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  1. C

    Too much hops

    Alright. Sounds good. We'll taste soon enough. :) Burning Couch Brewery Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
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    Too much hops

    :). I hope so. Yep 5 gallons. Basically a modified grapefruit bomb only maybe even more grapefruit this time. Burning Couch Brewery Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
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    Too much hops

    Had a great brew day today with friends and family. Unfortunately it occurred to me afterward that I made a dumb mistake. My IPA recipe calls for 5 ounces of simcoe. I normally measure out 5 ounces at the start of the boil and just eyeball the additions. Today for some dumb reason I mistook 0.5...
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    Homebrew store in Charleston, SC

    Where is beer engineer? Can we really go from none to two lhbs? I went to yeast last week. Nice guy. Looks like a nice store may develop there. He was great about talking up other local brewers. Burning Couch Brewery Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
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    Autumn Seasonal Beer Punkin' Ale

    It's already well into January but I am really thinking of making a winter version of this beer. Using more winter flavors than pumpkin. I really love the underlying malt flavor of this beer. It is pretty dead center to what I like. How much of the flavor do you think comes from the pumpkin in...
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    Autumn Seasonal Beer Punkin' Ale

    Brewed this a few weeks ago to have for my 40th birthday. Tapped the keg Wednesday. Omg. This one is so good. My wife is an IPA girl but this one is all me. I may brew this one year round. I really love the malt flavor in it. Thank you for sharing this delicious recipe!
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    Wort Aeration & How To Build A Free Pump

    Cool idea. Do you think this gets more air in than pouring the wort through my strainer? I normally just lift my kettle and pour it through my strainer sitting on top of the fermenter bucket. I quit using the cane because I was worried about not getting air into the beer.
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    Wort Aeration & How To Build A Free Pump

    Cool idea. Do you think this gets more air in than pouring the wort through my strainer? I normally just lift my kettle and pour it through my strainer sitting on top of the fermenter bucket. I quit using the cane because I was worried about not getting air into the beer.
  9. C

    So who's worked in their main electrical panel?

    cool got ya. Loving that quote in your signature from laughing_gnome btw
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    So who's worked in their main electrical panel?

    Taco are you saying you think you could handle 1000 amps for a brief instant? I no longer work in the field however I was an electrician at a steel mill for a long time. We worked on everything from 5VDC electronics up to 32KV substations. Our main feeder was significantly higher potential...
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    BIAB and Astringency

    Very cool. Thank you for the link. I may give it a try.
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    BIAB and Astringency

    Just curious, what is the reason for mashing overnight? I thought we only mashed for an hour to two until the starches were converted. Don't the proteins degrade at 158 in a couple of hours? <-very new to all grain so really wanting to learn here
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    Temperature Control in Ferm Chamber - Heating pad on a timer?

    I am looking into fermentation chambers so i read your thread. Just curious, how hard would it be to switch what your controller is controlling? I'm thinking a 3 position switch with cool off and heat. If you use a low heat op heater like the lightbulb you shouldn't ever be needing to run both...
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    Propagating sweetwater ipa

    Well now that I have the answer to my question (just buy wyeast 1968 in the future) I figured I would throw out my propagating yeast but when I went in this am to do just that I see a layer of krausen on top. Pretty cool. I've never seen that before as I ferment in plastic buckets and didn't...
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    Propagating sweetwater ipa

    Shadow, yes mixing it about every 4 hours when home and awake. Working on finding the parts to make a stir plate. dedhedjed, thank you so much! the Sweetwater IPA is my wife's favorite so she is a fan of trying to harvest more yeast. I think she may be sabotaging my efforts so I will buy...
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    Propagating sweetwater ipa

    Thanks Shadow69. I have a vial of wlp008. I have a lot of sediment at the bottom of my growler now after 1 step up. I have yet to see it get a layer of krausen on it though. I am kind of nervous to brew with it. I really don't want to ruin a batch of beer with not enough yeast. Should I...
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    Propagating sweetwater ipa

    ok. I see some results now at the bottom. Seems like I can decant the liquid and add more starter to the slurry. It seems there are a bunch of different methods to this madness. Would it be better to measure gravity and wait till it is steady to add more wort?
  18. C

    Propagating sweetwater ipa

    So I'm trying to get some yeast from a 6 pack of sweetwater ipa. I've never tried this nor have I ever made a yeast starter. I've always just pitched the smack packs. I don't see anything happening in the wort I added to the sweetwater. I didn't see any sludge at the bottom of the bottles...
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    WNC Brewer / Highland Cold Mountain Clone

    Cold Mountain is a yummy beer!
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    Software for making schematics and control panel diagrams?

    When I did it for a living we used Autocad. The CAD programs are great for drawing but aren't completely intuitive on how to use. I imagine today 5 years since I last laid out a cabinet it is a bit better. I'd go with the free stuff.