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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. T

    Maple Syrup for priming?

    I am fortunate enough to have a large sugar maple right at the end of my driveway. Most springs, I can get enough sap for a half gallon of syrup and one five gallon batch of maple barleywine. Last year, when I racked to the Corny keg (after several months in secondary) apparently it took...
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    Designing a mash tun...

    Bear with me and forgive my n00bishness while I ask a bunch of stoopid questions... Every time I use my ghetto all-grain setup (picnic cooler) I keep thinking "I ought to build me a badass,over-the-top brew sculpture..." ( I loves me some overkill.....) A little background.... I'm a...
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    Belgian Strong Golden mutant

    Working on a Belgian Strong Golden recipe. I'm trying to keep it fairly simple, but wanted to add a little coriander and lemon zest. I was wondering how much of each to use, and when to add them. I'm only looking for a hint of each, but was hoping they'd at least be somewhat present. After...
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    Counter Pressure Bottle Filler.

    I'm looking for a way to fill bottles from my kegs and the Blichmann Beer Gun looks like the ticket. However, being cheap, and somewhat clever, I'd like to try and make my own. (Besides, being a toolmaker, with lots of material and equipment at my disposal, I think I can build a COOLER one :D)...
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    A few efficiency questions

    Did my second AG batch*, and, for simplicity's sake, I used Northern Brewer's Belgian Strong Golden Ale kit. (SGA is my "house beer" and I was looking for a starting recipe). My OG was SUPPOSED to be 1.081 but was 1.07 - checked with both a hydrometer and a refractometer. Is this a huge...
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    Second stuck fermentation

    I recently brewed a Cranberry Braggot from the Sam Calagione book. It fermented pretty vigorously, came down about halfway and stalled. I repitched, it came down a little more and stalled again, so I said "screw it" and kegged it. (Sorry, my notes are home, so I don't remember OG and FG...
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    Cost of "good" beer, versus "swill".

    Just made a Quad and used 14lbs of grain to make five gallons. Given all the corn, rice and filler they use, (and SUBSTANTIALLY lower ABV....) how many gallons of sludgeweiser could I have made from that same 14 lbs of grain?
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    How long in the primary?

    I've always been under the impression that it's a good idea to get the wort off the dead yeast fairly quickly. As such, I've always racked over to the secondary after about ten days - two weeks. The recipe I just brewed says "21 days in the primary and seven in the secondary". Can that be a...
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    ...I did it all wrong...

    Chose a recipe that was a bit ambitious for a first all grain - a Belgian Quad. Bought the grains about a month ago and had them crushed, intending to brew that weekend - it didn't happen until this weekend, so they've been sitting around, crushed, for four or five weeks. Thought my mash tun...
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    Beer Joke:

    Q: Why does Belgium give the world such great beers? A: To try and make up for also giving us those annoying little blue bastards! * *(for those of you who don't know, the Smurfs are also Belgian) :D
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    Lazy-ass way to clean kegerator lines....

    My keg of Belgian Strong just breathed it's last. :( It's the first keg through the new kegerator, and I was thinking about cleaning the corny, then putting some cleaning solution in it and feeding it through the line and tap under pressure. Good idea? Stupid idea? Better way?
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    Nitrogen - anyone using it?

    Got the brain fart to maybe try putting my Belgian Quad on nitrogen when the time comes. Anyone try anything similarly idiotic? Good? Bad? Indifferent? I have the tank from my old cobra tap system (currently full of CO2) and the smaller (empty) tank that came with my new kegerator, so I...
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    Edgeumicate Me About Hops...

    Being new here, I can stir up a hornet's nest with impunity and then claim it was because I was a n00b and didn't know better.....right? :p Here: I don't like IPA's or any really hoppy beers. Beer is water, malt and yeast. Anything else is in there for balance and/or interest.<ducks and...
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    First AG Batch...and my mash tun is too small...

    For my first AG, I picked a Belgian Quad.....and, after buying the ingredients and starting the yeast I did the calculations.... 14.25 Lbs of grain @ 1.5: 1 = 5.34375 gallons. That all ain't gonna fit in a Rubbermaid cooler... Even at 1:1, that's still 3.5625 gallons. What do I do? Can I do...
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    Corny or carboy?

    I will soon have a "terrible" problem - more beer than storage vessels. Right now, I have a Belgian Strong Golden in secondary, and it'll be there at least until Thanksgiving. I have a Belgian Quad to brew this weekend and my primary (bucket) is free. After that, however, I'll need another...