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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. Michael_Calgary

    Thielman Kegs. How to connect?

    Hi all, I was given a couple of what I think are called "Thielmann" kegs by a friend. It has a connection method I have never seen before. I have done a bit of research on the googlewebs and I think it might be called an "S coupler". By the way, these used to hold Heineken beer if that helps...
  2. Michael_Calgary

    Amarillo Pale Ale

    I didn't invent this... But I've been tweaking it to suit my pallet. This is just a really nice drinkable (quaffable!!) beer. For me, it's a "beer drinkers beer." For the yeast, I usually use US-05, but I have also used WLP001. Of course, don't follow my acid or salt additions as your water...
  3. Michael_Calgary

    Run two 120v elements off of 240v?

    Hi there, Currently I have a two element kettle. Each element is 120v and completely separate from each other. Since I boil in my basement and the location I boil at is very close to the 240v dryer outlet, I want to eliminate having two 120v power cables going to separate circuits in my...
  4. Michael_Calgary

    Hop question, combine all grain + DME wort

    Hi all, I am setup for 5 gallon all grain batches. I have a 10 gallon electric brew kettle and a 10 gal "igloo" Mash tun. I have a question though. I was wanting to do some 10 gallon batches, but my equipment is not big enough for (full) 10 gallon batches. Because I don't want to do two all...
  5. Michael_Calgary

    Mega Hop recipies - Are they crazy?

    So let me start out by saying this. I have been into All Grain for almost two years now. With respects to hops, I am certainly finding that I am enjoying recipes that have more hops in them than say, 1.5 years ago. My typical beers will have 1 to 1.5 oz of hops for the entire 5 gallon batch...
  6. Michael_Calgary

    Lets see if we have any "nerds" here... Time travel question.

    BTW, I am a nerd... and it's not meant to be a derogatory statement. Ok. So let me see if I can translate my thoughts to something resembling coherent English.. My time travel topic will have a medical element in it as well. So lets assume two things. First, time travel is possible...
  7. Michael_Calgary

    Thought I should finally say "Hi"!

    Hello all. Love these Forums. I live in Calgary Canada. I found HomebrewTalk while searching for all grain recipe ideas. I've been brewing for decades (on and off) and have been into all grain for about a year now. I kid you not, I am making the BEST beer I have ever made because of these...
  8. Michael_Calgary

    How do Commercial Breweries Carbonate their bottle?

    As the title suggests, I am wondering how the "big guys" force carbonate in bottles? I've tried doing some google searches but all I get is assumptions or vague wording. I do all grain and keg. I know how "I" carbonate. But this is a big volume (as compared to one bottle) of beer and it's...
  9. Michael_Calgary

    Electric brew pot - strike water and boil times

    Hi all. Hi just finished converting my brew pot to electric. At the recommendation of the owner of the Home brew Store I frequent, I opted for two 120 volt 1500 watt elements in my brew pot. So today I decided to test with plain water. My volume was 7.5 gallons and the water temp was 53F at...
  10. Michael_Calgary

    Mash with one step?

    Hi all, So I have done maybe 20 all grain brews so far. Everything is great so far! But I was wondering... So basically I batch sparge right now. So this is two steps and two times that I heat water. Strike and Sparge. Is it possible to add my total boil volume of strike water(plus more...
  11. Michael_Calgary

    What is PBW made from?

    HI all, I performed a cursory search on these forums and didn't find anything related to my question. So I use PBW. I like it. However, it is stupid expensive. So here is my question. I noticed the very first time I used it, that it looks/smells/feels exactly like "old school" powdered...