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  1. Z

    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Double Chocolate Oatmeal Snout

    so after a couple of months this thing is really tasty, great head (even used non fat-free cocoa). Its still thin (my fault), but delicious....packs one hell of a punch though
  2. Z

    Show Us Your Label

    lol this is my first label, I usually dont care too much to name my beer or make one but this is some stupid joke gift for my dad. My whole life he would make a joke saying the 'num-nuts' would be a great band name...and hense the numb-nut brown ale was made in his honor (he is papa willie)
  3. Z

    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Double Chocolate Oatmeal Snout

    Drinking one of these right now, Disappointed by the thinness, but delicious
  4. Z

    Straining Hops

    was just thinking about this today. I brewed an ipa a few months ago and didnt strain the hops out. I brewed another ipa about a month ago and added 1/2oz more hops at the beginning of the boil to get a little more bitter...but this time i strained it all out, and its alot less bitter whats...
  5. Z

    My NSFW Christmas Label

    lol as long as its not a picture of yourself
  6. Z

    Worst Commercial Beer You've Ever Had?

    I dont know about worst commercial beer i've ever had, but my girlfriends roommate (knowing that I enjoyed good beer, and that i brewed) offered me one of her favorites...leinenkugel's berry weiss. Dear god was it disgusting, tasted like fruit juice mixed with a natty
  7. Z

    weird top layer??

    that could be it, but the past two batches I used only about 2oz each. I use 3x that in my think i just missed it before? I was looking for it this time, so its entirely possible
  8. Z

    weird top layer??

    So I bought a plastic secondary about a month ago, have used it twice as of today. The first time I used it though I put some water/sugar in it that was too hot :drunk: and it slightly melted one of the sides. I rinsed it out real good and waited for it to cool down and all that but then I...
  9. Z

    high point in fermentation?

    I have been anticipating a blow off from my latest batch (filled the fermenter just a bit high). I was wondering at what point is it safe to say it isn't going to happen? is there a 'high point' in fermentation, or does it really depend on yeast and all the other variables
  10. Z

    quick stupid question

    ok thats what i thought, then started reading other recipes where people said to mash some and only steep the roasted barley and choc afterwards
  11. Z

    quick stupid question

    I am about to brew my first partial beer (the water is on the stove as we speak) but I just realized I was unsure on something. This is the grains that the recipe calls for: 7.00 lb Amber Liquid Extract [Boil for 15 min] 1.50 lb Oats, Flaked (1.0 SRM) Grain 12.43 % 1.50 lb Pale Malt (2...
  12. Z

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2011?

    115.5 + 5 gallons orange hefe = 120.5 gallons
  13. Z

    Saison du Buff recipe?

    I just had the DFH version (dont know if theyre different) of the Saison du Buff, I must say it was amazing. I was wondering if anyone had attempted making a clone of it, or if anyone had a similar recipe they could forward me to (preferably partial or extract) Thanks, and i tried...
  14. Z

    Blood Orange Hefeweizen

    sorry not sure why my first 2 pics are so huge
  15. Z

    Blood Orange Hefeweizen

    made this one yesterday, I read that people were reporting not so much citrus flavor so I decided to use 5 blood oranges and half a grape fruit. I didnt realize until now that the recipe called for the zest of just 2 though lol, I used it from all 5....I think ill get some citrus flavor with...