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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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    RO water and salt additions

    So I've been doing a ton of researching and reading, and been playing with the various water calculators and I believe I have a good handle on how to go about utilizing RO water, salts, and acid malt for brewing. One question that eludes me though. If I'm using say 8 gallons of strike water...
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    Critique my lager

    Hey guys, working on a house lager recipe and want to see what everyone thinks: 11 gal 16 lbs Vienna 3 lbs flaked maize 2 lbs Munich 10L 7 oz acid malt (for mash ph) 3 oz tettnang @ 60 2 oz Hersbrucker @ 15 1 pack 34/70 in 2 liter starter plus an additional 2 packs rehydrated...
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    Idophor ... Wort tastes like butt

    I recently got two new conicals from stout tanks and am working on getting my processes down. On their website they recommend idophor instead of star San. I've done two previous batches in the conicals one with idophor and one with star San. Last night I did a big bAtch and forgot to take a...
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    Water for brewing...

    Bare with me here Please this will be a bit long but really need some more input, I'm gonna have to dump four new kegs I think and you guys have been a great source of help and info!! So I'm having major issues with my beer lately. getting a really bad metallic bite to them the longer they...
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    Conical functionality on small batches

    I've been doing a bunch of research and it sounds like fermenting smaller batches in a conical is fine as the CO2 clears the headspace anyway. I've seen several threads and testimonies of people brewing say, half batches in conicals with no issues. However, I'm curious if you can do less...
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    Harvesting yeast from a conical vs letting beer sit on cake

    Hey everyone, just got a couple conicals in and am doing my first 10 gallon batch in one of them. Ive done a bunch of reading on dumping trub and harvesting yeast, but I havent seen anyone talk about the detriment of taking the yeast out early. The beer is BM's centennial blonde 1.041 OG. I...
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    Girlfriend cooked my Trappist

    Hey everyone, title says it all. I had a vial of WLP500 sitting in my fridge that was a year old so I thought Id see if I could revive it in a starter two days ago. I wasnt sure if it was going to take off or not but it did! High krausen this morning, then I come home and my loving girlfriend...
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    Need some help with new setup

    Hey everyone, recently I went buck wild and got a new setup consisting of two 14.5 gallon conicals and two glass door refrigerators controlled by fermostat temp controllers. Previously I was doing 5 gallon batches in carboys with a chest freezer/fermostat. Last night I brewed up my first 10...
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    Dropping temps toward end of fermentation

    Hey everyone - Friday I brewed an IPA and pitched a dry pack of US-05. It took off immediately. and slowed down after day 3. I had my temps set at 67 degrees with 2 degree delta. Today I brewed up a blonde that I want to be light and crisp (using US-05 as well) so I dropped the temp on the...
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    Anyone kegged a 1.070 around 11 days?

    Whats up HBT :tank: A million of these questions are posted I realize and here comes another one. I brewed a red IPA on June 26th (11 days ago) fermentation was strong and completed around day 5 or so. It ended up being much higher OG than originally planned because I broke my 6.5 gallon...
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    Boil kettle trub w/ flameout additions

    Ive done quit a bit of reading about this and even came across some side by side direct comparisons about leaving hop trub in the boil kettle vs transferring it to your fermenter. With flame out hop additions though, aren't you losing a lot of aromatic/flavor potential by NOT transferring the...
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    Critique please....

    Newer brewer here, recently I had a grain shipment go wrong and ended up with some odds and ends... Shooting for a bigger IPA so this is what I went with: 11.5lbs 2row 12 oz carapils 8 oz crystal 10 8 oz crystal 60 8 oz Vienna 5 oz corn sugar to the boil 1 oz citra@60 1 oz citra@ 15 1 oz citra...
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    Critique please....

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    First All Grain

    Hey everyone, I'm starting my first all grain brew tonight and I found the recipe here online but it didn't have any guidelines as far as mash temp and stuff like that. Here is the recipe: Amarillo Pale Ale 5.5gal 10lbs 2 row 8oz Cara-pils 8oz Crystal 60L 1oz Cascade @ FW 1oz Amarillo @ 20 1oz...
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    Kegging PSI for wheat beer ...

    First time brewing, first time kegging, first time .... well, you get the picture. Ive looked at the charts, read a zillion threads and it sounds like this wheat needs to be at 3-3.5 volumes which means I need to set my regulator at 22 PSI(40 deg). Thats fine and dandy but Im finding a million...
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    Only have a 1000ml flask, can I use it for a starter?

    Hey everyone, I have a 1000ml Erlenmeyer but no stir plate. I've recently bought a bunch of new equipment and would really like to use my existing equipment if possible. Can I use this flask for starters or do I really need to get a 2000ml?
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    A few cider questions ...

    Ive been told that once my apfelwein is done its ok to syphon it (rack it) into the one gallon jugs initially for storage, but not open them later? Once in the one gallon containers once it gets open the cider will go bad after a few days. I dont understand this. I mean ... if the oxygen gets...