicated I wanted them to grow, not just to consume.
  3. fatal_degree

    If you could choose ONLY 3 hop varieties EVER, what would they be?

    Sorry, I should've been more specific....I want to be able to purchase rhizomes so that I can propagate and gorw the plants. Both for my personal use and for selling live plants at my greenhouse. I have not had any luck finding the rhizomes so that I can grow them.
  4. fatal_degree

    If you could choose ONLY 3 hop varieties EVER, what would they be?

    Wouldn't it be nice to get ahold of some Citra hops?!! Love 'em! Aren't those a proprietary variety only available to industrial growers?
  5. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    daveaohio: Sorry to hear about your chickens. I had a few out at my mother's place for a short time...but she like to let them out so they can garden with her...then she forgets to put them away. Needless to say they met their end at the rotten little paws of the coon out there. Rotten devils...
  6. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    mtnangel: You're makin my mouth water! Those are some GREAT lookin buns!! And the "bagel" desciption sounds awesome, I love bagels. Thank You for posting you picture and recipe.
  7. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    HoodedCrow, I had wondered how long they would keep while refridgerated. Thanks for posting!
  8. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    I discovered my corgi LOVES pumpkin, when I did my last brew. What is your recipe for dog treats? Have you ever thought of making your dog's food from scratch? I bet the grains would work well for that also.
  9. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    And me without my cattle....humbug. I would totally keep a little brown cow for milk and such, but my property in the city is only 47' X 142' nice as my neighbors are.... Great idea for those who have large animals. Or at least access to them. Has anyone thought about fermenting the...
  10. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    OOooo mmm Aahhh.... that sounds simply scrumtious! I have been toying with the idea of getting a sourdough culture started. My better half does the bread baking, and he is a bit nervous about how to use a starter as opposed to dry packets from the store. I will have to get one going, now I'm...
  11. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    Just tried drying a whole batch of grains. It was going well for the first 6 pounds and then I must have stopped paying as close attention. I got them all dry, but the last few batches got a little crispy/burnt. The dog will probably still eat them though....I still have some pumpkin leftover...
  12. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    I have eaten the pleurotus....they're pretty average. But then so are most of the supermarket mushrooms. They work well cooked into our daily meals. I would love to give the leotiprus a crack again, but I think I better see if I can get the hang of the oyster mushroom first. The only place I...
  13. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    I actually did try to inocculate some grain with plurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom) but I didn't have any luck initiating mushroom formation. I got decent mycelium run...I need to be able to control my enviornmental temperatures better I think. I would love to do leotiporus sulphureus (sulphur...
  14. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    Hi! For my girls, I have always just fed it to them wet for a few days and then pitched the rest in the compost pile. Personally that feels TERRIBLY inefficient and wasteful. I am looking for a way to dry it, without too much hassle. And without having to buy anything fancy to accomplish it...
  15. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    Great Idea also! We do a lot of home-made pizza crust in my house.
  16. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    Thanks for sending the recipe and the great advice about freezing in portions!
  17. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    That sounds interesting. How do you use it? It seems like it would be pretty crunchy. Do you mill it finer, or just use a small portion for added texture in a normal bread recipe?
  18. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    hop candles sound good....or hop soap! I grew some hops this year, but the crop was pretty small being the first season. I expect that I will grow more than I can use at some point. Has anyone done anything with the yeast trub? I'm trying to figure out how to dry it and use it as a supplement to...
  19. fatal_degree

    Uses For Spent Grains

    After my recent brew session, I got to pondering on how malt extract is made and what it is used for. After spending more time than I should've Googling the subject, I discovered that malt is used with more frequency in foods than it is in beer. So, there sat a hot pile of freshly sparged grain...
  20. fatal_degree

    If you could choose ONLY 3 hop varieties EVER, what would they be?

    If you could save only 3 varieties from extinction for your brewing pleasure, what would they be??