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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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    New new thought

    So. I tried an earlier thread on bottled grape juice. People got stuck on what happens after it is unbottled. So my question is. Grape juice. Bottled and using a steam juicer. Gonna work for wine? Is there an age limit(finding stuff from 2000))? I'd like to ferment this stuff
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    So. I drank some of my year old aged and spiced with cinnamon and cloves cider. And suddenly I want to fall asleep. All day. Anyone else have this reaction? What gives?
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    Bottled grape juice

    So. My parents have plenty of grape vines and every year they bottle some of them using a juicer. They literally have a hundred of these bottles around quart sized. Couple questions. If I attempt to make wine out of these. What sort of concentration do you imagine I'll need (they are juiced with...
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    Mead disappointment

    Started two meads in January that I split into four types. A metheglin. A blackberry essence mead. A green tea with Ginger mead. And a coffee mead. I bottled my green tea this last weekend and I had a cold so I couldn't smell or taste it. So I had my wife do so. This after she just praised my...
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    Invert sugar carmelized?

    Is my new skeet pee (with lime) doomed. Went off to wash my fermenter and forgot to stir my sugar on the stove. Got some carmelized sugar and a brown color. Didnt have more sugar available so I used it. It's a ten dollar recipe so it's not a huge loss but do you think it's flavor is going to be...
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    My skeeter pee and soon, alligator pi$$

    So I started a skeeter pee last week. Using the starter method my gravity dropped from 1.07 to 1.02 in about 3 days. A little surprised. Plan on racking it soon and I'm hoping to have this thing kegged by mid April. I have a Moab trip coming up. So. Here's the question. I saw sweetened lime...
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    Radiant heating/cooling

    I've been running searches and I can't find this particular issue addressed. I see many many fermentation chambers and I've been looking at making one or two. One for lagering and one for ales. And I was wondering if anyone has attempted using radiant heat systems like used in flooring/walls. It...
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    Getting everything set up

    New to the forum and only have about 6 months of brewing under my belt and I have some questions as searching on my phone is tedious and labor consuming. I'm looking for plans/forms/ideas on how to expand my operation step by step. Currently I have 7 5 gallon tubs sitting around bubbling with...
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    Brewing with my son

    So I've been doing some searches through here on recipes and methods an I have a few questions. Last week my son asked if we could brew something he could drink. He's 8. So I've been looking into root beer and Ginger ale and cream soda. Ive made root beer from extract many times and carbonated...
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    Irish red

    So I have an Irish red recipe that I modified some. Added some honey and sugar to boost abv. I tried some last night, now this is only it's second day, and I have to say at this point it is one of the most delightful beers I've ever had. I could sit there and drink all day long. Now granted it...
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    It exploded!

    Dear forum, I've been pressing this site about a month now finding suggestions and tips and now I have a question. Last night some hops got into my blow off tube and popped my top (lesson learned, if dry hopping use a bag!) so the question is. What sort of contamination am I looking at. Probably...