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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. S

    Off flavour...

    So I brewed a pale wheat ale kit from the brewhouse (pre made all grain wort in a bag, just like a wine kit). I made a couple mistakes, which I already had threads about on here. So the beer is in the bottle now for 5 days. I know, I know, I'm not supposed to taste my beer for 3 weeks, but I...
  2. S

    Should i bottle?

    I'm brewing a brewhouse pale wheat ale beer kit. Not sure what the OG was, but the kit says it should be around 1.045. Now, I followed the kit instructions and transferred to secondary after day 3. The SG at that time was 1.019. The kit said if it was 1.020 or lower to transfer over. I joined...
  3. S

    Where does te sweet aftertaste come from

    I am new to making home brew, but not to drinking it. My parents have been making home brew for as long as I can remember. Always canned malt kits and always lagers. The only thing is, they aren't set up to lager, so technically they are ales I guess, with a lager style recipe. There is always a...
  4. S

    Hello from Canada

    Hey guys, I'm in St. John's, Newfoundland. For those of you who don't know where that is, it's an island province in Atlantic Canada. I have been brewing wine and unmentionables for a couple years now. An injury put me off work for the summer, and since a dozen mainstream beer here goes for 23...
  5. S

    Will this ruin my brew?

    I'm sure you guys get a lot of these, but I'm sure this one is a new one. I have 2 brews on now, both brewhouse pre made wort kits. The pale wheat ale is in the secondary and the Munich dark lager I started yesterday. The problem is the top up water I used. These kits require 8L of top up water...