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  1. grittanomyces

    RIS extract grain bill - what do you think?

    Never brewed an imperial stout before, but I love them. Got this recipe that called for dark LME, but I'm not going to get from extract what I can get from specialty malts, so I upped the dark malts and made it golden light LME. I like huge stouts, so I'm not worried if it turns out...
  2. grittanomyces

    PBW is amazing!

    Or I guess the thread could be titled "PBW/Oxiclean are amazing". They're pretty much the same thing right, oxiclean is just cheaper? Anyways, so a while back our old clay pipes got plugged up by roots. It was a giant mess that I'm sure you don't want me to elaborate on, but long story short...
  3. grittanomyces

    First BIAB 1 gallon, couple questions

    Getting ready to do my first BIAB 1 gallon batch, and as easy as it sounds, it's really easy to second-guess and wonder before doing it the first time. A couple questions: 1) I tried using the water calculator for a recent article here, but I have no clue how much will be boiled off, kinda...
  4. grittanomyces

    Starsan as a general purpose sanitizer?

    Lately I've found myself using Starsan to wipe down things that 1) are dusty or dirty, and I don't want to leave smelly cleaner residue/chemicals on, or 2) if I've been sick, anything I'm touching and bringing out to public. I know this isn't the same as sterilization, but I'm not some...
  5. grittanomyces

    Can I convert this jug to a carboy?

    So I was at the hardware store and noticed this 2-gallon jug (pictured below). I really like how it looks like a barrel (and it is cheap). It's a perfect size for the 2-gallon batches I'd like to do , but I have some concerns and questions about converting it. First is if I should be...
  6. grittanomyces

    First time fruit beer - colorless chunks floating?

    So after mashing up, pasteurizing, and adding 3 pounds of kiwi and 2 pounds of strawberries into my kolsch, I go to check the beer a couple days later to see how it's doing. Open up the lid, and what I see is a bunch of colorless chunks of the fruit floating at the top, as if the good stuff...
  7. grittanomyces

    Ideas/recipes for Wyeast De Bom?

    A spin-off of the this thread, announcing "Sourpalooza" offerings from July to September: I'm really excited about the De Bom strain, both because it sounds unique and because of the quick turnaround time. The temp...
  8. grittanomyces

    Mason Jar as growler?

    So I know that bottle-carbing in a mason jar is a big no-no, vacuum sealing, yada yada, but I can't find my growler tube and want to bring a sample from the keg to a friend. A mason jar seems good to actually be able to fill without a tube, due to the widemouth. Plus I just like them for both...
  9. grittanomyces

    How necessary is it to deep clean glass carboys and kegs?

    Was wondering as I keeged my last batch, and realized just how much water I was wasting between soaking my pot, fbucket, carboy and keg. I definitely do not want to have to handwash my pot and bucket, as PBW is such a time saver for those, so no change there. For the carboy and keg, I...
  10. grittanomyces

    Arnold Palmer Shandy - Tea questions

    Posts edited, as old idea wouldn't work, so edited with new recipe idea: Use a hefe/wheat beer extract recipe, but with Nottingham dry yeast for a clean base. Boil 3.5 gallon extract batch to net around 2.5 gallons At end of boil, add .5 LB Lactose (can sweeten more later if need be) Add...
  11. grittanomyces

    Determining fermentation progress without OG reading

    Update: See post #5 with potential issue of dry yeast not mixing. My apologies if this belongs in the beginner forum, and sorry if it's a stupid question, but I've had trouble finding answers for when you don't do it the right way. I know it's not good practice, but I haven't been taking...
  12. grittanomyces

    How long before kegging IPA?

    In general. I know the answer tends to be "it depends", but I recently took some guff that I kegged my IPA too soon, after 1 week in primary and 1 week of dry-hop/secondary. The claim is "2 weeks of secondary for IPAs". I know that's probably not absolute, but what's the rule of thumb or how do...