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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. jawats

    Indiana Home Brewing Eq for Sale

    All, Having reached the point where it was necessary for me to give up alcohol entirely, I am selling my home brewing equipment. None of it is professional grade, but it has served me well. Here's a link to the Craigslist advert. Let me know if you have questions...
  2. jawats

    Cider Sweetening Help

    All, I started this cider - - a few weeks back. I just moved this to secondary - went from 1.060 to 1.000 - 8% ABV or thereabouts. It has a slightly bitter flavor. Would y'all recommend leaving it in secondary, adding stevia and bottling...
  3. jawats

    Cider Sweetening Help

  4. jawats

    Apple / Grape Cider

    All, I stared this cider - - a few weeks back. I just moved this to secondary - went from 1.060 to 1.000 - 8% ABV or thereabouts. It has a slightly bitter flavor. Would y'all recommend leaving it in secondary, adding stevia and bottling...
  5. jawats

    Apple / Grape Cider

    All, I recently started a cider with 4.5 gallons apple cider (from Costco - no preservatives, seasonal...good stuff) and .5 gallon grape juice by Paul Newman (also de Costco). I sprinkled a packet of Cider House Select Cider yeast. OG - 1.060 I suspect the grape won't leave enough of a...
  6. jawats

    TART Cider

    All, Made a hard cider using 5 gallons of apple cider, plus 2 cans of concentrate. Started with regular yeast, which didn't really go for long, then added champagne yeast as a secondary yeast, which I then let ferment for over three months, one month in primary, 2+ in secondary. I went to...
  7. jawats

    Cider Stalled?

    All, I added 7 oz. of molasses to my cider about a week after moving it to secondary. A week later, I've noticed little activity (no bubbling). Does molasses take awhile, or could this be stalled and need a re-pitch? Thanks! --Jonathan
  8. jawats

    First (Knowledgable) Cider and Bottling Advice

    All, I just placed a cider in the fermenter, consisting of: 4 gallons of blended cider from a local supplier in Michigan, Shelton's Farms. 1/2 gallon of the same cider used as a yeast starter White Laps WLP775 2 containers of frozen apple juice from Wal-Mart I made a starter from the...
  9. jawats

    Cider Recipe and Cold Crashing

    Fellow ciderers: I am going to make my first batch since an attempt at Ed Wort's apfelvine a few years back. My plan is to use 4 gallons of apple cider, along with two containers of frozen apple juice, and 1 additional gallon of water. I want to go gluten-free, so my plan is to go with a...
  10. jawats

    Honey Tripel?

    BrewBros and Sis, A few months back, I made the following Tripel recipe, which turned out fantastically: Pilsen DME 8.5 lbs 1 lb table sugar 1 lb corn sugar Hops 1.5 oz - Styrian Goldings (substitute: Fuggle, Willamette) (60 m.) 1 oz - Saaz (substitute: Sladek, Lublin, Sterling...
  11. jawats

    Partial-Grain Duvel - Thoughts?

    Breiss Pilsen Light (Liquid)10 lbs Breiss Golden (Dry) 2 lbs Dingemans Aromatic Malt 2 lbs Light Belgian Candi Sugar 2 lbs Hops 1.5 oz - Styrian Goldings (substitute: Fuggle, Willamette) (60 m.) 1 oz - Saaz (substitute: Sladek, Lublin, Sterling, Ultra, Vangaurd) (15 m.) 1/2 oz - Saaz...
  12. jawats

    First Mead Question (Honey Blueberry)

    All: I just made this mead - - and it has been in open fermentation for about a week. Smells heavily of alcoholic blueberry honey bread at this point, and I am preparing to move it to airlocked fermenter in the next day or two. As this...
  13. jawats

    Momma don't let your babies...lawyers...

    All, Just a general recommendation. If your children are considering law school, do whatever it takes to keep them out of it for now. My reasoning: it's overpriced, the market is glutted (therefore, salaries are very low and hiring is way down), and law schools are playing games with their...
  14. jawats

    Experimental Small Beer - Ginger, Honey, Molasses

    All, Given that it is summer (and HOT), I was considering making a "small beer" using molasses, honey, ginger, and lemon. For five gallons, 60 minute boil, I was thinking: 40 oz ginger juice 80 oz fresh lemon juice 4 lbs honey 2 lbs light molasses 2 lb dark molasses (for...
  15. jawats

    Yuengling Clone

    Okay - my wife and I love Yuengling. Not the world's best beer, by most standards, but tasty, especially on hot days. Regardless of our current snowed-in condition, I am going to attempt a Yuengling clone. I have scoured the web via Google, and located more than a few attempts. Below, I have...
  16. jawats

    Russian Stout

    I posted a similar recipe before, which was delicious, but I just brewed this last night: 3 gal water. .3 lbs American Chocolate .3 lbs American Black Patent .6 lbs Black Roasted Barley Steeped for 30 mins. at 155. 3 3.3 lb cans of Breiss malt (2 Dark, 1 Porter) Boiled for 60...
  17. jawats

    Yes, but can it be used for brewers?

    Check this out.
  18. jawats

    A Lenten Ale

    All, I am giving up alcohol (!) for Lent, but am looking to make an ale over that time to celebrate the end of Lent. I was thinking about something like: 6.5 lbs American 6 Row 2.0 lbs Honey Malt 1.0 lbs American Crystal 60L .25 oz. Willamette (60m) .25 oz. Willamette (45m) .25 oz...
  19. jawats

    When do I move it to secondary?

    I am brewing this imperial stout: After a rather explosive process (which involved halving the fermenting wort into two fermenters), the fermenting appears to have slowed. I had planned on keeping the beer on for 30 days in the two...
  20. jawats

    Oh it toast?

    I am taking the "wait and see" rec, but has this happened to anyone (I am sure it has) and how did it come out? I made this recipe: I went downstairs this morning, and it was bubbling away. I went down this evening, and it had blown the...