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  1. S

    Amount of cells in a yeast cake

    So I have read that pitching onto a whole yeast cake is bad and severely over pitching, so I was wondering how much yeast is actually in the cake. How big of a portion of it should I re-pitch to a new batch of beer?
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    sour taste from wyeast 2565

    So this is the second time I have used wyeast 2565 (kolsch), the first time I fermented at 58-60 and this time at 62-64. Both times I have experienced a sour off flavor. Neither times though have I had a film or any extra attentuation to indicate an infection. Is this just a flavor of this...
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    cellaring a lager before lagering

    I have a brew coming up this weekend (a saison) and thanks to my awful timing it conflicts with when I should start ramping temp down on a lager. Would it be ok to leave the lager at room temps (probably high 50's low 60's) for a week or two while the saison sits in the warm fermentation...
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    a basic vienna lager

    So I was thinking of trying a Vienna Lager for my next brew and threw this recipe together. The only thing would be that it is light in color than a typical Vienna lager. Recipe is for 3 gallons at 80% efficiency 4lbs of Vienna 1lb of Munich 10L .6oz Tettnage @ 60 Fermented with...
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    Belgian yeast

    A while ago I brewed a cream ale that came out good, if a bit bland. I was wondering if using Belgian yeast would help add some character to the beer to make it less bland and more interesting. Any thoughts?
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    Using this to store bulk grains.

    I found this at my local Walmart and was wondering if it would be suitable for storing bulk grain?
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    Fermenter Question

    Was wondering if I could ferment in this? Is it safe? Could I plug it with a bung? Anyone ever use one of these?
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    Taller, slimmer ferementers?

    I recently got my new(ish) chest freezer all set up as a fermentation chamber. However, although my 5-gallon plastic carboy fits in there nicely, I cannot fit an ale pail in there just barely. Are there any options for fermentation vessels that are taller and slimmer, maybe even square shaped...
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    Anyone do label requests?

    I want to do something special for my brother for Christmas and decided to brew a batch of beer just for him. I wanted to make a nice label for it, but I don't really possess the artistic or digital art skills to really make one. Would anyone here be able to help me out? I have a rough idea...
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    Lager came out flavorless

    I know they are supposed to be clean, but the lager I brewed recently finished bottling up and it tastes kind of like heavy water. No real maltyness or hoppyness. I was wondering if someone could help me figure out if it was do to my ferementation or my recipe. I used the Crop Chopper...
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    Holidale Recipe Critique

    I posted a recipe for an amber here a little bit ago, and slowly tried to turn it into a spiced beer for the holidays. It definitely isn't an amber anymore, but still wanted to run it by you guys and get your opinion. Does this sound good as a holiday ale or would I be better going with the...
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    Amber Ale recipe critique

    Want to brew an amber ale in a few weeks and was looking for a recipe critique. Any input would be appreciated. This is based on 65% efficiency. Mast at 154-6 10lbs Pale 2-Row 1lb Crystal 20L 1lb Crystal 40L 1lb Crystal 60L 1Lb Munich 10L 1oz Cascade @60 1oz Cascade @30...
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    Cream Ale critique

    So this is the first time I am trying to make my own recipe. Started from scratch with a little bit of reading about malt %'s for the style. Hoping to get a little insight on how I did since this would be the first recipe I have tried to make from scratch, especially since I don't know much...
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    Peach Raspberry Blonde Question

    I have a blonde in that I wanted to fruit for the summer weather. Someone suggested a raspberry peach beer and I thought it sounded interesting. So I was wondering, how much of each fruit should I add? It's a four gallon batch, so I was thinking maybe 1.5 lbs of raspberries and maybe 5-6 lbs of...
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    Peach Raspberry Blonde Question

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    Catching wild yeast without DME

    I wanted to try catching some wild yeast, but have no DME on hand at the moment. Is it possible to catch wild yeast for brewing with cane sugar or something else easily found at the local grocery store?
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    Small floaties from mashtun

    Over the weekend I decided to brew a kolsch, however, when I drained my mastun (an igloo cooler with a grain bag inside of it) there were a lot of small, white flakes floating in the wort. Even after roughly two gallons of vorlaufing, the flakes persisted. I went ahead and continued brewing...