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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. swampbrewcrew

    The craft beer bubble is busting.

    I see posts all the time about this brewery or another closing down, and I’ve always chalked it up to market saturation. My local brewery in Jackson, MS has announced its closing. Lucky Town Brewing didn’t get beat by competing local breweries because there aren’t any. They lost the retail space...
  2. swampbrewcrew

    Dirty Confession

    I screwed up the hop additions on a lager recently. It’s west coast ipa in IBUs with no malt to back it up. I’ve been pouring 12 ounces into a pint glass and topping it up with Coors lite. It’s absolutely delicious.
  3. swampbrewcrew

    Benefit of kegging.

    I’ve been kegging most of my beer for about a year, but I have had to bottle some over the last couple of months due to brewing more than I’m drinking. One thing I’ve noticed is a significant amount of beer gets wasted to dregs in the bottle. When kegging I may dump the first glass, but after...
  4. swampbrewcrew

    Screwed up hop addition

    Been brewing for a few years, but I’m posting this one here. I was supposed to add 1/2 oz of willamette and crystal at the start of a 90 minute boil. I only added the willamette, and realized it at the 30 minute mark. I added the crystal, and split the difference by extending the boil an extra...
  5. swampbrewcrew

    Dog treats.

    Will it be alright to use spent grain for dog treats if I used about a half pound of rice hulls in the mash?
  6. swampbrewcrew

    You can hate InBev, but what they do is nothing short of awe-inspiring.

    The rest of the episode is a solid watch as well. Who knew Budweiser was naturally carbonated?
  7. swampbrewcrew

    We lost a good one.

    A friend of mine who I regretfully haven’t talked to in a few years lost the fight against PTSD. Raise a homebrew this holiday weekend and never forget about the Veterans who fight for your country every day. He was an avid home brewer and if you know his family give them my sincerest...
  8. swampbrewcrew

    Quad Cities.

    I'm in Mississippi where you can't order beer online. I will be in Moline, IL this weekend, and I would like to know any good breweries or beers to hunt for. Thanks in advance.
  9. swampbrewcrew

    Drilling through a cooler.

    I need to make a new mash tun and I have an old 50qt igloo with no drain valve. Has anyone ever tried drilling one of these out?
  10. swampbrewcrew

    Mississippi Central Mississippi

    Selling a full set up Bayou 16 gal Kettle/spigot and false bottom. Tri ply bottomed Bayou 10 gal economy pot Bayou Sq84 Frame modified to hold a bg14 banjo burner Two draft brewer kegs Co2 tank& regulator Two way co2 manifold Plastic 5 gallon carboys. Chest freezer with ink bird controller...
  11. swampbrewcrew


    Two questions. Are they considered "craft"? Why aren't they buying the successful "craft" breweries? Craft is in quotation marks because, if your big enough to catch the eye of a multi-national conglomerate, your motto of brewing great beer despite profits is long gone. AbInbev isn't...
  12. swampbrewcrew

    Inkbird and GFCI trouble

    I have a Keezer that doubles as a fermentation chamber through the spring and summer. I have an Inkbird temp controller hooked into a GFCI outlet. It never runs more than a couple of days before it trips the ground fault. I don't have any trouble running the freezer by itself. Going out and...
  13. swampbrewcrew

    Historical Recipes

    I stumbled across this link this afternoon. It's a tough read and some recipes are a little crude, but if you want to try your hand at brewing pre-1830 beers it's worth a shot.
  14. swampbrewcrew

    Just lucky I guess?

    Relatively new to kegging. I brewed a 10 gallon batch a couple months ago and kegged it in two corny kegs. I have a single regulator with a manifold to serve two kegs at the same psi, but I needed to carbonate one of them fairly quickly for a party a few days later so I did the 30 psi shake...
  15. swampbrewcrew

    Kit Rating App

    Does anyone know if there is an app or website that rates ingredient kits like Beer Advocate rates beers? If there's not and you are computer literate, unlike myself, I will be your first buyer. I love building recipes as much as the next guy, but say I want to brew a style I've never tasted...
  16. swampbrewcrew

    Pro & Cons of Conicals

    I'm putting this here since it didn't really fit anywhere else. What's the big advantage of the conical fermenters? When I started brewing a few years ago only the guys with $$ and wanting to pimp out the brewery had them. Now quality stainless steel ones are available for less than $250 and PET...
  17. swampbrewcrew

    Fermentation heater safety

    Last spring I bought a chest freezer and an inkbird controller. It is hooked up to a gfci outlet. This freezer is the best thing I've bought as far as beer quality is concerned. Our first "cold front" in Mississippi is coming this weekend and I have rigged up an incandescent bulb inside a terra...
  18. swampbrewcrew

    First wife approved beer.

    Bottled up an APA I brewed a month or so ago. Wife and a few of her friends ranted and raved about how good it was and how they were glad I finally brewed something for them. The beer was chockfull of fruity off flavors that had no business being there. It tasted like straight apple juice. The...
  19. swampbrewcrew

    Bulk Ingredients Question

    I'm planning on brewing my way through Brewing Classic Styles over the next few years(?). Does anyone know of a spreadsheet or database of ingredients used in the book so I can plan out 6 months or so ahead and bulk buy the ingredients. I'm going to use the all grain alternative modified...
  20. swampbrewcrew

    Party got out of hand. Beer ruined.

    I'm a new member here but I've been brewing for almost two years. Every Ole Miss home game we throw a tailgate party at my house then we go to the game and meet back up after at my house. The house ran out of beer, home brewed or bought, I laughingly mentioned there's more but it's not bottled...