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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. C

    bourbon Barrels

    I have the opportunity to purchase 5 and 3 gallon barrels from my homebrew club at a discounted price and I had a few questions. First off, what are the advantages to getting a 3 over a 5 or vice versa. I have heard you need to top off periodically when aging in the barrels because the...
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    regulator question

    Quick question I have a setup for 4 kegs, 1 of which i have agreed to allow be soda. I know you have to regulate that to about 30 PSI, and I know i will need 20ish feet of tubing to slow the flow down. Is the only thing I need to regulate the PSI this...
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    For trade hopslam

    Just a feeler, I've got a few bells hopslam left, anyone have anything must have out there?
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    What Happened with this beer?

    I brewed BierMunchers Nierra Sevada ( which has gotten great reviews. I was looking for session pale ale, so I wasnt pounding down 8% double IPAs all the time! Unfortunately I forgot to take my OG, but i tasted the...
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    A couple Kegging Questions

    Hey all, I am in the process in building a kegerator, well just getting started, but I want to use the mini fridge method, A keezer isnt really an option. Anyways I am planning on buying cut handle kegs, and saving a few bucks to spend else where. Anyone have any reason I should be weary of...
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    Need input on possible stuck stout

    Alright I have a question regarding a stout i made a few weeks ago. I had the following grain bill, and then added 1/4 cup lactose, I am not a fan of milk stouts, but I wanted some sweetness, so 1/4 a cup isnt too much. I hit my OG of 1.074 cooled, and pitched my yeast, WLP004 (without a...
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    Winter Brew- Recipe Help Snickerdoodle Stout

    I need a bit of help forming a recipe for my winter beer, I am thinking a Snickerdoodle Stout. I was going to base it off of the none more black vanilla stout in the recipe forums ( but It needs a bit of...
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    Mash Tun and HLT build- Water Cooler

    Hey all, I built my mash/laughter tun and HLT out of two round 10 gallon coolers from Home depot (based on the wiki but with a false bottom instead of braided line). My question, is I am unable to get the washers over top of the 3/8" nipple in the middle. So i have not been able to get...
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    1st legit all grain this weekend

    Hey all, I have done a few "test" small AG batches and finally sucked it up and am making a mash tun out of a 10 gallon water cooler. I plan on doing my first real AG brew this friday, an IPA, possibly a Pliny clone. Now since I work during the day, I plan on brewing after work...
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    Cooler for mash tun or hlt

    Found a 5 gallon water cooler on Craigslist for 5 dollars, problem is I like to do big beers and don't think the 5 gallon is big enough to move to all grain, if I build a mash Tun out of that could I take the parts from that one and place it in a 10 gallon later, or should I just make the 5...
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    Quick Grain to Glass- Questions

    I have a crazy idea of getting a beer done before my vacation on the 13th. Problem is I can't force carb, have to bottle. I have a couple ideas of recipes, and know what I can do for a fast ferm. but I am worried about getting it conditioned. So my plan is a Hefe, with the following schedule...
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    I messed up...

    So, i was doing two brews two separate pots at once both called for dme, one needed 8 lbs the other was a 3 gallon batch and needed 4 lbs. I started the first batch and gave it 4# got to the second batch and realized I only bought 9# total.. So long story short the second beer (a double ipa)...
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    Carafa III Question

    So Me and one of my friends have decided to venture into all grain, slowly... We were going to start by doing a 1 gallon minimash brew, we have a 1 gallon bucket, and we decided we wanted to play around with it a bit. So our first brew, was goign to be a black saison. Our local HBS is about...
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    Dfh 90 minute clone yeast issue

    So I am in the process of adding the hops to my 90 min clone, og is supposed to be 1.088. I have white labs English ale yeast, but did not make a starter. Will I get stuck, anything I can do to prevent that, and if I do any way to get it moving again?
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    Bourbon barrel stout waiting, fast brew during the wait?

    Hey all, I have my first brew under my belt, bourbon barrel stout, I have read on here the longer you let this one sit the better. With that anyone have any good quick brew recipes to get me trying something I have made? I am thinking about doing a second batch with a quick boil to glass time...