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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. M

    Bottling Gun Vs. Counter Flow

    I'm wondering what the advantages and disadvantages are between the two different tools for bottling off a keg. I can pick up this counter flow filler for $30 today which sounds like a good deal to me. I'm wondering if it's possible to purge the bottles of CO2 with it first though, and if...
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    Bentonite Question

    Started my first mead a little over two weeks ago. While continuing to read up I realized I should have added the bentonite when fermentation started. I've purchased some but it's at 1.003 now, could I just sprinkle some in and get a little benefit in primary, should I just wait until...
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    SNA Help

    Started my first mead on Sunday. It’s a 1 gallon traditional. The honey I used ended up having a few “chunks” when I was mixing it up. SG showed 1.106 but over a several hour period appears to have went up to 1.122 before beginning to drop. Not sure if some small pieces slowly dissolved over...
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    Recipe Build help

    I'm not a new brewer but I don't have a lot of beers under my belt. I've only been able to brew a couple over the last two years, all grain BIAB. To help force me into brewing more, and more often, I bought Yakima's Hop Box. Now, I have a lot of hops and wouldn't mind some help in creating a...
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    SNA Confusion

    I purchased everything I would need to start my first mead, a 1 gallon traditional dry mead, a couple months ago, some stuff came up and it got pushed back. I started researching SNA again to refresh my memory and it's got to be one of the hardest things to research. Most articles seem to be...
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    No Carbonation from keg

    I kegged my beer nearly three weeks ago. It's been sitting at roughly 14psi, 42°. It's still pouring flat though, I get a small number of large bubbles when I pour that very quickly disappear and the beer feels flat when drank. I'm currently pouring from a picnic tap. I thought three weeks...
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    Dry Hopping Weight

    About to dry hop for the first time. Got my keg cleaned out, hop bag ready to be boiled, and plan on tying to the top of the keg and leaving it in until it kicks. From what I've read that all seems fine. My question is the weight I was planning on using in the bag. It's a bolt that is supposed...
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    Quick Question for AHA Members

    I'm about to sign up for membership to AHA, I can't tell from the website though if I sign up for the paper magazine do I get access to all of the older digital ones, like with the digital only subscription? Also, anybody read Ray Daniels Designing Great Beers? I can get either it for free or...
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    I have a question about oxygenation of beer. Many months ago, 8-9, I kegged my second beer. It was tasting pretty good. After coming back from a work trip I discovered that it apparently had a leak and CO2 was empty, beer was flat. I refilled and tried the beer again and it tasted terrible, I...
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    Water Adjustments - How much is too much

    Been a while since I've been able to brew and I'm ready to get back into it. I'm creating the following simple Smash IPA and calculated the salt additions I would need, using RO water. It ended up with Calcium Chloride 3.5 g, Gypsum 11g and 2.5 ml Lactic Acid. This will get me to 120 Ca, 58...
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    First Mead Prep Questions

    I've brewed a couple of beers so far and I'm researching mead now. There seem to be a lot of articles/blogs/how-to's out there that have conflicting information. Here are some questions I'm trying to clear up so far. To begin I'm looking at a 5 gallon batch with 15lbs of honey. That...
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    Line Length Math Check

    Kegged my first beer last week and went to try it last night. Ended up with a huge glass of foam. After a little bit of looking around and internet research I realized I ended up with 5/16 ID hose. The math for that I believe would be L = (18 - 1 - (2*.5))/.4 = 40 ft Yikes, I don't...
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    New Regulator Problem?

    Just purchased everything to start kegging and did a pressure test tonight on the kegs before filling them tomorrow. Everything seems to have went well, I didn't find any leaks and both kegs are sitting in the basement @ 20 psi. The only issue I ran into is the third gauge on the regulator is...
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    Good Deal?

    Started cold crashing last night, then read that it can be bad because of the O2 suckback. That lead me to researching how to stop that, and from there I just decided it was time to start kegging. I'm wondering if this system is a good deal to start, they have free shipping going on right...
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    Upland Easy Chair Clone

    I'm looking for a clone to Upland's Easy Chair Amber to make a beer for my wife. I'm still pretty new at home brewing so recipe formulation isn't something I've got down yet. The description of the beer from their site is below, any help would be greatly appreciated. Our amber ale has a...
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    Starter help

    Made my first starter last night and it didn't go really well. Had a couple of boil overs so I think I ended up with lower OG than expected. Nearly 24 hours in and there hasn't been much activity. If I shake it there is foam like C02 has been produced. Thinking about boiling some sugar water...
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    Water Profile Help

    Planning my first AG brew, BIAB, and trying to figure out the water I should use for the mash. This will be a saison and I'll be using 10 lbs Belgian Pale Malt, .75 lbs caramel 20L. Starting with distilled water can somebody help me figure out what salts I should add for a good water...
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    First BIAB Checklist

    Been a while since I brewed and just purchased some new equipment to do my first AG batch. It's been several months since I brewed my last batch and with the new steps for BIAB I wanted to verify I wasn't missing any obvious steps. Below is what I have lined up, am I skipping anything? 3...
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    Kit Recipe changes

    I have an Irish Red Ale ( extract kit that I'm going to be making soon. I wanted to make some changes to the recipe just to make it my own and try something different. Do the following changes sound ok to make and not turn my...