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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. M

    Enough grains/sugar for Pale Ale kit?

    I got a pale ale kit which came with 2lb of DME, 6 oz of crushed crystal, and 3.3lb of light hopped LME. It only came with 1 oz of UK First Gold. I am planning on adding some centennial(1 oz)to the boil and dry hop with casscade(2 oz) as well. Will I need to pick up more grains or ME?
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    Cheapest 5 Gal All-Grain system

    Im looking for a good cheap all grain system. I know Northern Brew has a system for around $200. I COULD make one but I don't wanna screw it up.
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    Looking for a good name for labels

    Im looking for a name for my brew so I can get a logo and labels made. I WAS thinking Redhead Brew after my redheaded son but turns out that is already taken. So I was thinking Ginger Top or Ginger Cap Brew. Something along those lines. Any ideas?
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    First Time Using Blowoff Tube

    I I just brewed a Belgian Tripel which ended at a 1.085 OG and I pitched two yeast packets so I'm expecting a lot of action. I decided to use a blow off tube for the first time. Does this system look ok? Any adjustments?
  5. M

    Belgian Tripel w/ spice?

    I am planning on brewing tomorrow but the only kit I have at the moment is a Belgian Tripel. I kind of wanted to add a few spices to a beer this season. Is this completely a bad idea for the BT?
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    Low OG

    So I just brewed and I realized after I pitched that I forgot to take the OG. Went back down and took it... The first time I did it was about 1.020 then it was 1.045 then the last time it was back down to around 1.030. I added a ton of hops to this brew and I believe I read once the more hops...
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    Infected beer bottles

    My wheat went bad in bottles probably from the oranges I added. What is the best way to clean and sanitize the bottles with the bad brew in them?
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    Wheat yeast

    So I went out and got all ingredients today to make this wheat beer including the wb-06 yeast. When I opened the coopers wheat extract it also came with a yeast packet. How bad is it to use 2 different kinds of yeast? I'm assuming that's a no no.
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    Airlock not releasing air

    So today my air lock was very active from last nights brew but I noticed I must have put to much water in and I dont think the air was releasing properly. After adjusting the top activity resumed along with the bubbles. I realize it will probably be ok but for future reference can this mess with...
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    Favorite hop for dry hopping(pale ale)

    I'm getting ready to brew my 6th batch and gonna do my first dry hopping. I can't decide what hop to get for dry hopping. I'm brewing a pale ale and want to get it as floral and citrus as possible.
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    Aluminum vs Stainless Steel pots

    I have a small stainless steel pot that I started out with to make my first few batches which can only brew half batches. I ordered what I thought was a bigger stainless steel pot but turned out to be aluminum. What are the disadvantages of using one or the other. Will aluminum effect the taste?
  12. M

    Brewery jobs MD/VA

    I am looking to get a part time job or even do some volunteer work at a brewery in the NOVA or even western MD area. Does anyone know where to look? I have emailed a few places but no one needs help(even volunteers!!!).
  13. M

    Never Started My Yeast

    Anyone else never use a yeast starter? I am on my 4th batch and I have not used a starter and don't really plan to. I have used dry yeast and smack packs and have never had a problem. Anyone else that doesn't use a starter and if not ever have a problem?
  14. M

    How much fruit?

    I just brewed up my first Weizenbier the other day and is in the Primary right now with nice air lock action. I'm thinking about adding some fruit to it when I move it to secondary in a couple weeks. If I plan on throwing in some Strawberries or peaches how much do you need for a 5 gallon...
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    Loudoun VA/WV Brewers

    Any brewers in the Loudoun VA or even in the Charles Town WV area? If so where is the nearest brewing club?
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    IPA Fermentation time

    I'm sure this question has been asked but I couldn't find the answer. I brewed my first IPA(my third batch ever) and everything went smoothly. I pitched the yeast(smack pack) and settled the fermenter where I have always done in my basement on a towel. The air lock was somewhat active for...
  17. M

    Recipe question

    **New Brewer** I noticed in some recipes I see show no boil time for the hops, for example one shows: HOPS: 1.00 ozs Cascade - 5.50% - 60 mins 1.00 ozs Cascade - 5.50% - 0 mins What does it mean by 0 mins?
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    My first batch

    So I moved my first batch into secondary last night. I am making an American Cream Ale(Brewers Best kit) because I thought it would be a good place to start. When I popped that top on the primary it was one good smelling batch of beer. Only thing is I thought this batch was supposed to be...
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    Yeast Temp Question

    As I stated in my last two threads I am a brand new brewer. I know by now that one of the big differences between Ale and Lager yeasts is the temperature they are fermented. The only space I really have to ferment is my basement which right now(winter) is about 65 degrees and probably 70 in...
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    My Carboy ok?

    I am a brand new brewers in the middle of my first batch. I am about to moved to the secondary stage today but after I sanitized my carboy with bleach I realized there is still a scent of bleach inside. Should I wait till this smell is completely gone or should this be ok? Thanks guys! :ban: