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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. R

    Has anyone ever brewed a Belgian beer without using a Belgian strain of yeast?

    First off I admire the Belgian beers and think they've contributed tons to brewing. I used to love their beers but once my taste buds became more sensitive I started getting this kind of flavor I can only describe as somewhat skunky. I didn't know what it was at first but I'm pretty sure I've...
  2. R

    English ale yeast wlp002

    Got a vial of this yeast in and it's looking different than others I've used. I've read up on it and says it's highly flocculent. It was very clumpy, that's the best word I can think of. So I've tried to get a starter going and it is clumping at the bottom and seems much harder than others to...
  3. R

    G'Knight clone help

    I really like this beer. It comes in a four pack for 13$ and some change so I really want to brew it myself. Does anyone know of a clone recipe (extract or partial) for this? I'm fairly inexperienced.Or even something really similar. I love the thick maltiness and hops in this beer. I've looked...
  4. R

    Belgian candi syrup

    Could someone ease explain to me what this actually does for a beer? I've done some searching and basically found out what it is but I would like to know what it does as far as flavor. Is it fermentable and if so what percentage?
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    Northern brewer brunch stout

    Beginner here. Just ordered this extract recipe and was interested in anyone's advice on it. I would be interested in how long someone has aged it and similar other things. I really want the chocolate and coffee to come through in the flavors. So if anyone has brewed this and has advice I...
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    Tannins in beer

    I brewed a cream ale recently. It was an extract kit with specialty grains. I steeped grains longer than I should have unintentionally(kids). I think I also used too much water. I tasted a bottle after two weeks and has a bitter aftertaste. I would describe it sharper than a bittering hops...
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    Overpitching yeast

    I've been reading these forums a lot and am trying to learn as much as possible. I've noticed some of you guys have mentioned over pitching yeast. I did a search and can't find anything specifically stating how that affects the outcome of the beer. Could someone please explain what that will do...
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    Oxygenating? The bad kind?

    I brewed a five gallon batch of Black Crack stout. It's basically a clone of a local American imperial stout here in Texas. When I transferred from fermenter to bottling bucket my racking cane was sucking in air bubbles, quite a bit. So from what I've read from what you experienced brewers have...
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    Cocoa nibs

    I want to add cocoa nibs to a five gallon batch of a stout I made. I'm not sure how to prep them or how much to add. I prefer a strong chocolate flavor, but at the same time don't want it to overpower the other flavors. Anybody who's worked with them before I'm ready and willing for some advice
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    Bottle conditioning

    I brewed a chocolate milk stout. It has been in bottles for over three weeks now. I taste tested one a week ago and it looked great. It poured into a glass with a huge head, but there was no carbonation within the beer itself. I tried one again yesterday thinking the carbonation would come along...
  11. R

    Help for a first time brewer please

    I need help on when to bottle my beer. I have read the "Joy of home brewing" and "how to brew". They are slightly contradicting. One says not to wait longer than two weeks because the yeast break down and can cause off flavors. The other says not to bottle until 2-3 weeks because fermentation...