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  1. T

    Bottle conditioning beer but froze.

    Bottled beer and put it in freezer w temp control. For whatever reason temp controller didn't work and beer froze. Is it ruined? Will it still ferment in bottle? Yeast is an ale yeast, can't remember which one.
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    Lager fermentation temps

    Made a lager and have in my fridge in the barn. Temps here were in 60s but dropped to high 20s at night. I looked at the thermometer in fridge this morning and it was 40. How cold I too cold for lager yeast and at what temp will they die?
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    Pitched yeast but out of oxygen

    Normally I give my beer a good shot of o2 through a diffuser before I pitch yeast. However ran out of o2 and didn't realize until it was in fermenter. Will this effect fermentation? I tried shaking but it spilled every where so I said forget it.
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    Dumping trub for lager

    Do u dump trub w a lager the same as an ale? A little bit after fermentation starts? It's in a conical
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    All grain lager yeast starter necessary?

    I'm making an all grain lager but lost the yeast. I have finished sparging and its ready to boil. I was going to cover and leave for tomorrow when I can get the yeast. Is it better to just add the yeast to the wort or make a starter and wait what would be 2 days to boil post sparge?
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    Bottling question

    I made an all grain batch and was bottling it today. I was a little distracted and in a hurry and added the sugar directly to the beer. Normally I heat some water and dissolve the sugar in the h2o first. Will this create any issues w the carbonation?
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    Leaving wort over night before boiling

    I have been making all grain lately but it is hard to set aside a chunk of time to do it all at once. I was wondering if after the wort is in the boil kettle can I leave it and come back for the boil. Of course I'd put the top on the kettle to prevent insects but its feb in ny so fruit flies...
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    Is all grain kit still good?

    I found an all grain kit in my barn. All the ingredients are there. It's about 1.5 yrs old. The barn is not climate controlled. I noticed no rot or mold. The grain was milled when I purchased it. Kit is big honkin stout. Is it still good to use? I don't want to go through a whole brew...
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    Bottling lager

    I am sure this has been asked but I couldn't find the exact answer. I just transferred lager at 40 degrees to bottle bucket and added corn sugar. I plan on adding a little salflager 23 because I filtered it. Do I need to bring the temp up before adding the yeast? If no add yeast and bring...
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    Lager and my reality

    I've had my lager doing diacetyl rest for about 4 days now at 66 degrees. I shut the heat in my basement off and figure it will drop to around 60 by tomorrow. My garage is currently 50 so that's where I was thinking of taking it next. Followed by that I have a temp controlled fridge. From...
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    Di acetal rest

    I read online it is recommended to diacetyl rest a lager at around 60 degrees. My basement is currently about 66. Is this ok? Also optimally a little warmer would be better for me since I have wine that is malolactic fermenting so 70 would be preferable. If 66 is ok, what about 70?
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    Yeast harvesting for a lager

    I have a czech pilsener going using s23 yeast in my conical fermenter. I am planning on getting a Vienna lager going this weekend which uses the same yeast. I wanted to see if I could dump the trub into a sanitized container and use it to inoculate the Vienna lager. I was wondering if I could...
  13. T

    First lager made a few mistakes

    Mainly I did not make a starter. Used all grain method, chilled to 63. Dumped salfager yeast in and it's sitting in my garage 50-55 degrees. Am I going to have any trouble with fermentation starting?
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    Sightglass thermometer question

    I have a 10 gallon brew pot. I'm going all grain and will use the brew pot to heat water. I will than pump that water to a cooler and gravity feed to another cooler for batch sparging. From that cooler the wort will flow back to my brew pot for boiling. So I have a 3 tiered system but...
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    Anyone have an opinion on lead free brass ball valve fittings

    From Home Depot? What is the downside they are much cheaper than stainless? Do they still need to be pickled?
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    Oatmeal stout to oatmeal mumps in stout

    I'm going to brew a oatmeal stout recipe via all grain. I was thinking of adding some pumpkin and spices to make it a pumpkin oatmeal. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Also I have only done pumpkin in an extract kit where I steeped it in a bag at 170. I assume I can just add it to the mash...
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    Pump temp

    I found a pump for a reasonable price on craigslist liverani ep 20. It says it's max temp is 70 c or 158 f. Will this work for moving liquids that are 170. I guess the obvious answer is no?
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    All grain setup

    I have a 3 level stand and do electric brewing. The hot liquor tank is on top and for that I have one of those circular coolers from Home Depot. The boil kettle is on the bottom. My issue is I want to use the boil kettle to heat all the h2o and transfer it to the hlt on top. I have a vacuum...
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    Dumped trub mistake?

    I started an extract kit yesterday. It is a pumpkin ale so it had lots of spices in the boil as well as pumpkin. I noticed when I was siphoning it into my conical that quite a few solid particles were going through the tube. In order to prevent off flavors (at least in my mind) I dumped the...
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    Bottling after kegging

    I brewed up a home brew and kegged it about 4 months ago. At that time I also force carbed it. I think I over carbed it because it comes out almost all foam. I would like to bottle it now and am not sure if this is possible? I have a vacuum bottling system but I'm not sure I can use it...