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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. K

    Ward's Labs Water Test

    Ok so I want to test my water before I get into batch #3. I want to check off this box and make sure my water isn't an issue. So I'm here ready to order: I see three options for purchasing: * W-5A Brewer's test...
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    Oxygenating Beer

    So I just bottled my Tank 7 clone and if I have any concern about this batch, it's about oxygenating the beer as I siphoned it to the bottling bucket. A couple of things went on here: 1. My eyesight isn't great so I have a hard time looking through the carboy and judging if my racking cane is...
  3. K

    My Brewing Water -- PH Reading -- Good or No?

    Just got back from vacation and one of my to dos was to test the PH of my tap water. I used both ph test strips and a ph meter. Results: * PH Strips -- Read "purple" which equates to 6.2 on the plastic jar. * PH Meter -- Read 8.1-8.2 on multiple tests. Note: I also tested distilled water...
  4. K

    How Long Is Too Long In the Fermenter?

    I brewed a Tank 7 farmhouse ale clone kit recipe on July 7th. It's still in the carboy at 4+ weeks and will remain in there for another week (since I'm on vacation). I then need to dry hop for a few days when I return so this thing will be in there for 6 weeks I'm thinking. Couple of notes...
  5. K

    Batch #3 -- Trillium Fort Point Ale Clone!

    So I have one batch under my belt. A White IPA from a kit. Results seem mixed but haven't tasted a fully bottle conditioned beer yet. Batch #2, a Tank 7 clone, is in process. It's time for batch #3! Keep the pipeline growing. I've decided to attempt to clone another beer (that I can never...
  6. K

    Testing PH

    I'd like to rule out my tap water as a source of off flavors for my first batch (and future batches). I'm doing extracts now and I'd bet I'll do a couple more before I continue all grain. Understanding the above, will simple strips do the trick? For example...
  7. K

    Best Dry Hop Technique For Me

    So, yeah...I know this has been asked a ton on this forum. I've read a lot of threads on this topic and it seems like opinions are all over the map. Just dump 'em in...use a hops bag...muslin bag...paint strainer bag...marbles...stainless steel nuts, etc. Couple things for my situation: 1...
  8. K

    Batch #1 -- Early Sampling Results

    Welp, it's been about 9 days since I bottled my first batch, a white IPA extract kit, so I figured I'd take a sample. See pic below. On the right, for comparison's sake is a Trillium Congress St. IPA. World class stuff. On the left, is my "white" IPA (that doesn't look so white). Bottom...
  9. K

    All Grain -- When Did You Make The Transition?

    So I'm on my second batch and now thinking about my third. Was thinking of doing a Trillium clone and making the switch to all grain. I did some investigation and not only are there a few more wrinkles, but there also would seem to be additional investment required. When did you make the...
  10. K

    Foam During Top Off

    So I've done two brews and each time I've topped off my carboy to 5 gallons there's been a TON of foam. I've sanitized in starsan and after I dump it out there's a ton of the foam in there which I know is not a big deal, but when the wort/foam/water start to interact it's like a volcano up...
  11. K

    Warming A Fermenter

    So I just dumped my Tank 7 clone in the carboy. I tried to put it in the warmest place in my house -- the garage. It's the only place where central AC doesn't hit anything. The recipe kit says that the temp should stay between 65-77 F. When I talked to the homebrew store guys they indicated...
  12. K

    Second Batch -- Tank 7 Clone Kit

    I thought I posted something already but don't see it. If it re-appears, mods feel free to delete. Thinking about my 2nd batch now since the first one seemed to go well. Up next: Tank 7 Clone kit: In...
  13. K

    First Bottling Today -- Thoughts

    Well, I waited almost three weeks to bottle and had been targeting this week to get it done. Some thoughts: 1. Final Gravity: Was worried about this. Recipe kit said final gravity should be 1.014 and...I NAILED IT! Very happy about this! Initial gravity came in a bit low at 1.052 so this may...
  14. K

    Post Bottling Cleaning

    Good news: Just finished bottling my first batch! Bad news: What a mess. What do most do here immediately after? I'm thinking in one bucket put all small pieces and soak in oxyclean and then funnel oxyclean solution into the carboy (which is a disaster). Missing anything? Thanks!
  15. K

    Bottling Day -- Priming Sugar Question

    Super excited. Moving to bottling today. Think I'm feeling good, but have one nagging question on priming sugar process. I've seen tons of videos and it seems like people are all over the map on this. Here's what I'm planning on doing: 1. Boil 2 cups of water. 2. Take water off heat. 3. Dump...
  16. K

    Preparing To Bottle For The First Time -- Some Questions

    Folks, I'm targeting mid next week for my first bottling effort. By that time my IPA will have been in the fermenter for 2.5 weeks. I've read most of that bottling thread and watched a ton of videos, but just wanted to confirm some things and ask some advice on others. Here we...
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    Tank 7 Clone -- Yeast Selection Opinions

    So for my 2nd brew I've decided to do a Tank 7 clone. You can see it here: I decided to avoid the dry hopping associated with the Dales Pale Ale clone. Anyways, the kit doesn't come with yeast but...
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    Does This Look Right?

    My white IPA is currently in the carboy and has been for 10 days. Went through some furious bubbling early to the point where I had to deal with a blow off top. I'd expect that I'm not moving to bottling for another 10 days due to schedule issues. My carboy is in a dark basement and in a tub...
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    Bench Capper vs Hand Capper

    Folks, I know this question has been asked before. I've done some searching through the forums, but I thought I'd get the most current read on the situation. I have the red baron hand capper that came with the kit. I practiced capping on an empty bottle. One thing I'm concerned about is...
  20. K

    My 2nd Brew -- Dales Pale Ale or Tank 7?

    So for my first brew I was given an IPA kit. Great. Hope it turns out ok. Now I'm trying to identify which beer I should target for my 2nd brew. Couple of key requirements: 1. I want a good summer beer that I can bring to the beach. I figure if I get rolling in the next week or two I'll...