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  1. I

    STC-1000+ after a power outage?

    So we have a nice thunderstorm rolling through Northern Colorado right now and it took out our power. I've got a Helles down in the basement two weeks into fermentation (just moved it to secondary yesterday and my lagering temps are ramping down to 32.5) So my question is... when the power comes...
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    Too slow of a rise for a diacetyl rest?

    So I brewed a munich helles last Sunday (8 days ago). I pitched at 51° and held it for 5 days before I started a slow (2 degree per day) ramp up to 66. So I'm only up to about 56.5 right now on the ramp up to 66. I just did a reading and taste test. I went from an OG of 1.047 to a current...
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    STC-1000+ programming for dual sensors

    I purchased a STC-1000+ setup with dual sensors. I've got a temperature profile ready for a Munich Helles, but I'm not quite sure how to adjust the setup to take advantage of the second sensor. I'll have the first sensor in a thermowell right in the middle of my beer, and the second sensor will...
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    Clean flask before second round of starter?

    I've made plenty of yeast starters before, but they have all been single steps for ales. I'm doing my first lager and I've already completed, crashed, and decanted my first step. I'm ready to step it up a second time but I was curious... for those of you who have done multiple step ups, do you...
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    Decisions decisions... BrewPi or STC-1000

    I got a steal on a True GDM-7 that is being delivered in a couple of hours. I'm going to turn this into a fermentation chamber. It is about time I work on some temp control. I'm just torn between doing a BrewPi setup or an STC-1000 setup. I'm leaning more towards the BrewPi since I...
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    blowoff tube instead of airlock inside fermentation chamber?

    I was hoping to use my old wine fridge as a fermentation chamber. My Speidel fermenter will only fit in there if I don't use the airlock. The fermenter comes to about a half an inch away from the top of the fridge even without an airlock. So I was wondering... what could I do to make it work...
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    Finally got around to building my MLT & HLT

    Was going to purchase one of those fermenter's favorites 10-gallon dual cooler setups, but I figured I could do better for the price. I came out just a couple of bucks cheaper, but with the quick-disconnects and high-flow 1/2" throughout... I feel like I came out on top (though some of it...
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    It's alive... again! Que pasa?

    So I did my first all-grain batch 2 weeks ago... 15 days to be exact. It was a 1-gallon Everyday IPA kit from Brooklyn Brew Shop. Brew process went seemingly fine... no real hiccups. After putting it in the fermentor, it had a pretty quick and violent fermentation for about 20-24 hours and...
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    Question about when to start timing the boil...

    I've got a dozen or so extract batches under my belt... so this weekend I will be doing my first ever all grain batch. It is the Everyday IPA kit from Brooklyn Brew Shop. In their instructions, under "The Boil" section, they say to: Heat wort until it boils Keep boiling until you've hit the...
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    UGH... crappy thermometer. Recommend a goodone?

    So I'm using that thermometer that came with my turkey fryer today... waiting for my water to get up to 170 while steeping my grains in the extract IPA I was brewing. It was taking forever... then I noticed a few bubbles like it was getting ready to boil while it was reading about 155. I took my...
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    Is my smack-pack of yeast ok?

    So I ordered the VandalEyes PA 5-gallon kit a little less than 2 months ago. I've had the smack pack of yeast in the fridge this whole time, but it arrived a little swollen and it has swollen tight and stayed that way the whole 2 months. I planned on brewing this some time back, but I've been...
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    Negligently made beer slushies while cold crashing.

    So I've got a Caribou Slobber and Honey Saison that I wanted to cold crash to help clarify before bottling. I figured I would put it down in the wine fridge in the basement, but there aren't precise temperature settings on it (just 1-7). I put it on 5 before going to sleep, put the two...
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    What is this white gunk in the neck of my fermentor?

    Here is a pic of it today... none of this white was there yesterday: It seems really early to be an infection. Right now we are about 38 hours into the fermentation. Is that mold? Yeast? It seems way to white and bright compared to the rest of the krausen. I didn't hydrate my dry...
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    Should I hop-spider these hops or just toss them in at flame out?

    The last couple of brews I've just thrown the hop pellets right in during the boil. This creates a lot of hop particulate so I was hoping to reign that in a bit by using a homemade hop spider. So I've got a question about this particular Black IPA recipe with 6 different hop additions: LINK...
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    Any tips for a creamier head?

    So this is the first batch I did at home by myself (done a few batches at a brew on premise place nearby). It is an Irish Stout. I did three weeks in primary and then straight to bottling. This is 7 days after bottling. Color is a little light (I know how to fix that for next time). Taste...
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    1 gallon jug... should I use screw cap or rubber stopper?

    For those of you who are 1 gallon brewers out there... do you prefer the screw cap w/ hole for your air lock or do you prefer the drilled rubber stopper? I'm about to add a trio of 1-gallon fermenters to to my stash and I'm not sure if I want to get the screw cap or the rubber stopper. For...
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    What is "jumping" in my beer?

    Can yeast "jump"? There has been several times where I've opened up the closet to check on the beer... check the temp... see how things are going and I've noticed what appears to be a good sized clump of yeast literally propel itself from the bottom of the carboy up about 3/4 of the way up the...
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    Will color change much (if any) during fermentation?

    The only reason I ask is my Irish Stout is looking much more like an Irish Red than an Irish Stout to me. I don't recall many or really any of the stouts I've had in the past having so much of a red hue to it. At the moment... it is almost looking like a marriage between a red and brown ale...
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    Question about cold crashing

    I understand the concept of cold crashing and why people do it, but it seems to make more sense to me if you are a kegger instead of a bottler. So when you cold crash... sediment and yeast flocculate and then sink to the bottom. If you do this before bottling, are you going to have...
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    Did my first batch today

    Did my first batch today. Well, the first batch where someone wasn't holding my hand all the way through the process. It seems like things went pretty smoothly with my extract Irish Stout, except that my OG is a little low. Recipe list says I should be looking at 1.042-1.046 and I got an...