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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. S

    Is this mold?

    Pictures of my kettle sour in the secondary with berries. I had dumped (frozen/thawed) berries into secondary straight from bag and racked on top. Hadnt had issues with this in the past. Wondering if this is even mold. It looks like hardened crystals of something. Think its mold? And if it is...
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    [Help] High FG with Kettle Sour

    Brewed up my first kettle sour. When transfering to the secondary for fruit additions, I took a gravity ready and it was 1.03 :/ I brewed using 3lb of Pilsen DME and 3 lbs of Wheat DME. Brought 4.5 gallons to 180ish degrees, dumped in DME bags, let sit for 15 minutes, then cooled to 100 degrees...
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    Setting up jockey box the day before

    I have been planning on having 2-3 kegs at my wedding but had not thought much about dispensing it. I have two questions: (1) Is using a jockey box worth the rental expense ($125) or purchase expense ($550 total) compared to having kegs sitting in ice buckets and going with a C02 party tap? I...
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    Found yeast packet in garage.....use it?

    Was organizing garage and found a packet of Fermenitis safale us-05 dry ale yeast that never made it into the fridge. I always store yeast packets in fridge as the brew stores do too, so wondering if this unrefridgerated packet is still good or may produce off flavors. Directions say store...
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    One week, no fermentation (ginger beer)

    made ginger beer a week ago, before heading out of town. pitched a packet of s-04 straight into the carboy (5 gallons with 4lbs ginger, a couple cups of lemon and lime juice <-culprit here?, and a couple pounds of sugars). hoped for the best. returned from out of town to check...
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    Campden Tab. - Stir AFTER 24 hours?

    Crush and drop in 5 campden tablets into 5 gallons of ginger beer. Let sit for 24 hours before adding yeast. Now, before adding the yeast, do you stir/oxygenate the brew?? Is it ok to oxygenate prior to pitching yeast (as it normally is in regular brewing)? If someone knows, would like to know...
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    ginger beer. krausen? 1 gallon jug.

    Sorry if this is a redundant question but I looked around to no avail and my question is a bit more specific. I'd like to brew ginger beer with ale yeast. To my understanding, GB does not krausen the same (as big) as beer does. I would like to start with a gallon batch, by fermenting in a...
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    Secondary vessel shortage

    Last night I racked 4 gallons of (my first batch of) apple cider to gallon sized secondary vessels. Without much planning or understanding of cider I went ahead and: - poured 4 more gallons of cider on the yeast cake. that already took off overnight and is fermenting away. - left too much...
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    Lots of bubbling during racking....oxidized cider??

    Last night was the first time I've tried racking from my 5 gallon carboy to several 1 gallon carboys. Turned out to be tricky, especially since I did not sufficiently raise the 5 gallon carboy high enough to accommodate the the long racking hose. SO, particularly in one of the gallon carboys, a...
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    APA hop blend

    brewing an APA. I've got columbus and cascade to hop with in the boil. I've also got some falconer's flight on hand that I'm considering dry hopping with. My plan is to taste the brew post-fermentation before potentially dry hopping; if i like it i won't, if i'm feeling adventurous I will. But...
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    Has anyone made cider by dumping the AJ on a fresh yeast cake?

    Curious to know if anyone has tried this and their result. It was referred to in a beer forum, but not elaborated upon much at all. I have 5 gallons of an IPA going (on s-05) and 4 gallons of cider going on champagne yeast. I'm thinking I might try it on the IPA cake even though it might make...
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    starter kit scoby slow to grow??

    getting back into kombucha making here. i went to the natural foods store and picked up a kit. made the sugary green tea, opened the bag containing the scoby started (maybe a square inch or two) and its juices and dumped that in. done.. so, after nearly 2 weeks, the scoby is still small...
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    New to cider - looking to improve my batch

    12 days ago I pitched a packet of champagne yeast into 4 gallons of organic pasteurized 100% apple juice (to which I added a lb. of cane sugar and handful of brown sugar, boiled in water first, to boost abv). OG was 1.064. gravity read tonight was 1.002. I've read cider finishes lower than that...
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    IPA - high FG and other questions

    First off, what distinguishes a IIPA from an IPA? I don't know what I've got brewing. Brewed an extract IPA....8.5 or 9 lbs. LME. +1lb. corn sugar. I'm forgetting the IBU's off hand, but it's 63 or 73 (factoring in the eventual dry hop). Pitched one packet of rehydrated s-05 (my LHBS said...
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    Is there a correct way to redhyrdate dry yeast?

    I was told by my LHBS that I should rehydrate my s-04 before pitching into my IIPA. It's OG was 1.077 FWIW. So in preparation for this I looked at a couple sources but they focused on yeast starters and not re-hydrating dry yeast. I couldn't find concise info and my brew was a'brewing, so with...
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    Citra and Mosaic combo

    Looking to the boards for last minute advice on using citra and mosaic together. I've got .75oz Nugget (13%AA), 2oz. Citra (14%AA) and 2oz. Mosaic (11.6%AA). Nugget is going in at 60, which should give me 26 IBU when factoring dilution by 2g top off water in a 5g batch. Not sure on the...
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    How long is too long to secondary with adjunct spices/vegetables?

    Having some 23rd hour troubles with my delicious Mexican Chocolate Stout. I have been content with a higher than expected FG until now, when I am hoping to bottle. Brewed: 8.5lbs LME + 2lb chocolate/barley/caramel/black steeping grains + 1lb lactose. US-04 yeast dry pitched. Primary...
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    Done Fermenting? Milk Stout

    There are so many "done fermenting?" threads out there that I'm starting a fresh one to find answers to my specific beer. The basics: Brewed a spiced chocolate stout - including 9lbs. extract, 2lbs of steeping grains (that was a big tea bag!), 1lb. lactose, 1 bag of us-04 pitched dry, fermented...
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    Central Coast homebrew club? Beer swap?

    SLO to Monterey. ¿Que Pasa?
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    Topping off...diluted wort?

    working on my second batch here. I still do not get the potential for dilution when making a 3 gallon wort and topping off with 2 gallons of water for a 5 gallon batch. I understand the IBU dilution factor, but what about flavor from the steeping grains (extract brewer here)? Is the flavor from...